Your favorite level?

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Your favorite level?

Postby neekerisanni123 » December 6th, 2008, 4:14 am

Everyone surely has their own favorite levels. Mine are:Lightning look-out,Low-g Labyrinth,Riverside Race,Pot Hole Panic,Koindozer Klamber and Floodlit Fish.Yeah,it may sound weird but I really like Floodlit Fish and Lightning look-out :mrgreen: I really love to complete them again and again... :D And I like Low-g Labyrinth because of its brilliant music :)
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby bigdaddybuddaha » December 6th, 2008, 10:55 am

Hmm, my favorite level would have to be Rip Saw Rage.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby PotoGamer » December 6th, 2008, 12:30 pm

My favorites are: Riverside Race, Konveyor Rope Clash, Rocket Rush, Stampede Sprint, Lightning Lookout (it was hard, until I played it again and realized how short and easy it is when you know the lightning's path), Low-G Labyrinth, and Krack Shot Krock.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby neekerisanni123 » December 7th, 2008, 3:18 am

PotoGamer wrote:My favorites are: Riverside Race, Konveyor Rope Clash, Rocket Rush, Stampede Sprint, Lightning Lookout (it was hard, until I played it again and realized how short and easy it is when you know the lightning's path), Low-G Labyrinth, and Krack Shot Krock.
Yeah,Lightning Look-out is really easy...I once thought that it always strikes to the point where the kongs are. :mrgreen:
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Rodent » December 11th, 2008, 9:19 am

Stormy Seas, Kreeping Klasps and Pothole Panic are some of my favourites.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 21st, 2009, 12:59 pm

6. Stormy Seas: Just the background graphics make me want to play this level til I drop.

5. Lightning Look-out: The lightning makes the level very fast paced and action packed. ;)

4. T-yrant Twin Tussle: The debut of the leap frog playing krems (sometimes I join them :lol: ).

3. Criss Kross Cliffs: Clever use of Bazukas and barrel switches.

2. Kremling Klasps: I just love the dock levels, the Klasps create a fast paced envoirment too.

1. Pothole Panic: Making use of all the animal buddies in the game, I love this level. :mrgreen:
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby DKM » February 24th, 2009, 10:24 am

-Pothole Panic, for the animals.
-The Snow level with the Toboggan.
-And, to an extent, the one where you're Squitter and you get shot at, mostly because of the bonus game where you control the cursor.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby The Guy » February 24th, 2009, 10:41 am

You're referring to Krackshot Krock.

Anyway, Stormy Seas and all of the glacier themed levels are among my favorites.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby old_buzzard » February 27th, 2009, 8:10 am

This is a tough one.

Lake Orangutana
Tidal Trouble

Kremwood Forest
Riverside Race

Cottontop Cove
Tracker Barrel Trek

Fire-ball Frenzy

Krevice Kreepers

Razor Ridge
Floodlit fish

Lightning Look-out
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby SmudgeKWOOD » May 13th, 2009, 3:30 pm

Fire Ball Frenzey, Squeals on Wheels, Lemguin Lunge, Riverside Race, Stampede Sprint
#3= Low-G Labrynth
#2= Kong Fused Cliffs
#1= Krack-Shot Croc
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Jawzun » May 17th, 2009, 5:29 am

Lake Orangatanga:
5.- Murky Mill
4.- Doorstop Dash
3.- Lakeside Limbo
2.- Tidal Trouble
1.- Skidda's Row

Kremwood Forest:
5.- Squeals on Wheels
4.- Barrel Shield Bust-up
3.- Springin' Spiders
2.- Riverside Race
1.- Bobbing Barrel Brawl

Cotton-top Cove:
5.- Tracker Barrel Trek
4.- Rocket Barrel Ride
3.- Bazza's Blockade
2.- Fish Food Frenzy
1.- Kreeping Klasps

5.- Low-g Labyrinth
4.- Demolition Drain-pipe
3.- Blazing Bazukas
2.- Ripsaw Rage
1.- Fire-ball Frenzy

5.- Barrel Drop Bounce
4.- Lemguin Lunge
3.- Krack-shot Kroc
2.- Tearaway Toboggan
1.- Krevice Kreepers

Razor Ridge:
5.- Kong-fused Cliffs
4.- Buzzer Barrage
3.- Floodlit Fish
2.- Pot Hole Panic
1.- Ropey Rumpus

Kaos Kore:
5.- Poisonous Pipeline
4.- Koindozer Klamber
3.- Creepy Caverns
2.- Lightning Look-out
1.- Konveyor Rope Klash

