100 fun things to do in Zelda: OoT, SS, and WW

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100 fun things to do in Zelda: OoT, SS, and WW

Postby Ninni973 » December 23rd, 2011, 12:51 pm

This is a forum game where you list about 100 fun things to do in Zelda: Ocarina of Time, Skyward Sword, and Wind Waker.


1. You can only choose one Zelda game for your fun thing on your post. After your post about that Zelda game, choose another game. Remember: No double posting!

2. Don't copy other's fun things to do.

I'll start out.

1. In Skyward Sword, pretend you're Rayman in the Dream Forest by going to Faron Woods, taking off your shield, walking to random places, and use the Skyward Strike as the telescopic fist.
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Re: 100 fun things to do in Zelda: OoT, SS, and WW

Postby Kimi Kong » March 2nd, 2012, 12:55 am

2. In Wind Waker, get in touch with your dare devil side and get really close to the cyclones and shoot away at Cyclos just to see if you hit him or not. If you miss, just enjoy the ride.
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