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Dkc trilogy

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2022, 8:41 am
by Goe
Is strange nobody haven't mentionedbit yet, specially when creators are forum members. In any case, you can download the game here:

It worth. Inam spending a greatbtime this days. I have just defeated the bee boss. Enjoy!!

Re: Dkc trilogy

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2022, 8:59 am
by rainbowsprinklez
Goe wrote:Is strange nobody haven't mentionedbit yet, specially when creators are forum members.

I can't speak for the group, but personally, I like DKC limited to the SNES.

Re: Dkc trilogy

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2022, 9:23 am
by Goe
If you like SNES DKC games you will enjoy DKCT because is 100% DKC SNES Style in both graphics and gameplay. I'm sure you'll enjoy.

Re: Dkc trilogy

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2022, 9:42 am
by rainbowsprinklez
I disagree. I saw the trailer/gameplay. It's nice, but just doesn't feel right to me.

Re: Dkc trilogy

PostPosted: October 22nd, 2022, 11:46 am
by WesternTanager794
I played it. The physics felt off. I felt it was also too zoomed out. I felt like I would’ve preferred it to be more true to the original games! It was a bit disappointing, I thought this was supposed to be the manifestation of the DKC4 Kong’s Return project but it wasn’t. I thought it was cool, but no to my taste. But that’s just my opinion! :parry: