Dreams and Nightmares

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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » March 31st, 2012, 12:25 pm

Super Luigi! wrote:Here's another dream: My History teacher tried to kill me when I turned his room's lights off. That was basically it. I don't know what it means, and my teacher would never do something like that.

Something close to that happened once. At the beginning of the school year, one of the kids in my eighth period chemistry class said he had a dream the previous night they were fighting Resident Evil-styled and she was trying to kill him, even goin so far as to kick him where it hurts...
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » April 6th, 2012, 7:03 am

Had a really strange one last night. In fact, it was so strange and event-filled that I can't even remember what happened fully.

From what I *do* remember, I was in some sort of Oceanography classroom in a theater-like setting with bright bleachers and such. I was sitting down building some sort of tiki hut thingy on my desk and my professor, some black lady, was like "nuh-uh, you don't be doin' stuff like that. You need to read Chapter 2. I need to move you over here". So she did. I was moved near the top right area (from my perspective). Shook hands with the dude who sits next to me and sitting behind me were an old lady and 2 girls my age. The old lady's like "when we take Oceanography 2, want to do it for me?" I said "yeah, I will" and started to play around with the idea. I was even like "when we have tests, I'll just look behind you and go "pssst....can I see your test?". The girls/old lady were laughing like hell.

We ended up having a small break and I guess I left my money, phone and other goods on my desk, because I noticed they were missing and started hauling ass back to the room (I even threw a cup in the garbage but missed and threw it about 200 feet, that's how fast I was going!). I got back and my stuff was there still, thankfully.

I then ended up having to go to the bathroom. I asked someone where the bathrooms were, and it seemed Women's was on the right, Man's, on the left. So I went to the left and it seemed like the bathroom was actually in the shape of a Colosseum-like thing, with urinal-like devices all around the circular walls. Men and women populated the bathrooms and nobody seemed to be doing anything productive, let alone going to the bathroom.

Next thing I know, I see a water slide that seems to be crashing into the ocean below. People are going down and going "BOOM" against the sharp rocks underneath. Apparently everyone has to do it, so my brother (who I didn't even know was there) and I had to go on it unless we had a good reason. Well, it turned out the house next to that water slide belonged to two people we both know, so as we were falling off, we grabbed onto this long, red pipe and propelled ourselves up to the top from where we fell.

Then, the next thing I know, I was standing in that Colosseum thing near the fence and there seemed to be a small mud whirlpool of some kind dragging down a baby. I was like "HELP! A BABY IS IN THERE!" and it then dawned on me that it was actually a baby chimpanzee with an anthropomorphic chimpanzee parent (who I assume was its mom) standing about 10 feet from the whirlpool. The adult chimpanzee then looked at me in the eyes and started chasing me around the Colosseum, I kid you not.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Ninni973 » April 8th, 2012, 12:58 am

I had a nightmare that my laptop got a terrible virus with extremely loud noises that wiped out all my data. I was thinking "What will happen to Wind Waker Z?" while my laptop was showing strange pictures rapidly. After the virus, I clicked on the Windows Explorer and it said it had a V file, which caused the virus. After that, I was thinking "Oh, well. I can start all over again on Wind Waker Z.". It was one of the worst nightmares I ever had.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » May 10th, 2012, 12:19 pm

Had a huge headache earlier this afternoon so I decided I'd take a rest for a while.

So, in my dream, I was at a fancy restaurant with 3 women I do not know in person and ordered this extravagant meal. It was magnificent! Before we left (after we had paid and started to leave the restaurant), the waiter stacked several of those complementary mints on the table, so I decided I'd get a few. I then noticed my legs were starting to fall asleep, which wasn't too big a problem because I was still *barely* able to walk. So I got some mints and started to run up the staircase with the women for whatever reason. Here's where things get trippy (literally): as I was running up the stairs, I lost complete movement in my legs and crashed down on the stairs. I woke up (as if I fainted) and saw several people hovering above me. My thumb was in my mouth and I literally could not move.

