Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Talk about Donkey Kong Country: Tropical Freeze for Wii U (and Switch!), developed by Retro Studios.

Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Postby Phyreburnz » September 17th, 2013, 10:02 am

Who do you WANT to be the 4th playable Kong? And who do you THINK will be the 4th playable Kong?

This could also include who you don't think should be or who won't be the 4th playable Kong.

Even though I know I won't be playing this game for a long time (broke college kid), I am, admittedly, curious. I think the new Kong will be another light Kong, since it would be pretty awkward for a heavy Kong to ride on DK's back the whole time... (Since Retro thinks all other Kongs should be power ups, rather than real-people playable characters :evil:) I think a heavier Kong, like Kiddy would make for a difficult "power up." I have a hard time thinking what power he could add to DK. It seems like he'd just slow him down a lot.

I also think that since they are giving fans a classic character that this new Kong will be an entirely new character.

What are your thoughts?
Last edited by Qyzbud on December 8th, 2013, 10:52 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Renamed topic, assuming Cranky to be the chosen one
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Super Luigi! » September 18th, 2013, 2:37 am

To answer your questions, I WANT Kiddy Kong to be the fourth Kong, and I think he has a chance because of this quote from an interview with Retro:

KT: We’re thinking that we’ll probably add one more character. So we’ll invite you to go ahead and take your best guess as to which Kong you think is going to join us.

MK: Which one would you want?

USG: Hmm. I remember… what was his name? Kiddy Kong, the baby one, in the third game? Whatever his name was.

Translator: There was Funky, Lanky, Candy… We’re going to find out. We’re Nintendo and we don’t know this? What the heck is wrong with us? Jeremy, you’re a game journalist, what’s going on.

USG: No, I forgot to do my research this morning. [laughs]

KT: Well, since we can’t think of the name, you know it’s not that one. [more laughs]

MK: Or we’re hiding it very well.

USG: If I had my choice of a Donkey Kong character to have as the third partner character, I’d say Stanley the Bugman, from Donkey Kong 3. The guy with the DDT gun. 

[Lots of knowing "Ehhhh"s] 

KT: We’ll have to think about that. 

MK: It sounds like he deserves his own game. 

USG: Are you able to say at all who the third character is now, or is that still a secret? 

KT: No, we’ll have to wait on that a bit. 

Your idea of an entirely new character does seem plausible, however, Phyreburnz. As a side note, this looks creepy: :gnawty-lol:
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby CaptainEddie » September 18th, 2013, 7:02 am

I don't know what they could do with another light-weight Kong that isn't an extra jump/glide and doesn't intrude on the gameplay.
Kiddy's added weight could maybe make DK stomp the ground at the end of each jump, revealing secrets or stunning enemies. Kinda like his hand-slap, but after jumps.

That said, I'd rather not see Kiddy again. I never particularly liked him.
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Qyzbud » September 18th, 2013, 4:15 pm

I want Kiddy back. :kiddysad:

The thought of having DK, Diddy and Dixie — but anyone other than Kiddy as the fourth Kong — is almost unimaginable to me. This is the Donkey Kong Country series, and of the four playable Kongs, only Kiddy has missed out on both a second appearance and a starring role.

I must admit I'm holding onto hope for a few reasons:
  • Kiddy's extra weight — as mentioned above — could provide extra variety to the gameplay; as a baby character, he could easily be an "intermediate" weight between DK and Diddy/Dixie, if a full-weight character would be too awkward for whatever reason.
  • This time around, there are waterways to explore — Kiddy's water bounce move would be a great skill to have!
  • Retro is all about reviving "blasts from the past", which certainly fits the idea of Kiddy returning.
  • It just plain fits the pattern!
Those are just a few reasons why I think Kiddy would fit the "4th Kong" role perfectly.

