Two truths and one lie

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Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » August 25th, 2010, 2:26 pm

We did this in my college class and I thought it was fun.

Here are the rules: you MUST tell two truths and one lie. The stories MUST be about yourself. Break up each story by hitting enter twice after each story. Put all of the stories in one post. Please only post new stories after AT LEAST two days, if you don't it may get crazy. You may reveal your lie after at least a day, we want to give as many people a chance to guess as possible. You may wait longer if you wish. You may guess once for each person's story.
Please try to follow the rules.

Here are my three stories:
1. I'm a babysitter for Vanessa, a little neighbor girl. As a five-year-old, you'd think she'd know what to eat and what not to eat. Once, while babysitting, Vanessa started to choke, and coughed up a dog treat! She started to cry until her dog (Daisy) ran over to chow down on the pre-eaten bone. When that happened, Vanessa and I started howling! We thought it was so funny that we called her parents to tell them. Her mum and dad didn't think it was as funny as we did, so we decided that next time, we'd keep it to ourselves.

2. I HATE touching nail files. When my sister (Kelly) was home on leave, she was using my purse. She pretty much put whatever she wanted in it, because she didn't want to carry her purse. After she'd gone back to Chicago, I had to get something out of my bag. I reached into my purse and grabbed a handful of nail files! I called her and started SCREAMING at her! "Oh my god, Kelly! What the hell is wrong with you?! WHY would you put nail files in my purse, you jerk!" Needless to say, she was laughing hysterically.

3. When I was in kindergarten, we were making "golden hand prints"... which basically meant you took a paper plate, filled it with plaster, stuck your hand in it, and painted it gold. The teacher called me back and asked which hand I'd like to use. Being a lefty, I said my left. She looked at me and told me to write my name on the board (which if you don't remember kindergarten, means you're in trouble). I did as she said and sat down. All of my friends had asked me what I'd done, all I could say was that I didn't know. Later, after everyone else had gone, she called me back and asked, "What hand do you want to use, NOW?". Not knowing what to do, I said my right.

Happy guessing!
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 15th, 2011, 12:43 pm

1. I have some friends at my school convinced that my good friend Vanessa is my sister. It all started when some sophmore as acting all tough around us, and she made up a lie in order to comeback -- That she was a senior and she shouldn't talk that way to "My brother" (me). It really wasn't anything major but since that day that's been a recurring joke. After a while some others heard of the joke though are not aware we are kidding.

2. I used to play Mario Kart Wii a lot. You see, I usually finish a MK game to the fullest, that is beat all the cups and unlock most of the characters, and then move on after a while, typically only playing out of boredom or friend requests. I grew bored of the game my brother caught on. Whenever my baby brother's (gonna be 7 soon) friends come over, they all get owned by him at Mario Kart Wii. They're all his age (sometimes a little older) and still eat his dust. He's been watching and observing me play for a while. It's kinda crazy to see him get in 1st place while his friends are in 8th and 9th.

3. I found a used condom on the floor of the boy's gym locker room once.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » February 15th, 2011, 12:46 pm

I'm guessing that your second one is the lie.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 15th, 2011, 1:52 pm

I'll tell you if you're correct tomorrow, as per the rules.

I think your third story is the lie.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » February 15th, 2011, 2:00 pm

Well, since mine has been up since forever... I'll tell you now. The first one was the lie.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 17th, 2011, 12:02 pm

Time for my answer:
The third one is the lie (it wasn't used).

So, do we wait for others to join or just tell more stories?
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » February 17th, 2011, 1:57 pm

Well, I guess we should keep making stories, although I doubt many others will join. But for your fake story, you should try to make it completely fake and not partially fake. It's more fun that way!

1. So for my birthday one year, my grandparents (whom I dislike) gave me a dvd of my birth. After they went home, I was talking to my sister. I was like, "Dude, who the hell gives somebody a dvd of their birth?! Why wouldn't they give that to mum or something?" The next evening at dinner, my sister told my mum what I said about the gift. I was pissed at my sister for a little while for that one.