Woke up in real life 7 minutes after I initially laid down.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » May 10th, 2012, 1:28 pm

That is very interesting, Cody. I've got one of my dreams for you.

So basically, my dream was about some sort of pool party family reunion in the MW3 map Mission. The whole map was underwater, with the exception of some areas. I saw one of my friends and a baby underwater, and I swam in the dream close to how I do in real life.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » May 27th, 2012, 9:01 am

I had a dream the other night that I was able to *clone* objects by making a motion of tearing a particular object (like one would a paper) and quickly smacking the back of my left hand on the table. The object would be in my hand (the one that was still holding it after I did the tearing) and on the table, near my other hand. I remember cloning my DS Lite about 7 times.

What's really odd about this dream is that I had a similar one a while back (had to have been 2 years ago, as well) in which I cloned my Super Nintendo the exact same way. I guess my subconscious has either 1. projected that method as a possibility of cloning stuff (not gonna lie, both times I woke up and promptly tried to clone stuff :P) or 2. the whole entire scenario represents something I'm totally not aware of.

I also just realized that apparently the "tearing" might mean that I'm literally ripping what I want to clone into two, hence it being a possibility. Wow.

Last night's dream was pretty interesting: there was a Lucy in the Sky with Diamonds (the Beatles song) concert with colorful lights and fantastic imagery. As the track started out with that iconic electronic organ riff, lines lit up in intense colors after each beat on top of one another. As the lyrics "Picture yourself in a boat on a river..." started to play after the organ, displayed on the huge screen was this REALLY beautiful watercolor drawing of a boat floating in a river painted blessed with strong greens, oranges and reds. Truly a beautiful sight.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » June 10th, 2012, 4:10 am

I had a dream last night hat was just FREAKING AWESOME.

I was with Guy Henry.

Yes Guy Henry, who played Pius Thicknesse in Deathly Hallows, in my dreams!

One of my most wonderful ones ever, we talked and talked about his works, his twitter page, his character on Holby City. We even just laid back and Hun out for a few hours.

Alas, a tiny part of me knew it was a dream because why would a celebrity be in a barely-known Texas town?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » October 23rd, 2012, 1:16 pm

It's been a while since I've posted, but I had such a dumb dream last night and I had to share it!

I dreamed I was at the store with my mum and brother, and I was looking for apples (in real life, I just got some and I've wanted to get some for my dorm room so I eat healthier). There was a lady by the apples giving some free samples and asked if I wanted to try one and, of course, I said yes. My favorite apples are McIntosh, so I was looking for those. The lady kept calling them apple macs, like the computer. She kept calling them that, and I was making it a point to call them McIntosh apples, because it was annoying me and I was trying to hint that she was calling them the wrong name.

My dreams are dumb! :lol:
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » October 24th, 2012, 4:00 am

I had a DKC-Atlas related dream last night! (Not technically DKC-related, so I put it here, rather than DKC-related dreams.)

Somebody made a logo thing for the top of the forum that included cartoons of all the active people on the forum. It was an animated thing, and it was specifically there for Halloween, so every cartoon had a Halloween costume on. It was in tiers with Simion and I think Qyz on top, then some other really active people below, including myself, and I can't remember who else *Edit* I also forgot to mention specifically seeing Chibisai and Tonberry in the animated thing */Edit*, then a bunch at the bottom. It was kinda cool and all of the characters interacted with each other, and even had conversations.

Oh, and from what I can remember, most of the characters looked like they were wearing suits like Samus Aran for some reason. And I remember my character having long, straight, and red hair... which is weird, because my hair isn't long or straight.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Gaz » October 24th, 2012, 4:37 am

I dreamed like two times about a series finale of Planet Sheen (The episode MetamorphoSheen and Shave the Last Dance for Me was strangely replaced with an eleven minute series finale apparently) where a rocket flung on to Zeenu and Sheen/Mr. Nesmith flew with everyone to Earth (The Emperor, for some reason, said SHEEN! DON'T LOOK UP!!! oddly...) When Sheen showed the Emperor the sky, the Zeenuians were impressed. I watch too much Planet Sheen :lol: .

