My review for Zelda: Wind Waker

Wind Waker is such an awesome game.
The reason why I love this game is because of the gameplay and graphics. As you know, Wind Waker makes use of cel-shaded graphics. I love how the Master Sword is in the game. The Master Sword is my favorite sword in Zelda. The gameplay; you'll go sailing to islands, exploring islands, battling enemies, and finding Heart Pieces. My favorite boss is Molgera, because of the music. Makar looks cute, but unfortunately, when you complete the Wind Temple, Makar stays there for the rest of the game. I used to call Pawprint Island my "secret hiding place". My favorite island to explore is Outset Island, because it's Wind Waker Link's home and there's a secret cave where you have to go 51 floors, enough to touch the submerged Hyrule's waters. I used to be stuck at Outset Island when it was always night and raining, because of the tornadoes in the Great Sea at that time, and that I didn't know the password to Tetra's ship. I usually play the Nocturne of Shadow from Ocarina of Time with the Wind Waker. And just ONE thing I don't like; when you break just ONE pot in the House of Wealth while Mila's Father is rich, he'll take away your Rupees. I was crying because of that when I was stuck on Windfall Island. And that's it for my first review!
-Cel-shaded graphics
-Awesome gameplay
-A lot of islands to explore
-Awesome battles
-Mila's Father takes away your Rupees whenever you break his pots
Overall: 9.8 Almost perfect!
The reason why I love this game is because of the gameplay and graphics. As you know, Wind Waker makes use of cel-shaded graphics. I love how the Master Sword is in the game. The Master Sword is my favorite sword in Zelda. The gameplay; you'll go sailing to islands, exploring islands, battling enemies, and finding Heart Pieces. My favorite boss is Molgera, because of the music. Makar looks cute, but unfortunately, when you complete the Wind Temple, Makar stays there for the rest of the game. I used to call Pawprint Island my "secret hiding place". My favorite island to explore is Outset Island, because it's Wind Waker Link's home and there's a secret cave where you have to go 51 floors, enough to touch the submerged Hyrule's waters. I used to be stuck at Outset Island when it was always night and raining, because of the tornadoes in the Great Sea at that time, and that I didn't know the password to Tetra's ship. I usually play the Nocturne of Shadow from Ocarina of Time with the Wind Waker. And just ONE thing I don't like; when you break just ONE pot in the House of Wealth while Mila's Father is rich, he'll take away your Rupees. I was crying because of that when I was stuck on Windfall Island. And that's it for my first review!
-Cel-shaded graphics
-Awesome gameplay
-A lot of islands to explore
-Awesome battles
-Mila's Father takes away your Rupees whenever you break his pots
Overall: 9.8 Almost perfect!