Oooooh... banana!
I'm not a big fan of DK64, and its soundtrack felt to me
much more like a Banjo game than a DK game... not to say Banjo's music is inferior, just that it fits better in Banjo's world. That's my belief, anyway. I guess that's where OCR can step in and give it the DKC-style mix-over treatment
— if they so choose... *fingers crossed!*
I must say I strongly approve of the guidelines project leader 'SoSiuxMe' has put in place:
The pieces should reflect on the level/world/character they represent, or some quality that the remixer sees in the level itself; should be unique. Try to avoid staying too close to the original, and try to lean more towards the genre the remix best fits into.
That's pretty much what I've always hoped for with DKC remixes, and it gives me hope that I'll enjoy what people come up with.
By the way; I won't consider the DK ReMix project series complete until at least Donkey Kong Land
(1) gets covered... that game had some excellent unique tunes, and some notable expansions on tracks we know and love from its 16-bit counterpart. DKL2/3 were pretty insignificant musically, but the first of the series was full of musical excellence.