An embarrassing dream I had;
Another creepy dream I had two nights ago is that Chibisai Kong wanted to date me (even if I don't really know who she is that much...) Don't ask me why I dreamed that. Probably because I pair her and Markster too much like a couple :oops: .
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » October 25th, 2012, 7:50 am

Conker's Bad Fur Day wrote:An embarrassing dream I had;
Another creepy dream I had two nights ago is that Chibisai Kong wanted to date me (even if I don't really know who she is that much...) Don't ask me why I dreamed that. Probably because I pair her and Markster too much like a couple :oops: .

While I'm flattered you had a dream with me in it, why do you pair me and Markster up?! He's like an online little brother to me!
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » October 26th, 2012, 6:24 am

Took a nap about 2 weeks ago and had an odd one.

Me and a buddy were hanging out, having lunch at a picnic table near an unspecified library. He needed to print out some papers so he asked me to hold his capless water bottle as we went into the library. He handed it to me and we both entered the library. Unfortunately though, he accidentally elbowed me which knocked the water bottle out of my hand and onto the floor, thus spilling the water all over the carpet.

People ended up getting outraged and essentially ridiculed me. One lady even wanted to take me to "small claims court" (direct quote). Anyways, I was escorted by security into a small hallway resembling a hotel hallway and was told not to go anywhere. As I was against the wall, this curvy blonde woman in a red shirt came up to me and seductively said "I know what I can do to cheer you up."

She pressed her body against me and proceeded to make out with me. Now what's odd about this is that when it happened, I physically felt it and was able to think about things as it was going on. After what seemed like about 5 seconds, I stopped making out with her, thinking security was going to come back, and out of nowhere this janitor approached me and said "excuse me." I said "I'm sorry, sir" (thinking that the girl was his daughter) and he walked right past me into this closet, where he proceeded to grab a mop and a bucket. I then watched him go up to the water I'd spilled and he cleaned it up.

I take it the janitor wasn't her father.

I had a dream 2 nights ago that I was in 'another' library. This time, someone had asked me to pour him wine. I was in the process of doing so and this lady came up to me and asked to see my ID. I pulled it out and she claimed it was fake because "it didn't have the state bird" and because "the picture looked nothing like [me]". It took me 15 minutes to convince her that it was actually me, and when I did so she took off saying she was just playing around. What the hell?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Gaz » October 26th, 2012, 9:38 am

Chibisai Kong: I don't know. My body has the feel to it that you and Markster are a couple...

Cody: Was the lady in your dream hot? Katastrophe Kong would've loved it that way.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » October 28th, 2012, 11:41 am


In any case, I don't remember :|
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » October 28th, 2012, 12:13 pm

That library dream is pretty weird, Cody! That literally made me laugh out loud!

On a side-note.... I used to work at a library... I miss it :cry:
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Chibisai Kong » October 28th, 2012, 2:46 pm

Conker's Bad Fur Day wrote:Chibisai Kong: I don't know. My body has the feel to it that you and Markster are a couple...

When people see me treating a younger male friend like a brother, a lot of them get that feel.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » October 29th, 2012, 4:52 am

All in a day's work for Chibisai Kong.

I dreamed many things last night, but I will only tell you one. I was in my bathroom (not the library's) and saw in my mirror that I had long hair like my mom's. I then thought, "Well, I did say that I was going to grow it out!" Not as riveting as Cody's dream, but makes sense when you want it to.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » October 29th, 2012, 12:49 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:That library dream is pretty weird, Cody! That literally made me laugh out loud!

I know, right?

