Let's Play Starfox Adventures

Talk about other games developed by the creators of Donkey Kong Country.

Let's Play Starfox Adventures

Postby Kowbrainz » October 20th, 2008, 9:13 pm

Playlist Link

I decided to board the Let's Play bandwagon a little while ago. Dunno why, I was just bored I suppose. I've started with this game, since I didn't see too many other LPs up on youtube for it, or at least any completed ones. Not my favourite game, I suppose, but I'll see how it turns out.

But yeah; this started out pretty badly, and you'll notice if you watch the first videos of the playlist since I have pretty much nothing to talk about. I like to think the more recent videos are better in terms of commentary quality and all, but that's not to say I'm funny or anything like that.

Not sure if I'll be doing another LP after this one, but if I do it'll probably be of another Rare game. Donkey Kong Country's been done to death, and while none of the people who have done it have really been doing a favour to the franchise, I don't think I'll do it just because it's pretty bland doing something that's already been done I suppose. I might do Kameo or Ghoulies or BK, but I dunno. I'll wait and see how I feel after this.

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Re: Let's Play Starfox Adventures

Postby Qyzbud » October 21st, 2008, 8:02 am

SFA is a game I haven't played, but have been curious about for some time. Even still, I decided to check out your LP mainly to hear your voice and know what you sound like! I'm on a fairly modest mobile data plan, so I've only checked out the first installment. I got a laugh from your choice of intro song. ;)

Enjoyable viewing; I'll check out the next episodes when I get to a proper computer.
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Re: Let's Play Starfox Adventures

Postby Kowbrainz » October 21st, 2008, 5:52 pm

Yeah, the first few parts are pretty awful, I'll be honest. I only really got the hang of the trade around part 21 I'd say. :/

The game, all in all, is pretty average. The final boss is nice, but the rest, for a Rare game... mm. Grabbed by the Ghoulies gets a lot more flak than this does, but which is the better game? Hrm. I suppose it was just because it was Rare's debut with Microsoft.
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