Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Talk about Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! for SNES and VC.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Qyzbud » June 2nd, 2013, 10:46 am

Nice observations!

This post has reminded me of the need to decide on the nature of this topic... should I split it into various topics (DKC3, DKL3, DKL2, etc...), or shall I retitle the topic, and move it to the General DKC Discussion board?

At the moment, much of the discussion doesn't match the topic's title/location. :?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Blaziken257 » June 5th, 2013, 12:04 pm

I think splitting the topic into three smaller topics (for DKC3, DKL3, and DKL2) would be a good idea, especially when most people looking into this topic are mainly interested in DKC3.

(Though my post before would be hard to split...)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Gaz » June 10th, 2013, 5:43 am

Time for my contribution to this with differences I found in Swanky's Sideshow:
E3 1996 prototype?
vlcsnap-2013-06-09-12h06m06s56.png (91.34 KiB) Viewed 100907 times
November 1996 (retail) version.
0.jpg (35.84 KiB) Viewed 100907 times

Okay, so the differences include:

*The counter whether Dixie/Kiddy or Cranky is closer to winning is removed.
*The time counter is on Cranky's screen instead of the left-center of the screen in-between Dixie/Kiddy and Cranky.
*The mysterious human doll isn't in the prototype :? . I think she might be behind those bananas next to the teddy bear, but the quality. I can't see.

I hope you enjoy my finds on beta Swanky Sideshow :).
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Qyzbud » June 10th, 2013, 10:39 am

The human doll is there — those red blobs you see are her feet! That spot looks different partly because of the low image quality, but mostly because Cranky's blurry am is in the way. :P

Also, the counter is missing because (most likely) the game mode is 'endurance' rather than 'head to head'.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Gaz » June 10th, 2013, 11:15 am

Excuse me for my mistake :oops: . I hope I'm okay. I don't know that much about DKC3 SNES compared to DKC3 GBA. Oh yeah, and the prototype apparently might be the same one since it has Funky in his DKC2 sprite, and Blizzard looks a lot different.

I noticed a lot of stuff between the beta and retail Northern Kremisphere (was this listed yet?)

Northern Kremisphere (Beta).png
Northern Kremisphere (Beta).png (115.54 KiB) Viewed 100884 times

Northern Kremisphere (Retail).png
Northern Kremisphere (Retail).png (142.71 KiB) Viewed 100884 times

*The landscape is more flat and small
*The pine trees are placed differently in the beta.
*The town of Mekanos is not on the island where it's at.
*The retail has more space than the beta.
*The paths are longer in the beta from Wrinkly's Save Cave to Funky's Rentals.
*On the left side of Bounty Beach (the Banana Bird Cave), there are no trees atop the left side.

Since there was only a few seconds of the footage of Northern Kremisphere, it's hard to tell any other differences. Oh well... Hope you enjoyed my observations (or others' observations if they beat me to it.)
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » June 10th, 2013, 11:20 am

The E3 1996 prototype looks just like the Brazilian prototype, except the video is in high quality, also, Funky's missing tools in his toolbox is there in this prototype, must of been the blurry image of the Brazilian commercial.

And the beta map screen looks like the one in the GBA version.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Nintendo Player » September 22nd, 2013, 8:26 am

I know it's been a while, but I just heard back from the owner of the DKC3 prototype a few days ago. If you recall, I asked if he could compare the prototype's text using a table file that Mattrizzle provided. He did, and couldn't find any textual differences. However, while he was searching, he discovered a number of areas that contain other changes in the code. He sent a photo of one spot between where “KOBBLE” and “DONKEY KONG COUNTRY 31″ appears:

The first window is the prototype, the second is the retail European version, and the third is the retail American version. I don't have anything more to report.

If you haven't heard yet, he sold his Virus (early Dr. Mario) NES prototypes to a game preservationist named Skrybe, and the ROM images were later publicly released.

Those of you curious to learn more about his Super Mario Kart SNES prototype will be pleased to hear that he graciously wrote a comprehensive list of differences for me that I will be publishing on soon. There's quite a bit more to that prototype than you might think.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Kingizor » September 22nd, 2013, 10:01 am

The image you posted shows the internal header of the ROM. There isn't usually much of interest there, but there are a few interesting things to note. One of the bytes (0xFFD9) is used to indicate the ROM region, which in the prototype is 01 (USA). The second important thing to notice is the revision byte (0xFFDB), which is 01. Such a combination could indicate that the ROM could potentially be a USA v1.1 ROM.

