What were the Kackles and Kloaks before they died?

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What were the Kackles and Kloaks before they died?

Postby darklordoftech » December 23rd, 2014, 6:54 pm

What were the Kackles and Kloaks in life? Playing through Haunted Hall made me wonder about this.
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Re: What were the Kackles and Kloaks before they died?

Postby Qyzbud » December 23rd, 2014, 9:56 pm

I've always been curious about the origin of Kloaks. My theories have ranged from the ludicrous and illogical notion of them being mischievous parrots flapping around in old pirate coats, to the far more likely possibility of them being the spirits of fallen Krooks.


They mightn't be an exact match, but the similarities are undeniable — especially since they're both known for throwing objects at hapless primates!

As for Kackles... well, they are a bit odd in that they're both ghostly and skeletal. They're bigger than Klubba & Kudgel, and have a longer snout — more like most other Kremlings. I can't think of a particularly close match for them — although they're obviously missing their legs, like Klomps/Kaboings, and carry swords like Kutlasses...

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Re: What were the Kackles and Kloaks before they died?

Postby darklordoftech » December 28th, 2014, 6:56 am

I lovw your theory about Kloaks being dead Krooks. That makes so much sense. I never thought to look at the appearance of the different Kremling types for clues. Thanks for that idea.

Going by the appearance of various Kremlings, might Kackle be related to Mr. X? They look similar to me.
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Re: What were the Kackles and Kloaks before they died?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » December 28th, 2014, 4:50 pm

I think Mr. X was already confirmed to have been an earlier design of Kackle so maybe Kackle is a skeletal version of Mr. X.

[source: idk]
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Re: What were the Kackles and Kloaks before they died?

Postby WesternTanager794 » January 21st, 2023, 4:43 pm

I read a dkc2 manual recently, (a few months ago, so yes, recently) and this was not a players guide, and it said that Kloaks were dead Krooks. I will see if I can post a screenshot here to back it up. :parry:
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