Now, let's get down to business. The primary ROM we'll be using is the US 1.0 Game Boy version of Donkey Kong Land III. The Japanese colored version should be treated as the secondary ROM, as its differences are big, but the general arrays stay the same.
0x40065 starts the header array. Each header is $19 bytes long and store the information of the level. There are 42 headers in total, and in total take up 1050 bytes.
The information below is based on the first header, Total Rekoil.
03 = Level byte.
00 = Unknown. Tileset related?
00 = Unknown. Sprite related?
00 = Properties (bitwise). Bit 6 = water visibility, Bit 3 = facing direction, Bit 0 = slipperiness. Other bits have no effect.
11 = Music.
FF = Water tide. Lower value = higher surface.
FF = Rain effect. 00 = snow, 01 = water.
30 = X position from start.
32 = Y position from start.
07 = X position from midway barrel.
15 = Y position from midway barrel.
30 = X position from first bonus.
32 = Y position from first bonus.
32 = X position from second bonus.
06 = Y position from second bonus.
0E = X position from Warp.
05 = Y position from Warp.
06 = Bonus #1.
07 = Bonus #2.
C9 = Warp level.
00 = Unknown. Is either 00 or 01.
01 = Unknown. Is either 00 or 01.
01 = Unknown. Is either 00 or 01.
06 = Unknown. See below
80 = Unknown. Is linked to the byte above. If both are 00, you will die upon entering the level. All other values show no visible effect(?)
These are the headers for all of the levels in the order they appear in the ROM. It is yet unknown if Bonus and Warp levels use a different header format, but they are not directly before or after these level header arrays.
Music bytes:
Our goal here is to gather more and more info on how the game works, compare them to DKL 1 and 2, test, edit, fail, succeed and give potential to maybe even a level editor.
More info available on the Datacrystal page of DKL3, mostly Blaziken's notes.
Our top priority at the moment: Figure out what the unknown bytes in the header mean.