Hey Vincent. Thanks for the reply, but I already figured it out myself a few hours ago. I actually did some more googling and stumbled upon the whole "L, R, R, etc." thing. I had completely forgotten about it hehe... Nonetheless, thanks again for taking the time to clear these things up! :)
Hey guys, sorry to bump this thread, but I have a quick question: I'm looking to start a new playthrough of DKC3 together with my brother, and we want to go for a 105% percent run. The thing is, I'm left wondering if putting in HARDR and TUFST as our names will have any effect, or if that only works...
We knew about map screens already? Was new to me . At least, the zooming in and out part.
And he mentioned Ellie because "elements" sounds somewhat like "elephants", and he was trying to get the guy from Retro/Nintendo to open up a little I guess.
Posting to let you all know I just received a Dutch game magazine in the mail with an interview with Retro and Nintendo about DKCR. I'll translate the good parts: Jurjen (name of the interviewer): I just played the game for a bit, and it's quite difficult at times. Don't you think it might be a litt...
Holy cow! I can't believe Nintendo was willing to fulfill our wishes! It's too bad I missed that part of the conference, however. The only part I got to see was the 3DS, but even that was awesome ;) . You missed a lot of awesome crap bro. You'll be in for a treat when the conference gets uploaded o...
I'll just be honest and say that I haven't done anything for my remixes yet. Only arrived back home in the Netherlands like a week and a half ago, and I'm still slowly settling back in (went looking for a job, study etc.). Today I went out and bought my KrK G2 Rokit 8 inch monitor-speakers though, a...
Reason is just as good, if not better than FL. People say it's overly complicated but it really isn't. It just looks that way. It can't use VSTs but I don't know what they are anyway and all my samples are good enough. VST's are Virtual Synthesizers. Kinda like Maelstrom in Reason, you could consid...
I'm guessing you aren't one of the many Australians here then. :P Nope, I'm from the Netherlands. Right now I guess I could be considered as one of you "downundees" though haha :P I brought a laptop with me tho, so it's not as if I won't be able to do any work on my remix at all. I'll fir...
I'd like to take a jist at Voices of the temple and/or Ice cave chant. Won't be able to actually do much work on it untill a month from now though. I'm currently overseas (New Zealand ) which is at the other side of the world for where I'm from, heh.
I logged in just to say that this wasn't a effing rickroll. It's a goddamn song!
It would've only been a rickroll if they had said something like "and now, Britney Spears will sing her newest song" and THEN Rick Astley popped out to sing his song.
I have the same darn thing with this Kirby game for the Game Boy Advance. No matter HOW many times I save, my stupid savegames always manage to magically disappear after shutting the game down.
What a coincidence! I have a cat named Max too! :D besides that I have: - another cat named Hera - 2 chickens (named Dotty and Do) and 2 hen (named Igor and...well the other one has no name yet) - a nameless bird (don't know what kind of bird he is) Oh and, next week Hera is going to give birth to a...
The D-pad is pretty good on the gamepad. The actual 'plus' or + part of the D-pad is a bit higher than the rest of the D-pad so it feels almost the same as on a regular SNES controller. My only complaint would be that I'm stuck with two anolog sticks I'm not using. So anyone wanna buy some analog st...
Well thanks for the tips/advise/recommendations guys! I actually bought a gamepad a few days ago but I forgot about this thread :lol:. Anyways, I bought a 'Trust Predator Gamepad" Yes, I know, Trust is not the best out there, but the gamepad is perfect for SNES gaming. :D Here's a piccy for you...
Yeah, I realise they are taller, but that's because I like the way it looks that way better + some things wouldn't fit on the size you used/advised in the tutorial.
I made a few using Qyz's GIMP tutorial. Feel free to use and/or abuse. :D http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v191/TetraLink/exitsign.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v191/TetraLink/diddynroller.png http://img.photobucket.com/albums/v191/TetraLink/diddyrollavatar.png http://img.photobucket.com/al...