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OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 27th, 2013, 9:26 am
by BlueTronic
I'm excited for this! It will complete the long but much deserved string of OCRemix's Donkey Kong/Rare remix projects. I'm also proud to say I have been working on a remix for this project, on which I will probably end up needing help with production :kiddysad:

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 27th, 2013, 10:13 am
by Qyzbud
Oooooh... banana!

I'm not a big fan of DK64, and its soundtrack felt to me much more like a Banjo game than a DK game... not to say Banjo's music is inferior, just that it fits better in Banjo's world. That's my belief, anyway. I guess that's where OCR can step in and give it the DKC-style mix-over treatment if they so choose... *fingers crossed!*

I must say I strongly approve of the guidelines project leader 'SoSiuxMe' has put in place:

The pieces should reflect on the level/world/character they represent, or some quality that the remixer sees in the level itself; should be unique. Try to avoid staying too close to the original, and try to lean more towards the genre the remix best fits into.

That's pretty much what I've always hoped for with DKC remixes, and it gives me hope that I'll enjoy what people come up with.

By the way; I won't consider the DK ReMix project series complete until at least Donkey Kong Land (1) gets covered... that game had some excellent unique tunes, and some notable expansions on tracks we know and love from its 16-bit counterpart. DKL2/3 were pretty insignificant musically, but the first of the series was full of musical excellence. B/

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 27th, 2013, 2:34 pm
by BlueTronic
Qyzbud wrote:I'm not a big fan of DK64, and its soundtrack felt to me much more like a Banjo game than a DK game... not to say Banjo's music is inferior, just that it fits better in Banjo's world. That's my belief, anyway.

I've never played Banjo, but I love the cartoony style. I think that kind of music is just Grant's style

I guess that's where OCR can step in and give it the DKC-style mix-over treatment, I guess if they so choose... *fingers crossed!*

Yeah... looking back at OCR's DKC3 remix album, I'd say that's not what the remixers of OCR have in mind. A lot of the Double the Trouble remixes were dubsteppy garbage or bore little to no similarity to the original track. But fortunately, that policy of "should reflect on the world they represent" should eliminate that pop-music plague which somewhat infected Double the Trouble.

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 27th, 2013, 3:20 pm
by Qyzbud
We can only hope! :lol:

Or, well... I guess we can help make it happen. :swanky:

And yeah, you'd be right that 'cartoony' is Grant's signature musical style for game soundtracks... I like his stuff, too... but I definitely think Dave's epic, atmospheric, environmental style fits the world of DK a bit better. That could just be because I've grown up with it as background music for the DKC games, or because it's the style of music I enjoy the most in pretty much any context... but hey; I can't help but feel that David Wise is one of the main reasons for my love of these games.

Hang on- what was that? You've never played Banjo-Kazooie?! Good god, man... where have you been for the past 14 or so years?! :shock:

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 27th, 2013, 5:46 pm
by BlueTronic
Qyzbud wrote:We can only hope! :lol:

Or, well... I guess we can help make it happen. :swanky:

Touche :twisted:

...That could just be because I've grown up with it as background music for the DKC games, or because it's the style of music I enjoy the most in pretty much any context... but hey; I can't help but feel that David Wise is one of the main reasons for my love of these games.

Exactly how I feel!

Hang on- what was that? you've never played Banjo-Kazooie?! Good god, man — where have you been for the past 14 or so years?! :shock:

Hehe well I never heard much about it. I'll download it to my Mac now :thumbs:

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 30th, 2013, 9:22 am
by Cody
I'm remixing Gloomy Galleon for this project. I'm pretty stoked :D

BlueTronic wrote:Yeah... looking back at OCR's DKC3 remix album, I'd say that's not what the remixers of OCR have in mind. A lot of the Double the Trouble remixes were dubsteppy garbage or bore little to no similarity to the original track. But fortunately, that policy of "should reflect on the world they represent" should eliminate that pop-music plague which somewhat infected Double the Trouble.

I feel it's better to reflect on the good tracks (Wonderfall, Cliffside Clamber, Intoxica, etc.) than to deliberately hate on the ones that might not be up to par. That said, I agree that some of the tracks are questionable (and quite frankly their status on the album wasn't up to me at all), but by no means is the album in general as "bad" as your post makes it out to be. :P

But hey, the fact that you took a moment out of your life to talk about it means something to me.

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 30th, 2013, 11:02 am
by Qyzbud
Gloomy Galleon? Excellent! One of my favourites, and I'm sure you'll do it justice, Cody. :)

Rather off-topic Double the Trouble! discussion...
BlueTronic wrote:A lot of the Double the Trouble remixes were dubsteppy garbage or bore little to no similarity to the original track.

I never really responded to this, but I want to go on the record saying that I thoroughly enjoyed Double the Trouble!

I felt as though only a small handful of tracks deviated 'too far' from the vibe/composition of the originals... and even less could be considered 'dubsteppy garbage'. I guess it's important to keep in mind that you dislike all dubstep/similar electronica... so your opinion here is no reflection on the skills of the ReMix artist.

Cody wrote:I feel it's better to reflect on the good tracks (Wonderfall, Cliffside Clamber, Intoxica, etc.) than to deliberately hate on the ones that might not be up to par.

I couldn't agree more — so many wonderful tracks, and such variety... definitely something for everyone to love (or to hate — if you're that way inclined... :roll: ).

That said, I agree that some of the tracks are questionable (and quite frankly their status on the album wasn't up to me at all), but by no means is the album in general as "bad" as your post makes it out to be.

Agreed. The thing is, though — different people have different tastes; Cody and I see eye-to-eye (and hear ear-to-ear) on many things, but many of his absolute favourites didn't stand out to me, and vice-versa. It's all about variety and personal taste. All in all, though, I personally found Double the Trouble! very tasty. :D

Re: OCRemix Donkey Kong 64 Project

PostPosted: January 30th, 2013, 2:46 pm
by BlueTronic
This is starting to turn into a Double the Trouble discussion, so I'll leave that off back in the thread to which it belongs: viewtopic.php?f=26&t=965&p=33196#p33196

Anyway, I'm going to be remixing the Angry Aztec Boss. I've got a small WIP done already:
Currently, the drums sound horrible. I'm trying to find a good dance drumkit plugin that will work on a Mac-integrated FLStudio, but so far I haven't been able to find one :dixiecry:
If anyone knows any good ones, suggestions are appreciated.

I also am probably going to need help from a professional. I don't think I've learned enough about how to get tunes from my brain to the sequencer to pull it off on my own. I'm thinking about asking Sole Signal for a collaboration since I really enjoyed his mixes and his style is pretty close to the vision I have for my remix.