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Bobbing Barrel Brawl on foot

PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 3:18 am
by Raccoon Sam
Just worked around this trick today but later found out that it's already know. But hey, it's still a great exploit.
You must be Kiddy and have Dixie.
Jumping at the very first barrel and turning backwards just before going in will shoot the Kongs straight up, facing backwards.
If you manage to fall the slope up enough while avoiding hitting the barrel, a quick team-throw will make it possible to jump over the Ellie barrel.
In a nutshell; attempt a backwards team-throw from as close as the Ellie barrel as possible.

Re: Bobbing Barrel Brawl on foot

PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 1:01 pm
by Kiddy14
Yeah, I've seen it, just as hard as the Tearaway Tobbogan trick!

Anyway, did you use TAS?
I'm happy I did it in my SNES :D I just tried like, 50 times xD

Re: Bobbing Barrel Brawl on foot

PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 2:54 pm
by Qyzbud
It's a very nifty trick indeed. How about editing an explanation of it into your first post... these boards aren't just for YouTube links, you know. ;)

Re: Bobbing Barrel Brawl on foot

PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 3:07 pm
by Raccoon Sam
First post edited.. I Hope I was specific enough :X
EDIT: You should put a 'add a description to your glitches, please' - disclaimer on top of the glitch sub-forums or something, I guess that'd help.

Re: Bobbing Barrel Brawl on foot

PostPosted: May 26th, 2008, 10:13 pm
by Qyzbud
The glitch subforum's description is visible from the main DKC3 board:

DKC3 Glitches
Post in here to discuss any glitches you have discovered for Donkey Kong Country 3...
Please create a new topic for each unique glitch, and explain how it is performed (if known).

Perhaps I ought to have it displayed more prominently; I can see why you may have missed it.

PS. Your description is fine, thanks for adding it. :)