Europe and the USA only had one version of the game each, but Japan had two. The Japanese revision contained a handful of bug fixes not present in any other version. The only fix I can remember at the moment would be the bonus glitch in Poisonous Pipeline mentioned here.

In all other versions of the game, the exit to the first bonus is in the wrong location. This results in the player appearing normally in the level after finishing the bonus. All other bonus exits will either result in the player bursting from a bonus barrel, or being blasted from a barrel. The Japanese revision is the only released version that has the first bonus exit in the correct place, so that would be a good place to start.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Katastrophe Kong » December 25th, 2013, 8:49 pm

I found some more differences in that Spanish DKC3 video:

Like previously stated, Lemguin Lunge isn't purplish like it is in-game. Unless maybe Lemguins (what a stupid name) were to appear in more levels?


Also, again, like previously stated, Kreeping Klasps isn't reddish like it is in-game.


Something that ISN'T piggy backing on a previous statement (hopefully) is that Squeals on Wheels doesn't have the meters nor does it have it's orangeish color yet.


Piggybacking one last time, Bleak has a different idle stance and a different pallete. You can see that in the video, his idle looks like he's either making or protecting his snowball before he throws it. His eyes look bigger, too. He also appears to be guarding his target (which is wide open in the final version.) Also, instead of his target being red/orange, it's blue.


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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Gaz » December 27th, 2013, 2:49 am

I did find this video on YouTube. I noticed a Banana Coin in one part, but I'm currently too lazy to list all the differences:


Short difference list:
*The same beta Arich Attack area
*The same beta Blizzard
*A Banana Coin (not Bear Coin) in Squeals on Wheels
*Northern Kremisphere is smaller

And that's just a couple of them. Hopefully you guy can do better than my comparisons. :P
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Katastrophe Kong » December 27th, 2013, 6:47 am

Gaz wrote:I did find this video on YouTube. I noticed a Banana Coin in one part, but I'm currently too lazy to list all the differences...

- Neeks instead of Squeals, obviously.
- Only one partner moving at a time (Dixie is static)
- Ripsaw Rage isn't reddish like it is in-game.
- The saw actually looks like it's not moving at all.
- Static bananas
- There's only one level flag in Kremwood Forest

I'm sure any other differences have already been documented.

Also, I found these lying around on the internet somewhere. I left the tag on so we know who to give credit to.


EDIT: Some little screenshots found on an old website:

A shot of the early Arich's Ambush venue with only Dixie.

I don't know if it's just me or the way it's lit, but Belcha's Barn looks like it has a different level color (like Doorstop Dash) and Belcha himself looks a lot less Red, too.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Geno » December 29th, 2013, 2:57 am

Remember those early balloon graphics seen in early footage?

And how they mysteriously resurfaced in the GBA port of DKC3?

Well, I've re-created them.


Also, in that video, I can't help but notice that the Bounty Bass render was shown while they were showing renders of the good characters (Kiddy, Ellie, a Brothers Bear, etc.)

Was Enguarde going to be replaced in this game like Rambi was? :scratch:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Katastrophe Kong » December 29th, 2013, 9:39 am

I had no idea there were early graphics for the balloon. Those look awesome, though.

As for Bounty Bass, I think he's a "good character" because not only does he yield goodies when "popped" but his yellow variant gives off light in that dark underwater level.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Geno » December 29th, 2013, 1:31 pm

Well the early graphics for the balloon can be seen in the material linked to by this post.

Alternatively, you can just play DKC3 GBA. Of course, there, you are treated to a reduced, lightened colour palette, as well as smaller sprites.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Katastrophe Kong » December 29th, 2013, 1:46 pm

Geno wrote:Well the early graphics for the balloon can be seen in the material linked to by this post.

Wow, I definitely wouldn't have noticed that by myself. And I pride myself with being super observant... :oops: I think this design is better than the final one used because in the other two games they don't have whites in their eyes either.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » January 20th, 2014, 8:13 pm

Gaz wrote:I did find this video on YouTube. I noticed a Banana Coin in one part, but I'm currently too lazy to list all the differences:


Listen closely, you can hear the actual game in the background of the video.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » February 2nd, 2014, 12:30 pm

I've been doing some beta research on several SNES games lately, I found out that the game Tuff E Nuff has leftover sprites from another games called Brawl Brothers, both made by Jaleco, but that's not what I came here for, I'm here to show you some more finding in the DKC3 beta promo.


