Hey long time no see
Markster wrote:Guess what everyone, it is 43 degrees where I live right now, the coldest it got in history was -19 degrees.
Chibisai Kong wrote:Wait, what?!
HavocReaper48 wrote:School starts in a couple of days...
DKCplayer wrote:The original songs in the game I probably won't have in my head, but they're not bad.[/spoiler]
Scraps69 wrote:Asides, Star Fox WII and F-ZERO WII is something I want to hear about.
Kong-Fu wrote:Gnawzooka wrote:So, here I am hoping David Wise accepts my friend request on Facebook.
Link please!
Simion32 wrote:On an unrelated note, Internet Explorer 6 sucks!
Tiptup Jr. wrote:You know, I definitely wouldn't call your mom laugh-out-loud funny.
Tiptup Jr. wrote:Ugh, I had this really long and epic response typed out on my phone but for some reason it wouldn't post, and then I lost it... basically it said I'M RIGHT BWAHAHAHFG'OASDJGI;I