I am excited to announce that, after a lengthy hiatus, the show is finally back on the road. Episode 3 is in post-production and Episode 4 is already half-finished. I'm looking forward to continuing this story very soon, and thank you all for the support.
This looks amazing. Are you planning on making it 3rd person? You have the skill to make the 3D DK game that everyone has been wanting forever (when instead what we got was DK64...)
I do kind of agree with you there. But the scene with old Murph was very tear jerking. Gah, I really want a sequel, but don't want one at the same time.
Thanks, I appreciate the kinds words. I do agree that Interstellar does get a bit trippy at the end, but you can make sense of it by paying close attention to the dialogue.
Holy cow, this looks amazing. It really seems like an ambitious project. I'm surprised this topic doesn't have more responses, but these forums seem kind of dead. I hope you decide to take a bit more time with it and make it into an awesome 3D platform adventure game. I could help out with animation...
No offense, but I think you need to focus on one game at a time and polishing it as much as possible before release. Working on 3 games at the same time seems overwhelming. I did what you did once with your 3D game and rushed it to release, but doing that sort of thing will cause the internet to rip...
Very well-made demo. Great work. I noticed the game crashes when you pause. Also, there does not seem to be a save feature (granted, I only got up to Fungi Forest, but if there is a save point, you might want to make it earlier, given how hard the levels are). I also sometimes take damage even thoug...
Unfortunately, circumstances beyond my control are preventing me from getting new episodes out sooner. However, having been a few months since Episode 2, I figured I should release a trailer of things to come. It is inspired by a famous scene in Chronicles of Narnia. The Kongs receive a warm welcome...
The making of an island: http://orig15.deviantart.net/5c70/f/2016/008/e/9/2_by_sonosublime-d9n9vwy.jpg http://orig08.deviantart.net/e90f/f/2016/008/9/8/4_by_sonosublime-d9n9vx6.jpg http://orig08.deviantart.net/30fc/f/2016/008/5/3/9_by_sonosublime-d9n9vxa.jpg http://img15.deviantart.net/6aac/i/2016/0...
Thanks! I had a lot of fun making this model and putting my own spin on Crocodile Isle. There are few trees as I have to watch the poly count. It's more of a representation of the fact that there is a pine and haunted forest, not to scale. Krem Quay will be represented by a sunken ship once it is in...
Holy crap, I have to say that pirate panic looks amazing. The bramble and underwater levels have some serious clipping issues, but as a whole, it looks really good. Much better looking gameplay then the 3D levels at the moment, though I understand the 3D levels are still very early alpha? This was a...
Here's a model I created (aside from the dead trees and gargoyle heads). I'm quite happy with how it turned out - a locale I'm sure you will all recognize.
Here you go, Sono — hopefully this helps: Thanks man, that really is helpful. Used it frames to touch up on the hand and head motions. Might watch some videos of real monkeys climbing to get an idea of how their tails move. Okay, whatever you had planned for your next episodes... cancel it and chan...
Hi all, I'm having a bit of trouble, and would greatly appreciate some help. I'm trying to make an animation of Diddy climbing, but, surprisingly, it's turning out to be more difficult than it was to make a running animation for him. The keyframes I've tried just do not look right. Could someone ple...
Cancelled just when things were starting to take shape? You don't have to cancel it just because you won't meet the deadline of the 20th birthday, you know.
Who wants to visit a creepy abandoned shipwreck? Diddy and Dixie, apparently. http://img04.deviantart.net/7896/i/2015/316/f/4/gangplank_galleon_by_sonosublime-d9gh9nu.jpg http://img11.deviantart.net/e48d/i/2015/316/a/2/gangplank_galleon_boarded_by_sonosublime-d9gh9wi.jpg
I didn't say scrap the whole project. Just scrap the current script. I'll write a new one, which makes use of all the current scenes you've done so your work isn't wasted. It'll also be a lot shorter than the current script, which stands at about 30-40 mins or so. The new script would be 5-10 mins m...
It's a bit rough..but I liked it and added a 'like' on the video. If you want me to critique it further let me know. Looking forward to watching the next episode. :thumbs: Thanks. Hit me with all the feedback you've got. This will go viral!! this chapter has better ambience sounds, new kongs and vo...
The boombox is looking good. And I think the 3rd picture is the most legible subtitles. Although... I wonder if written dialogue and subtitles is the best way to go for your project. Looking at a silent movie with subtitles is odd, and I've been feeling that more and more as I watch your project dev...
Perhaps I'm jumping the gun a little bit, but while waiting for some recordings from my voice actors, I decided to start setting the scene for Episode 3...
Hi all, First off, thanks for the kind messages and support. And a very special thank you to 'vege' from DKC Atlas, who kindly created a model of Candy Kong for me to texture and port into SFM! With her finally ready, animation for Episode 2 is finally underway, and should be hitting Youtube very so...
I feel that the unmovable camera is stunting the level design. But I really like the underwater level so far. What is the music? Is that another OC Remix?
Thank you to everyone who watched the first episode of the series and made it a success! Lots of great feedback, positive comments and interest. I have not been idle the last few weeks. This is something I've been working on... http://orig00.deviantart.net/7ffd/f/2015/174/4/7/ship_display_by_sonosub...