I am glad I found this board since people here might actually be more interested in hacking this game! so I'll get right into it.
Regarding the documentation of the files, I actually made my own documentations and put it somewhere online. But these are not this detailed and I only documented like the main File. so by google searching I came across a metroid forum. Metroid is made by retrostudios so it has the same file systems and such, thus this board had only one thread about hacking metroid prime. These guys also did some stuff regarding DKCR and documented alot actually, so I will just refering the documentation this wiki they created http://www.metroid2002.com/retromodding ... ry_Returns
Main stuff about the game
- The main archive file is .pak and everything for the level is inside the pak. There isn't like a folder with all objects or something like in mario galaxy, for every level there is a file within containing every data which is displayed in the level.
- The files inside the pak aren't named excluding a few files but its almost nothing so I don't read these names.
I actually started developing a Tool to edit PAK files, the guys on metroid hacking made a tool which can properly extract the files from a pak but it wasn't really centered around DKCR, plus I already had started the Tool a while before I found that board. However, they gave me information on files and how they work so I was able to include actual editors in my tool.
Here it is:
Plus the STRG editor for editing strings

Current features of the editor:
- Opening Pak files
- Editing STRG files
- Exporting files with or without decompression
- Import files with compression(or without if already is decompressed)
- Prealpha CMDL and TXTR converter (Very pre alpha, especially the CMDL converter. it converts most of the time wrong)
- It got a sort of database, its basically just naming the files from an outside source.
What I want to achieve for now:
- Proper CMDL and TXTR(to png) converter
- Proper TXTR editor
The edits actually work in dolphin, I haven't yet tested on my wii. The rest like editing the level itself (Which is the MREA file) is for me yet a bit too advanced. I have a download link laying around somewhere but I wanted to wait with posting it here when I got a stable release again.
The editor is written in c# by the way so I hope there are people here who are able to program the tool with me!