Retro Studios/Nintendo vs. Kremlings

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Retro Studios/Nintendo vs. Kremlings

Postby leo_core » December 4th, 2014, 9:01 am

Why not Kremlings? Why? :dixiecry:
This question torments me and would like to open this discussion here (not sure if this has been discussed here, I not found topic on this subject).
I want to open this discussion bringing the arguments of two forums I found: ... e/66431259 ... e/66436634

Please anyone here have any information to answer that question?
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Re: Retrostudio/Nintendo X Kremlings

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 4th, 2014, 9:39 am

Leo_core I agree with you about the Kremlings, I miss them as well, but in defense of rero studios I like the Vikings in Tropical Freeze. They have their own style and wackiness to them that I just can't get enough of. The Tikis however I hated
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Re: Retrostudio/Nintendo X Kremlings

Postby leo_core » December 5th, 2014, 5:14 am

I am pretty sure that RetroStudio wanted to find his own way creating new characters. But for me Donkey Kong Country without Kremlings is the same as Super Mario without the Koopas.
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Re: Retrostudio/Nintendo X Kremlings

Postby Phyreburnz » December 10th, 2014, 10:19 am

I haven't really played much of Returns and I haven't gotten a chance to play Tropical Freeze, but I definitely agree with you, Leo. I don't see it as a DKC game without the Kremlings. I definitely like the look better of the Viking enemies than the Tikis, but I still miss (and love) the Kremlings.
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