82.There are no toy factories ran by crocs that have a giant jack-in-the-box that you need to feed banannas to a giant pig by having them magicly float into his/her mouth to get to and elecute then getting a giant key to unlockc a giant croc that ends up trippin o a rock and landon a giant crocs airshipe,slamming it into the ground so you can face the croc in a boxxing match. ME>
88: There are no bramble bunches that are big anough for monkeys to transferce . 89: In said bramble bunches, there are no giant bees or floating barrels. 90: If a Krocadile were to pick up metal barrel , they would not shoot barrels that would float continuity in a stait line.
97: A rhino wouldn't let a fricking 250 pound ape ride it 98: Crock doesn't start with K 99: Giant Crocodiles don't wear pirate clothes and shoot cannon balls at you 100: A baby ape can't take down an evil mad scientist with just his fat body.
102: Crocodiles cannot organize a military and use them to overthrow an ape and his nephew via a series of sabotages and plot twists. (gosh I love this game)
103: An ostrich cannot support the weight of a 300 pound ape and a spidermonkey, let alone fly a distance.