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PostPosted: August 11th, 2011, 2:37 am
by DKdonkeyboy
Sorry if There's A page like This Already I'm Learning Still

Anyway Is There Someone Who Can Beat A Challenge?I Will Put Challenges Every-So-Often
Level:Pirate Panic
Conditions:Collect All KONG Letters,Never get hit
My Time Is 26 Seconds You Don't Need To Beat That I'm Just Saying That's My Time

Good luck!

Re: Challenges

PostPosted: February 1st, 2012, 6:47 am
by mentholcase
I would like to see a video of this 26 second run with all KONG letters.

Collecting all the letters took me about 32 seconds.

Disregarding the letters took me about 29 seconds.

Re: Challenges

PostPosted: February 3rd, 2012, 6:20 pm
by Cody
My first genuine try (around 30 seconds from the first Pirate Panic frame to hitting the end target):

I noticed a few parts where I could shave off a fraction of a second (most notably the jump right before Rambi and screwing up his charge for a second), but something tells me 26 seconds is pretty impossible. Maaaaaaybe 27 seconds would be doable if it was a TAS.