9/10 times I'll wake up from a dream and go "wtf :huh:"...sometimes my dreams are so abnormally bizarre that I haven't told a soul, haha.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » November 7th, 2012, 12:24 pm

Had a super strange one last night.

I dreamed that I went to use the bathroom, and I saw that the toilet was completely clogged and on the verge of overflowing: someone had gone #2 and placed a LOT of toilet paper in the toilet. Moreover, there was a plunger submerged almost all the way in the toilet paper! What the hell?

I had taken the plunger out and fixed the toilet, and upon exiting the bathroom I saw my buddy Matt. I asked if he was the one who clogged the toilet. He smiled and said "yeah, sorry bro." I told him no worries and that next time he should take responsibility for his own messes.

So.... I reiterate: What the hell?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Gaz » November 8th, 2012, 11:06 am

I can see why you don't tell us your dreams... I currently don't have any dreams to share at the moment, except that Dib turned to a fiary and was assigned to me (Fairly OddParents! reference...)
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » November 8th, 2012, 3:15 pm

Another dream I had, for anybody who cares to know:

I was in my English class and was fooling my classmates. See, everytime I stretched my left arm out, I would teleport to the other side of the room. But in (dream) reality, I wasn't the one teleporting; my Gardevoir (who was inside of her Pokeball) read my mind and transported me from place to place. Everybody was so amazed.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Cody » November 12th, 2012, 8:39 am

I dreamed that Shaggy and Scooby Doo were outside at a festival of some kind. They were at a booth talking to this professional dog-seller lady about about entering their dog in a dog race. They had on a leash this giant plasticky inflatable yellow dog, which was obviously fake. The lady was like, "Sorry, that's a fake dog. You two need to get a real dog."

To this, Scooby himself said "zoinks! where are we going to get a REAL dog?" I woke up and literally said out loud "you ARE a real dog!!!"

My dreams are weird! :lol:
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Gaz » September 21st, 2013, 1:26 am

Bump, but I had a Luigi's Mansion-related dream.

I dreamt that Luigi had to collect two eggs and give them both to Professor E. Gadd to get extra money. The eggs were located on a shelf in the Ball Room (The Floating Whirlindas) on a shelf that appeared from nowhere. Luigi collected eggs using his Poltergust 3000 (even if he just climbed up a ladder and could reach the eggs. He then did his victory pose and went back to the Foyer.

Back at the Foyer, Luigi saw the right door was slightly open. So he went outside to E. Gadd's lab and a giant green snake (who did nothing) slithered by in the background. It was 5:59 A.M. and Luigi gave the eggs to Professor E. Gadd and the only thing he got in exchange was an evil laugh from him. His lab looked like his lab in Luigi's Mansion: Dark Moon, oddly, even if this dream was based on Luigi's Mansion for the GameCube. It said 6:03 A.M. in a neon green clock in his lab. I then woke up and Luigi never got the extra money. :scratch:

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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Phyreburnz » September 22nd, 2013, 6:49 am

Oh, I think I should tell you guys the crazy dream I had the other day... Everybody thought it was pretty funny.

I was running between classes and I was hungry. I stopped somewhere to order food and went to pull out my card to pay. The guy said not to worry about paying because it was a certain holiday and paid for it. I was also hungry for barbecue chips, so I grabbed a bag. The bag was bigger than a personal size, but smaller than a regular size. The bag of chips cost $7. I opened the bag, and in amongst the chips were two electric jar candles. I remember thinking what a deal I got because just one of those electric jar candles cost twice that much.

First of all, I know I have a problem when it comes to barbecue chips... they are a weakness of mine. Sooooo delicious.... Second of all.... electric jar candles.... in a bag of chips... what the hell?

In real life, I went out that day and got a bag of barbecue chips... they were the worst chips I've ever had. The first ingredient said "potato ingredients (potato starch, potato flakes).... so the moral of that story is if the first ingredient does not say "potatoes," don't buy it because it's probably terrible.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Super Luigi! » September 23rd, 2013, 2:47 pm

I suppose I should share mine as well.

