Ideas for DKC-ifying the design of DKC Atlas...
Posted: March 3rd, 2008, 1:31 pm
A topic exists for more general site feedback and suggestions, but here's a different spin on that:
How can DKC Atlas be made to have a more DKC look and feel?
Any suggestions are welcome.
You really don't go to the DKU often, do you Qyzbud?
Anyway, here's something you could do to give the site some more DKC related humor:
For the page that comes up when you type a URL wrong, make it say "Hoard Not Found" and show a picture of the Kongs' empty banana hoard.
How can DKC Atlas be made to have a more DKC look and feel?
Any suggestions are welcome.
in a previous thread, Qyzbud wrote:There's not much you can hate more than that.
You really don't go to the DKU often, do you Qyzbud?
Anyway, here's something you could do to give the site some more DKC related humor:
For the page that comes up when you type a URL wrong, make it say "Hoard Not Found" and show a picture of the Kongs' empty banana hoard.