Simion32 wrote:*checks RE code*
Actually, 15FPS is correct. My bad...
It was actually 1 image every 2 frames, in 30FPS (DKC SNES rendering speed). DOH'
Phyreburnz wrote:Now if somebody would say "your opinion is crap because of A, B, and C," that is much more acceptable.
Scraps69 wrote:Orchestrated music has nuances that computer generated music cannot imitate.
YoshiInAVoid wrote:This is amazing! How did you make it? I feel like such a noob since I can't figure out how to load a sprite or more than one layer of backgrounds at a time in SNES ASM
aperson98 wrote:Check this out today I found what the Genesis sound system can do when pushed to it's fullest. ... re=related
Wow just wow I didn't think the Genesis had the capabilty to do this!