Just to clarify; has it been confirmed that Diddy (and Dixie) will still just be a "power-up" in single-player mode? I'd be surprised if Retro had ignored the cries from fans about this, and tag-team play would obviously be an easy enough thing to include since Diddy was a perfectly playable character in DKCR's two-player mode... I can't help but think that all they'd need to do is replicate the SNES trilogy's "following Kong" system — which ought to be pretty simple for a talented studio like Retro... :scratch:

If the Kongs are indeed individually playable in single-player mode, having two heavy Kongs and two light Kongs would make everything more balanced... but even if DK's still the only playable Kong in one-player mode, Kiddy would be — in my opinion — the perfect fourth Kong.
Last edited by Qyzbud on September 18th, 2013, 8:55 pm, edited 3 times in total.
Reason: Finished post; was interrupted by fire evacuation at work!
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Gaz » September 19th, 2013, 12:17 am

I want Kiddy too. He's a cute Kong. By the way, Qyzbud, Kiddy already had a second appearance (Donkey Kong Land III). Without Kiddy, this Donkey Kong game will just no be the same.
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Qyzbud » September 19th, 2013, 2:17 am

I wrote:This is the Donkey Kong Country series, and of the four playable Kongs, only Kiddy has missed out on both a second appearance and a starring role.

Besides, I think you know my stance on DKL3 (and 2).
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » September 19th, 2013, 3:51 am

Qyzbud wrote:Retro is all about reviving "blasts from the past"


Anyway, I initially wanted Kiddy but now I'm of two minds. I really, really like Donkey Kong Jr. and it would be bitchin' cool if he was in this. Besides, I think they've confirmed that the fourth Kong will just be another power-up Kong (I could be wrong) but if that was Kiddy it would make no sense. But with DK Jr. it would be kind of cool.

Of course, I have no hopes or aspirations for this game so nothing could disappoint me. Anyone would be cool. Heck, maybe it'll be a new character.
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Qyzbud » September 19th, 2013, 11:16 am

Well now, conventional Rare wisdom holds that DK Jr. is already in the game – going by his modern title "Donkey Kong". That said, I hadn't given any thought to DK Jr. as a possibility, but now that you mention him, I tend to think it's fairly likely we'll see him as the 4th Kong. Here's why:

  • Retro is all about reviving "blasts from the past". ;)
  • They seem to be helping Nintendo "patch up" certain Rare-invented character/storyline aspects that the big N wasn't entirely onboard with (DK/Cranky's relationship, plus another example that currently escapes me).
  • The (final?) box art doesn't include the 4th Kong. To me, if Kiddy's in the game, he deserves to be on the box art (and other promotional graphics)... whereas DK Jr. suits the "secret character" notion better, and could even just be an unlockable version of DK that is awarded on full completion. No offense to DK Jr., he just hasn't ever appeared in the Donkey Kong Country games, and as a result, I don't think of him as a Donkey Kong Country character.

I won't be too upset or surprised if DK Jr. gets the fourth spot, but I really think Kiddy should get it.

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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » September 19th, 2013, 12:19 pm

Yeah, I wasn't really thinking about continuity, I just think it would be cool to see him. I don't have it on hand, but I think the Returns manual says Cranky is DK's grandfather. It would be moot to go over the DK lineage discussion, but a simple "lol time travel" would work well enough for me.

Just because the DKCs are the best vidya gaems ever, doesn't mean I can't like Donkey Kong Jr., no matter what Rare says. Although, thematically, it is kinda cool and does make sense that our DK is a grown up DK Jr.; Junior was always the heroic one. Before 1994, the very idea of a playable Donkey Kong was unheard of. Plus, I like that Cranky is the OG of video games. Damn, I need to see him interact with Mario again! If only the words "story" and "non-shitty video games" were in Nintendo's vocabulary.

This should probably go in another topic, but if Nintendo really wanted to win points with me: What if one of Diddy's alternate costumes in the next Smash Bros. was Donkey Kong Jr.? Hell yeah!
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Phyreburnz » September 19th, 2013, 12:43 pm

Uh, wouldn't it make more sense for one of DK's outfits to be DK Jr? :P DK Jr is, after all, a gorilla and not a monkey.

The biggest reason that I'm not sure about Kiddy (at least) is that they've given us one more "power up" Kong... so I'm skeptical of them giving fans another one... I'm also wondering if they'll include any more animal buddies. Don't get me wrong, I love Rambi, but him as the ONLY buddy? That just sucks... (And his design is HIDEOUS :shakehead: )
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » September 19th, 2013, 3:01 pm

I gave up on the species thing a long time ago. A Kong is a Kong. I was thinking they could take his hat off, replace it with a few strands of hair, and remove his tail. Then he'd look like a good Donkey Kong Jr. (In the Game Boy version of Donkey Kong and the Game & Watch Galleries, he's more small and nimble. Super Mario Kart and Mario's Tennis have him a bit bigger, like a soon-to-be Donkey Kong, and the Mario Tennis 64 design, also a trophy in Melee, is a cross between the two.)