2. My buddy Bumar (if she had a first name, it would be Caitlin, but since she doesn't, her name is Bumar) and I made our own holiday known as Unicorn Day. You must feast of cow flesh and chocolate cake on Unicorn Day and buy each other ridiculous unicorn-related gifts (preferably from the thrift store). The holiday is on the same day that our high school marching band takes a trip to the local amusement park, and it has been going on for four years now. The tradition also has tacky, hand-made cards that contains *possibly* dangerous amounts of glitter, pom-poms, feathers, and other terrible things. Year by year, Unicorn Day expands ever-so-slightly. I have made Unicorn Day cakes for the past two years. We have also expanded by going crazy hat shopping.

3. I have secretly wished to be a cheerleader throughout my high school career. I never wanted to try out, because I was afraid of failure. My senior year, I decided to give it a go and try out. All of the girls were staring at me when I walked it. I wowed everybody. They decided to let me on the team. There were problems, though. I felt uncomfortable wearing those outfits and refused to wear them. I was the only one wearing sweat pants and a sweat shirt. I'd even wear them when it was really hot outside. All of the other girls didn't like me because I was being defiant, so eventually, they kicked me off the team. After that, I really wanted to get revenge on the coach, so I unscrewed the bolts on her desk when she wasn't there. Luckily, I was never truly "caught," although everyone knew it was me.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 18th, 2011, 1:40 pm

I think your first story is the lie.

My new stories:

1) I have an obscure memory of back in the day. You know how they say your bone structure gets weaker with age? Well, I did not know that back in the day and still managed to take full advantage of my younger self. I remember taking huge leaps from the very top of my stairs to the bottom, landing on all fours like a cat on the floor, no problem. No hospital runs or emergency rooms, I don't remember if I even got any sore bones. Though I know if I try it now, won't be pretty. I know I must of been at least five years old when I did this, when my family moved to the new house. Good times.

2) The guys at gym always call me "Bones". Pretty much self explanatory. If you were to bump into me during a game of basketball, you would feel my rib cage. Elbow'd = Painful. Ironically, some of my friends think I have a six-pack coming on, too. <_>. Yeah, pretty skinny but a semi-six pack to boot. How does that happen...?

3) I have a memory of my birthday (which was a little over two weeks ago as of this post) back in Kindergardnen. I went into the auditorium that day , and of course it being Kindergarden, everyone in the class was notified of it. When they told me "Happy Birthday!", I would tell them "Happy Birthday!" right back to them. I was given a confused look back. I don't remember if I was ever corrected. I don't do that nowadays, mind you.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » February 20th, 2011, 2:11 am

I think your second one is the lie. And I shall wait to reveal mine....
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 21st, 2011, 3:38 am

Well, time for my reveal.
The first one is the lie. As for #2, I just really need to work on my upper body strength.

New stories:

1) This one time while playing Donkey Kong Country, the weirdest thing happened. First, Expresso began glitching up and became see through (O_o). Then, once Diddy got off screen (it was the really tall mountain in Orang-utan Gang), he came down all pinkish whitish. He looked just like Mew! When I tried to get him off screen again, he simply turned brown. I called him "Shiddy".

2) According to my parents, I wasn't able to hear until I was two.

3) Due to a skiing accident, you can literally see part of the bone in my knee stick out.

Yeah, for the last two there's not much more to them.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » February 21st, 2011, 5:41 am

Mine is the third one

I'm guessing that your lie is the first.

Okay, it's story time now!
But, first some background information...I'm a reenactor of the French and Indian War. As a reenactor, I teach the public about 18th centuary life. It's a living history thing where I dress in period clothing and have people ask me stupid questions. I'm going to list a series of questions (I'm going to do 8 this time), one of which I was never asked. Remember, only ONE of these wasn't asked.

1. "Is that a real fire?"

2. "Are you really pregnant?" (This was said to my mum when she was pregnant with either me or one of my other siblings.)

3. "Do you really cook on the fire?"

4. "Do you really eat what you cook over the fire?"

5. "Do you live here?" (We go to various forts and spend the night [or nights] there)

6. "Do you live like this all the time?"

7. "Is that real food that you're eating?"