I sharpened the beta image to make it look a little better.

More Beta Research
2.1.14.png (193.42 KiB) Viewed 100261 times
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Katastrophe Kong » February 24th, 2014, 2:01 pm

to be honest I dismissed that whole "missing tools" thing cause I knew it would be an insignificant thing to alter. :|

Also that animation is now used for when Kiddy beats a bonus level for the first time.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » May 1st, 2014, 7:04 am



Has anyone ever looked at every single piece of hex code in DKC3, we might find some more beta stuff.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby the_kong_br » June 28th, 2014, 4:20 am

I will illustrate some differences noted by you in spanish video:

1 - The background and the sky in "Lakeside Limbo" stage is quite different from the final version:

In Video:

In Game:

2 - The "K3" World Boss, Bleak, is different (in the final version, it has an more "bad" appearance ), and that the beta version the sky is blue and the final version the sky is red.

In Video:

In Game:

3 - Kiddy riding on the Ellie elephant phase "Murky Mill". In the original game, the kongs become Ellie from start to finish.

In Video:

In Game:

4 - In "Squeals on Wheels" stage, there is no meter in the right corner of the screen.

In Video:

In Game:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » June 28th, 2014, 5:22 am

Good work, but I think others pointed out those differences already.

I'm trying to find more beta stuff in DKC3. :ugeek:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Blue Banana » April 28th, 2015, 1:54 pm

Blazing Bazukas has a green sky from the gba version in the DKC3 beta. :kiddycool:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby KoopaStarRoad » May 1st, 2015, 7:50 pm

Well, after all that time, are there some news about the Prototype copy itself :huh:
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Markster » July 11th, 2015, 12:00 am

I don't believe I've heard anything new since 2012 about the actual prototype copy. :\
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Katastrophe Kong » June 9th, 2016, 10:53 pm


I found this on the Donkey Kong Wikia page for DKC3. Is this an actual thing orrrr

I mean probably not.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby OneOf99 » June 10th, 2016, 1:27 pm

I wouldn't trust that page, as it is a very dead wiki. But it might be true?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby PigmaskColonel » June 12th, 2016, 8:07 am

That's definitely fake. I've been all over the internet and never heard anything like that. No source, no proof.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby PigmaskColonel » June 27th, 2016, 3:58 pm

Looks like we've got another trailer! :dixiehappy: Surprised this was never uploaded to Youtube.

The only difference I could find was that the instrumentation in Water World and Boss Boogie is very different from the final game. If anyone else notices anything, please post back here.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Joselix » July 27th, 2016, 11:30 pm

a question
Is the level nibbla good fish food frenzy can turn bad?
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Flurryxvivo » October 12th, 2023, 7:07 am

It's been a while since someone has posted here but there's something I wanted to address considering the rare Kracka render which was discussed near the very start of this topic. A while ago, I found a rather high quality render of Kracka in an archived guide for the DKC trilogy. It's definitely not perfect, but it's a massive upgrade compared to the only Kracka render we used to have on that tiny Japanese toy wrapper. You can find the guide I'm talking about here:

If I'm not mistaken, the DKC Kodansha encyclopedia released in 1997. By that time, DKC3 had already been released, so I wonder why the authors of this guide included an enemy which doesn't even appear in the final product. Perhaps they just wanted to show off an unreleased DKC render? Wouldn't be the first time... (looking at you, Ram Bunkshus and unnamed hat Kong!!)

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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 12th, 2023, 9:44 am

There was once a theory that it was for Pacifica snes version, but who knows if that ever existed. Nice find!
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby Flurryxvivo » October 13th, 2023, 5:48 am

I don't think Pacifica was ever planned for the SNES, they probably just made Kracka before finishing all stages because they had a similar enemy in DKC2 which they wanted to carry over to DKC3. I'm not sure why they left it out though, Kracka would've fit into later stages in Kaos Kore or Krematoa. You could argue that it's name was considered inappropriate by Nintendo at the last moment so they cut him out, but they would've probably just renamed it if that was the problem.
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Re: Donkey Kong Country 3 Beta Research & Discussion Topic

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 13th, 2023, 7:30 am

Who knows. But DKC3 GBA was very ambitious and well done. The GBA games are criticized but are superior to their counterparts. I really liked some of the additions.
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