Unlike the level archtype threads, you have no limit to decide or change your vote. You may vote up to six of your selections.
The bonus room names are taken from the GBA port.
Here are the room descriptions:

This title is slightly misleading, as you are put in a room lined with at least one Klap Trap, which is the only kind of enemy you will encounter in this kind of room. Attacking Klap Traps here will make them spit out bananas. You get more and more bananas each time you hit them until the Klap Traps disappear.

You appear in a room filled with bananas. You can simply collect as many of them as you wish.

Rooms where a more extravagant collectible is offered, such as KONG letters or extra lives. The most common form of this room is one where you launch youself to the top of the room from a Barrel Cannon.

Short rooms that let you collect bananas along the way.

The first variant is to spell out the word "KONG" correctly on the barrels to win the prizes. The second type is my favorite: There's a spinning wheel of letters above you, and you have to select the right letters to spell out the word within.

These are roulette and guessing games involving barrels. The first variant lets you match up certain prizes and win them, while the second has you pick which barrel the prize is last seen in.