8. "Did they have t.v. back then?"
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby HavocReaper48 » February 24th, 2011, 3:51 pm

My lie is the third one.

To be honest, #8 seems very stupid but I have the strange feeling it's not it. So I'm gonna guess the lie is #6, since obviously it's a reenactment class.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » February 27th, 2011, 3:09 am

Well... you were right
The first time! 8 was the lie!

My stories are going to be about pets that I've had.

1. When I was in elementary school, I was waiting for the bus one day (my bus stop is the bottom of my driveway on the top of a ridge). I heard meowing somewhere and discovered a cat in a pipe underneath the road. After I got home from school that evening, I told my sister. We grabbed thick leather gloves, cat food, and a flashlight. We went to the bottom of my driveway, and looked at the cat with the flashlight and put the cat food at the end of the pipe. She came out, and we took her up to the house. She was an all-black kitty that I named her Panther.

2. I was walking in the woods by my house one day. There was a garter snake that I saw. I've always had an affinity for snakes. After watching The Crocodile Hunter ever since I could remember, I knew how to pick up a snake. I grabbed it behind the head and carried it home. I found my sister and asked her to find our old hamster cage. I figured that the old hamster cage would work for a snake. We put him in the old cage and kept him. I named him Rattly (after the DKC 2 snake, of course!)

3. My mum was taking me and my brothers and sister up to my dad's house. On our way up, there was a dog (he was a chocolate lab) in the middle of the road. My sister and I begged our mum to pick the dog up. She didn't. When we got to my dad's we begged him to pick up the dog. Later, he took my sister to a birthday party or something. He told her to holler out the window to get the dog down into town; then the dog would find his way home. She called the dog and he followed the car for a while. When my dad was on his way back home, the dog was walking up the ridge back to the spot where he was dropped off. Taking pity on him, my dad picked up the dog. My dad named him Curly after the three stooges.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 20th, 2011, 9:25 am

Number three... It's GOTTA be number three...

I remember this game. We played it last year at camp. That's actually how I found out that one of my cabinmates had five facebook accounts.

1. I am an epileptic and my type of epilepsy is absaunce.

2. I have two dA accounts, one of which my sister made for me because the other one was jacked up and I have made over 56 deviations, two of which are pictures and seven were made with bases.

3. Never in my life have I seen Barney And Friends.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » May 22nd, 2011, 1:21 am

Number 2 was my lie. I'm guessing 1 was your lie.

When I was younger, these were my favorite tv shows. One is not:

1. Extreme Dinosaurs

2. Beast Wars

3. Sonic the Hedgehog
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 22nd, 2011, 1:41 am

No it was number three. I used to like Barney but now I want Barney to die in a fire. :P I really am an epileptic. As a matter of fact that's the camp I said I went to and played this. Epilepsy camp.

Number one.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » May 23rd, 2011, 5:52 am

My lie was....
the third.

These are holidays that I celebrate ridiculously and are potentially made up. I do not celebrate one of these:

1. Flag Day

2.Chicken Day

3. Unicorn Day
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 23rd, 2011, 1:25 pm

Number three.

How can you NOT have watched Sonic?

Here are three vegetables. One I do not and will refuse to eat.

1. Potatoes

2. Lettuce

3. Brocoli
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » May 24th, 2011, 6:34 am

I never watched Sonic... I dunno, I just didn't. And my lie was...
Number two!

I'm guessing yours is the second.

These are all motorcycles that I really like, except for one.

1.Triumph (British)

2. Harley (American)

3. Moto Guzzi (Italian)
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 24th, 2011, 7:41 am

Nope---number three.
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Phyreburnz » May 24th, 2011, 10:08 am

How do you not like broccoli?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!? :shock:
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Re: Two truths and one lie

Postby Chibisai Kong » May 24th, 2011, 10:15 am

I just don't. I gagged and vomited last time. :(

EDIT 4/1/12: *THIS IS NOT AN APRIL FOOL'S DAY JOKE* I ate raw brocoli the other day at a book club meeting because that was the only snacky thing they had because SOMEONE took all the baby carrots. *glares at classmate* It really isn't bad if you take the bushy part off...
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