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The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 9:21 am
by Markster
Game Maker will always be my favorite way to program games, it has an easy actions system, and a code system which is easy to understand, every game i made was programmed in Game Maker GML, when Game Maker 8.X, they changed there game programming type from Delphi to C++, which means games will be 1000X faster, plus they made a better sprite/backgrounds system.
I have made thousands of game maker games before, most a total failure.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 10:00 am
by Simion32
Their change of language to C++ may have made the program a little faster, but come on... 1000 times? Really? I very highly doubt that's even possible to begin with, even 100 times. 10 might sound a bit plausible, but I doubt the program was bad off enough to use 10x the time back before v8.0.
THE reason GM is slow as it is (without bias or loss of generality), is that it uses a scripting engine. This is always slower, period.
THIS VIDEO is what DKC looks like in Game Maker, but my god...
it's bloody freaking sluggish. Before I stopped working on this GM build, I had not even gotten to the more complex details of the game AND the engine wasn't accurate at all.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 10:10 am
by FrankMorris
Markster wrote:I have made thousands of game maker games before, most a total failure.
Your biggest failure is that after 1000s of failures you're still using it..
Start learning C++ today! Life is short - Make each hour count
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 10:12 am
by Markster
Hey, I watch that video before, I was exaggerating about that, I was not really aiming for DKC, I was more aiming for different games, and have you seen DKCE, it was an amazing remake of DKC's physics and it was made with game maker 7...
I have made a lot of great games before, in fact, I am a game maker master now.
Also I have ran your engine on my computer, it was fast, I think its just your PC.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 11:20 am
by Simion32
Yes I've seen DKCE, it was made by
Gamester (I'm the one who introduced him to this forum).
If you can run my old engine at full speed ahead, you have a fairly recent PC.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 12:19 pm
by Markster
I got my computer in February 2011, my parents bought it for me, and yes, it's pretty recent, it has 3GB of RAM, dual core processor running at 2.80GHZ, a 500GB hard drive, and Windows 7 Home, my computer is great for running game maker games at full speed.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 12:31 pm
by Kingizor
Markster wrote:dual core processor running at 2.80GHZ
But you neglect to mention it's an AMD CPU you've got, not Intel, so downvotes for you...
Regardless of the specs, I'd imagine that the capabilities and potential of pure C++ far exceed Game Maker in many ways.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
August 22nd, 2011, 12:44 pm
by Markster
I have AMD, and you are right, C++ is faster, but the reason i like game maker is because its quicker and easier to use.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
January 14th, 2012, 7:08 am
by Markster
Bump! I bumped my own topic!
Before you make a Game Maker game, here is some stuff you will need.
1. Set the room speeds to 60, default it is 30, but 30 is not good, use 60. (60FPS FTW!)
2. Set your Game Maker on advance mode if it is on simple mode.
3. Use YoYoGames to host your game.
And your all set.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
January 14th, 2012, 1:29 pm
by Soniccuz
Awesome a game maker topic. I keep seeing people turn out some awesome stuff with it.
I've been experimenting with it off, and on for the last few months now. Hoping to make something similar to Gargoyle's Quest, though College is likely going to slow down progress for the foreseeable future.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
February 5th, 2012, 6:51 am
by Markster
Mark Adventure 2 will be delayed till March or April, but instead, I will make something different, it is a game about Sega's Cream The Rabbit, she gets kidnapped by this evil animal testing company, and she has to go on an adventure to get back home, in the game, you collect carrots, and once you beat a level, the amount of carrots will restore your life, just like MA, the game will be using the MA platform engine, except modified, Cream will move faster than Mark, and she can float for a few seconds with her ears, when will this game come out, in a month or two, after this game, MA2 will be back in development.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
February 5th, 2012, 2:36 pm
by Super Luigi!
OK, I'm going to figure out a way to play that game. It is my duty to show my support to President Markster and to the wonderfully polite Cream, who saved me so many months ago.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
March 12th, 2012, 8:33 am
by Markster
I am planning to make a RTS game kinda like Command & Conquer, it is about WW2, you can play as the Soviet Union, or the Nazis.
Re: The Game Maker Topic
December 6th, 2012, 1:53 pm
by Soniccuz
I should probably ask this at the Yoyo games community but, before I start signing up for yet another account, I thought I'd resurrect this topic.
I've been working on recreating Dragon Warrior (or Dragon Quest if you prefer) for a student project, and I'm looking to make a system so the player can save their progress, and come back over time. After all who wants to play through an RPG only to lose all that progress when they close out? I figure this would mainly require saving the global variables that hold the players level, and max stats and that's a little too complicated for game makers default save function.
I tried diving into writing the variables to int files as a solution, but, that made it impossible for the game to display number variables, and I had to fall back to a backup file.
Would any of you have some insight into save files, or writing to int files? I pretty sure my solution lies with writing to int files.