All right, did more revisions, and a lot more work, are we talking about all the DKC games, or just concentrating on the first one? What the innovative thing was about these two characters is how they use a sort of teamwork system. As you play the game, you’ll most likely be controlling both of the ...
Eh, I dunno why but I actually like the look of this. Granted the whole impossible gameplay and only three levels thing are big cons. Other than that though in my opinion, the game actually looks pretty good graphically.
Thanks for the help guys, I got the mistakes all sorted out, and I was able to do some more, note that I haven't looked over this section so no doubt there are plenty mistakes :P. I'm gonna look over it tonight, I'm just showing so no one would think I'm slacking xD. Ah and what about the characters...
All right, this is what I got so far, tell me what you guys think >_>. When Donkey Kong Country was released for the SNES, it had many platformers to challenge. The main enemy though, was Sonic the Hedgehog, which was stealing Mario’s (And nintendo’s) thunder and giving it to Sega. Therefore...
Okay, I got some for coral capers :).
Err... I'm not exactly sure whether this should be here or in the youtube topic. If it's in the wrong place could the mods please move it? Anyway I decided to just make a topic about our youtube channels and all the Donkey Kong related stuff we do with them. Me for example, I do these little things ...
Heh, just got my first 103% ending last night. Considering I already saw the whole ending before (I thought I could never do it, I surprised myself. :P), it wasn't exactly bad. The thing that annoyed me was the placement of some caves, along with the mother bird's placement. It's a little ye...
Well, the only other explanation I could think of is that your cartridge is simply somehow inferior to others. I still have my Yoshi's Island, had it for more than ten years, and it still works. Although it suffers the problem your F-Zero cart does (Touching the cartridge during game time makes it g...
A new serious DK game for the consoles would be a nice breath of fresh air. I dunno why the last one failed (The one where you control DK with the bongos?) but I'm pretty sure one for the wii will receive great reception. As a matter of fact, many nintendo fans are saying that nintendo has already m...
Sorry for the bad way the choices are worded. I don't know most of their names XD. My personal favorite goes to the mines, I like the fact that they put in tool noises to add to the beat, as well as an (Electronic?) chorus to bring up the atmosphere.
My personal favorite has to be K.Rool duel. Ever since I first heard this tune when I was a kid I was so blown away. The fact that it turned from a jittery pirate tune to some awesome rocking music pumped me up in ways I never felt before XD. Second favorite is underwater for the calming atmosphere,...
You mean as in scar y or as in bad ? I mean as in scary bad. Like a mixture of both. Not only do they not fit with the animal (How does a snake make that noise? O_O) they just came out so unexpectedly. I know it's DKC so not a lot of the stuff in there makes sense in the first place >.>.
Kleaver (For looks) and K.Rool (Lost world-gameplay). For kleaver, he's a sword possessed by a crocodile slashing at you randomly. The skull is pretty cool looking, and the concept is great. Final K.Rool fight for the fact that you KNOW he's pissed at you, and I don't even want to know what he would...
DKC was one of the first games I played when I moved to the USA at four years old. I was to young to care about graphics or anything like that, and I have to admit, it was hard. I also played DKC2 after, both were very hard for me. Yet I still played them. I played them over and over and over again,...
Hehe, I'm not talented enough to make remixes yet (Although I'm starting to look into it. It will probably take a while but I'm thinking of how a crocodile Isle remix would sound like.), yet I should just comment for anyone who hasn't heard yet. "Chekan Winter" Which can be found on OCremi...
I apologize if it may seem silly, reviving this topic to post my thoughts, but I feel like I need too. Remember how Mario fought Donkey Kong on some sort of construction site? What if the humans were trying to industrialize DK island? Yet with the constant abductions of Paulina and destruction from ...