Does Diddy have any tail-based moves? I think there's one... I'm sure they could work around it. Anyway, back to this game, er... there was a Nintendo Direct recently and all they announced was Wii Fit U. Fuckin roflllll
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Phyreburnz » September 19th, 2013, 3:31 pm

He does have three tail moves in DK 64. He has three that I can think of for that game... But as far as the smash bros games, I have no idea. I've played that like three or four times... But I'm actually fascinated by guessing species, but that's the biology nerd in me...

Oh, I wanted to ask what you guys thought would NOT be likely to be the next Kong. I saw on several other forums that people had guessed Funky. That just seems strange to me... he was never playable and he is the same size (or bigger) than DK.

I was maybe wondering if they would use Kiddy, but not as a power up for DK, but rather another main heavy Kong to carry Diddy or Dixie...
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Super Luigi! » September 20th, 2013, 2:16 am

Not likely: K. Rool in a monkey costume. As ridiculous as it sounds, TheMasterDS actually suggested it here: http://www.giantbomb.com/forums/donkey- ... r-1440554/

I'd reckon Cranky Kong has a better chance than the last crocodile! :rant:
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby CaptainEddie » September 20th, 2013, 12:09 pm

I'd actually be interested to see Cranky be the fourth Kong. He could have like a cane attack or something, to save you the danger of rolling.
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Super Luigi! » September 20th, 2013, 12:36 pm

I would too, but he's better off giving advice and starring as the Super Kong/Guide. The idea of Cranky taking as long as possible to finish a level, just to insult the poor player, is genius.
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Qyzbud » December 3rd, 2013, 1:15 pm

Well, it's looking ever more likely that Cranky will indeed be the "fourth Kong":


CaptainEddie, you might get your wish!
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby CaptainEddie » December 6th, 2013, 5:19 pm

Called it!

Perhaps a new Kong will take Cranky's place as shopkeep. ;)
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Super Luigi! » December 7th, 2013, 11:36 am

Or maybe Retro Studios and Nintendo will poke fun at our wishes for Kiddy Kong and make HIM the shopkeeper! Then they'll have the authority to say, "There! He'd in the game!"
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Re: Who do you think will be the 4th Kong?

Postby Lanky Kong » December 8th, 2013, 10:49 am

Cranky is playable...

R.I.P. Kiddy Kong :kiddysad:
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Re: Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Postby Super Luigi! » December 8th, 2013, 4:03 pm

I wouldn't say R.I.P., but this is rather disappointing. While I'm not entirely opposed to the idea of a playable Cranky with Scrooge McDuck's cane-hopping power from the NES game Ducktales, I still disagree with Retro's reasoning. This was the perfect opportunity for Kiddy Kong to make his return, but they didn't think so. Oh well, perhaps Retro will take influence from Super Mario 3D World and
like that game did with Rosalina, have Kiddy as a secret fifth player.

We can only hope!
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Re: Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Postby Rux Ton » February 22nd, 2014, 8:59 am

I am with all who wanted Kiddy. I was disappointed too!

BUT what if.. they are going to do another one, to add Kiddy, or any other kongs from the other game (64)? Bring K Rool back even.

BUt who knows for sure. I havent gotten to play this game yet sadly :/ I am geting there though!
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Re: Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Postby CountryFan » February 22nd, 2014, 4:47 pm

Well, they DID bring his signature move back!
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Re: Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Postby Super Luigi! » February 24th, 2014, 10:20 am

So naturally, what was the point of including Kiddy, right? No one likes him anyway, right? RIGHT? AM I RIGHT RETRO STUDIOS?!? I OBVIOUSLY MUST BE, RIGHT?

But I digress. I like playing Cranky Kong Country too, just not as much.
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Re: Who did you think would be the 4th Kong?

Postby Monkeyman » April 13th, 2016, 1:57 am

Cranky Kong being a playable character was a good idea.
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