Welp, the worst possible thing happened.
So, I just recently finished my "DK Collection", with all versions of the original games, all 3 DKLs, DK64, DKR, and DKCR.
WELP, just the other day, I realized "what. My copy of the original DKC is fake"

Oops, forgot to say which one. Well, it wasn't the SNES version (that'd be too horrifying for words, plus it has been in my family's possession since 1994), and it wasn't the GBC version (I got it with the box, manual, even the Nintendo Power flyer).
Which leaves the GBA version. The only version of the original DKC that I didn't get with the box.
Turns out, I thought it was fake right before I bought it, but I gave it a second chance (the label looked a little off).
Of course, I doubt the place I got it at has 4-month long return fees, so I disposed of it.
This is the second fake GBA game I came across (first was Wario Land 4, which I happened to notice really quickly because the cart looked funny, and I returned it the next day).
I figure the reason why the DKC GBA games are copied by pirates so much, is because the original SNES ones had copy protection, while the GBA ones didn't, so I guess it was some sort of revenge thing.
Still, it is depressing that of all the games that could have been fakes, it HAD to be DKC.
It's also depressing when searching for "DKC3 GBA cart" on Google Images brings up more fake ones than real ones.
Oh well, gotta look for a replacement now. A REAL one this time.
heh, I was still able to finish the game and unlock Hero Mode before this though.ANYWAY, less depressing content: It turns out that the buses in my city all use that Gil Sans font on the doors. You know, that font that's used for many decorative things in the first DKC?