I don't like any of these levels :P
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby cranky_martinez » October 10th, 2009, 3:50 am

Poisonous Pipeline. Reverse control is a quite original idea.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Shadow » October 29th, 2009, 12:00 am

Lightning Look-out, Low-g Labyrinth and Tyrant Twin Tussle. :P
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby 177 » September 5th, 2010, 12:05 pm

Demolition Drain-Pipe because of the music and speed :)
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Phyreburnz » September 29th, 2010, 10:10 am

This is really hard to answer. I'm looking back at the other answers, and I'm realizing how much I don't like DKC 3. I guess, if I had to pick one to "look forward" to, it would be low-g labyrinth, but even then, something is missing. I'm realizing, now, that although there is much detail in the foreground, the background is lacking. I mean, the pipe levels... it's a pipe... need I say more? Now, I must say, that not EVERY level has a poorly designed background, but many do.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby A7Penn » September 30th, 2010, 12:42 am

Phyreburnz wrote:This is really hard to answer. I'm looking back at the other answers, and I'm realizing how much I don't like DKC 3. I guess, if I had to pick one to "look forward" to, it would be low-g labyrinth, but even then, something is missing. I'm realizing, now, that although there is much detail in the foreground, the background is lacking. I mean, the pipe levels... it's a pipe... need I say more? Now, I must say, that not EVERY level has a poorly designed background, but many do.

You're right that the pipes lack depth in their background but I can't say I think about all the levels like that. The forest's vertical tree trunk levels were some of the most well designed vertical levels in the whole series. As much as I did not enjoy the game as well as the others, I can't say I did not enjoy those levels. Ripsaw Rage would have to be my favorite level in the game.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Piper » February 2nd, 2011, 4:51 am

Rocket Rush.

It is short, but it has awesome gameplay. Shame it was so easy though, only took me like 6 tries to beat first time.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby SimianSegue » May 23rd, 2011, 1:00 am

I gotta love that Lakeside Limbo! Ooh, and Pothole Panic!
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Ribbedebie » May 25th, 2011, 2:12 am

I love the levels where you're scaling a large pine tree (sequoia?) such as Barrel-Shield Bust-Up. It just looks so realistic!

And the jungles too. I still don't know if they're actually jungles, though... they remind me more of some kind of cluttered temperate forest.

And the mountain levels. Just... the mountain levels. The atmosphere in those is overwhelming in a kind of way I have never seen in a game before... Especially with the music. It's like you're part of some sort of unique and elusive happening deep in the Northern Kremisphere... I can't help but marvel at the beautiful rock formations, and think; "Man! I'd love to visit that place!"
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby 7S7ui3 » June 22nd, 2011, 7:39 am

Lemguin Lunge was epic. I like how the snow is pink/purple? am I wrong?
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Ninni973 » October 2nd, 2011, 5:07 am

Springin' Spiders was awesome!

I loved how you had to jump on Nids, and there's even Squawks to fly around in the level.

The music in that level was the best on GBA. SNES and DKL3 was awesome too.

I even love how people speedrun through this level.

Springin' Spiders, is seriously the best level in DKC3.
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Mayo » November 8th, 2011, 1:17 pm

My favourites:
Low-G Labyrinth
Poisionous Pipeline
Kong-fused Kliffs
Krack-shot Kroc
Fire-ball Frenzy
Ripsaw Rage
Lightening Lookout
Rocket Run
and ANY level with ropes.

Ropes are fun.
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Postby Swoopy1116 » February 26th, 2015, 1:47 pm

Well... Here Are My Favorite For Each World

Lake Orangatanga- Tidal Trouble
Kremwood Forest- Springn' Spiders (it is actually the only level in the world i like)
Cotton Top Cove- Rocket Barrel Ride
Mekanos- Ripsaw Rage (the saw doesn't ruin any of it for me)
K3- Lemguin Lunge
Razor Ridge- Pothole Panic
Pacifica- Stormy Seas
KAOS Kore- Koindozer Klamber
I Did Not Finish Krematoa, So No Opinion For That Yet
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Re: Your favorite level?

Postby Koyuki » July 6th, 2015, 8:45 am

Lake Orangatanga: Tidal Trouble

Kremwood Forest: Springin' Spiders

Cotton Top Cove: Rocket Barrel Ride

Mekanos: Demolition Drain-Pipe

K3: Tearaway Toboggan

Razor Ridge: Ropey Rumpus

Kaos Kore: Lightning Lookout

Pacifica: Storm Seas

Krematoa: Stampede Sprint
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