Some DK King of Swing codes I've discovered.

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Some DK King of Swing codes I've discovered.

Postby NES Boy » November 9th, 2013, 6:17 am

Keep in mind that these aren't Gameshark codes, they are codes I've used for Visual Boy Advance.

For these codes, these will come in the XXXXXXXX:YY format. The "YY" indicates if you collected the item in the specified level (00 if you didn't, 01 if you did). As for the "XXXXXXXX"...

Gold Medal collected

030002E0 - Congazuma's Castle (Jungle World-BOSS)
030002E1 - Fire Necky's Nest (Wild West World-BOSS)
030002E2 - Davy Bones' Locker (Aqua World-BOSS)
030002E3 - Ice Castle (Ice World-4)
030002E4 - Sassy Squatch's Lair (Ice World-BOSS)
030002E5 - K. Kruizer III Hull (K. Kruizer III-3)
030002E6 - K. Kruizer III Engine (K. Kruizer III-4)
030002E7 - King K. Rool (K. Kruizer III-BOSS)

Silver Medal collected

030002E8 - Puzzling Pyramid (Jungle World-4)
030002E9 - Necky's Canyon (Wild West World-1)
030002EA - Cactus Woods (Wild West World-2)
030002EB - Kremling Kamp (Aqua World-3)
030002EC - Ship of Souls (Aqua World-4)
030002ED - Raging Ravine (Ice World-2)
030002EE - Cold Cold Forest (Ice World-1)
030002EF - K. Kruizer III Artillery (K. Kruizer III-2)

Bronze Medal collected

030002F0 - Tropical Treetops (Jungle World-2)
030002F1 - Contraption Cave (Jungle World-3)
030002F2 - Treacherous Twister (Wild West World-3)
030002F3 - Madcap Mine (Wild West World-4)
030002F4 - Lockjaw Falls (Aqua World-2)
030002F5 - Risky Reef (Aqua World-1)
030002F6 - Underwater Ruins (Ice World-3)
030002F7 - Booster Barrel Skyway (K. Kruizer III-1)

Crystal Coconut collected

03000390 - Puzzling Pyramid (Jungle World-4)
03000391 - Necky's Canyon (Wild West World-1)
03000392 - Treacherous Twister (Wild West World-3)
03000393 - Lockjaw Falls (Aqua World-2)
03000394 - Ship of Souls (Aqua World-4)
03000395 - Raging Ravine (Ice World-2)
03000396 - Underwater Ruins (Ice World-3)
03000397 - Booster Barrel Skyway (K. Kruizer III-1)
03000398 - K.Kruizer III Artillery (K. Kruizer III-2)
03000399 - K.Kruizer III Engine (K. Kruizer III-4)
0300039A - Banana Bungalow (Jungle World-1)
0300039B - Tropical Treetops (Jungle World-2)
0300039C - Contraption Cave (Jungle World-3)
0300039D - Cactus Woods (Wild West World-2)
0300039E - Madcap Mine (Wild West World-4)
0300039F - Risky Reef (Aqua World-1)
030003A0 - Kremling Kamp (Aqua World-3)
030003A1 - Cold Cold Forest (Ice World-1)
030003A2 - Ice Castle (Ice World-4)
030003A3 - K.Kruizer III Hull (K. Kruizer III-3)

:gift: Enjoy! :gift:
Last edited by Qyzbud on November 9th, 2013, 10:01 am, edited 2 times in total.
Reason: Fixed left :gift: smilie (space was needed between it and the opening [center] tag).
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Re: Some DK King of Swing codes I've discovered.

Postby Gaz » November 9th, 2013, 9:41 am

Wow, thanks. This is awesome stuff! There also is a DK: King of Swing kiosk demo that is slightly different. Might want to check that one out. You can only access World 1 (please remind of me the name), though.
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Re: Some DK King of Swing codes I've discovered.

Postby Qyzbud » November 9th, 2013, 10:05 am

Very nice collection — thanks for sharing! :banana:

Did you discover/create these codes yourself?
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