OK, so two nights ago, I had this dream. Basically, I was talking to my parents about my job's certain aspects. Somehow, I made my mom cry and my dad upset. I think my dad tore my truck apart, turned it into a tractor, and drove it up and down the street. Then, when I went to deliver to this one house not far away, a group of Mexicans came out, saw that I was without clothes, and began to grope me. It was then that I woke up.

The (insert adjective here) thing is, everything in the dream happened the next day in some way. I drove my truck to work, the first house I delivered to wasn't far away, and my parents were upset. I didn't meet the Mexicans directly, but they were there. But in the end, one question still remains: Is this a dream or a nightmare?
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Kiddy14 » September 29th, 2013, 5:57 pm

So I saw this thread and I thought I could contribute; I hope you don't mind!

I almost never talk about my dreams because, personally, I think they're just too weird (too as in really, really). Sometimes, I wish I had normal dreams since they can get pretty tiring for me (who knew our mind could work so hard when we're asleep?), but I like the creative part of them, and in the end, I'm happy they're weird =P

I usually tell this one first.
I am in elementary school and we've just gone for a trip to a local museum. Everything was fine but, just as we were heading to the buses my friend made me drop my soda, so I offered to clean it while he offered to take my backpack to the bus. After I was ready to go, I went outside but everybody was running towards me (not just my classmates, everybody). I asked what was going on and my friend told me there was a monster coming. I then asked for my backpack but he said he had dropped everything he had while running.

I'm a little bit stubborn so I decided to pick it up since I could see it. Just as I was about to pick it up I see this giant mutant cat coming from further in the street and stepping on a bus like it was nothing. I decided against the best and went for it. The cat then noticed me. I tried to run away but it picked me up, scratching and biting me. I then blacked out. When I woke up I wasn't on a bed, I was in some sort of container filled with a gooey fluid. I could hear some scientists talk about my case. Apparently, the cat's mutation had caused the DNA in my cells to regress and myself to devolve into a "modern Australopithecus afarensis".

I then woke up and felt extremely heavy for the next 10 minutes.

And here's a funnier one.
I am inside some sort of really small warehouse. There's barely any light and the floor, ceiling and walls all have this same dull gray color, not like metal but like concrete. At the end there's a platform made of the same material as the warehouse. I then go outside to see the most beautiful sight I had ever seen. The warehouse is located in some sort of forest/neighborhood hybrid. There isn't much grass, but there are a lot of violet/lilac petals on the floor, and the small trees had a autumnal feeling to them (small and almost no leaves). There's a small paved road in front of the warehouse and to the sides there seem to be delimiters made of white stone for the different properties, but there aren't any other houses, just trees.

I go to the right and eventually reach the city. There's nobody in it, though. I suddenly hear moaning and somehow know zombies are coming. I run to an outdoor mall, see a metal spiral staircase and somehow hide in the middle of it. I see a horde of zombies run really fast below me. Since they seem to be gone I decide to run back to the warehouse. When I reach the beautiful forest/neighborhood I notice it's now full of zombies scattered everywhere. I run through all of them and they start chasing me. I get into the warehouse and think I'm safe. I look back and there are a lot of zombies inside of it. I'm so scared I start screaming and shaking.

Then a zombie on the platform at the end asks me -"why are you so scared?" -"What? What do you mean?" -"We just wanted to invite you to the partay!" Just then a disco ball starts lowering from the ceiling, colored dots start surrounding the warehouse and the zombies start dancing to disco music. I then dance disco with zombies in a warehouse in a beautiful forest full of fallen lavender petals.
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Re: Dreams and Nightmares

Postby Gaz » September 30th, 2013, 3:57 am

The ending to the second dream was very odd. I haven't had much dreams myself, unfortunately. I did list that Luigi's Mansion one.

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