Most hated level

Talk about Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! for SNES and VC.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby kaos » July 21st, 2012, 3:29 am

it is for me no doubt
is the 2nd baron k-roolenstien!
* hides in the corner and cry's him self to sleep.* :cry:
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Re: Most hated level

Postby Blue Banana » December 22nd, 2013, 6:54 pm

Barrel Shield Bust Up and Riverside Race those two levels are my most hated, ever. :angry:
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Re: Most hated level

Postby Geno » December 23rd, 2013, 6:13 am

Meh, this was just bumped, so I may as well put my opinions here too.

Let's see...

Bobbing Barrel Brawl - Just the length of it, as well as the fact that it is difficult to gauge how far Ellie can throw barrels. I've had one thrown too far, so I go back to get another one, only for the one I threw earlier to despawn!

Barrel Drop Bounce - Landing on those barrels is a pain, especially in the parts where you have to time your jumps with barrels AND Buzzes!

Krack-Shot Kroc - Pretty much the same as Bobbing Barrel Brawl, it is really long, and Squitter's webs may be difficult to position at times. At least the bonus game where you controlled Krosshair was cool.

Buzzer Barrage - See Bobbing Barrel Brawl. Also, the fact that Quawks has no way to defend himself, aside from the barrels, and that Kopters seem to come out of nowhere.

Kong-Fused Cliffs - Another long level. Although this time, there's no way to speed up and finish it quickly, you HAVE to climb up at a slow pace.

Lightning Look-out - Although the main gimmick is kinda cool, it is also A REAL PAIN. ESPECIALLY with all that water, although at least you can helicopter spin/water skip over it.

Koindozer Klamber - Ever liked falling down pits? No, me neither, and those Koindozer fellows don't make it much better when you can't really defeat them.


Although with the exception of Buzzer Barrage and Swoopy Salvo, they don't really give me much trouble anymore, although they DID in the past....
Dunno how I'm gonna manage Swoopy Salvo in my 105% run.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby Blue Banana » January 12th, 2014, 1:28 pm

I'd say Arich's Ambush, Kastle Kaos, and Ripsaw Rage.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby Geno » January 13th, 2014, 12:29 pm

And now, since I've played through Pacifica, here's a special GBA special of "Geno gripes about difficult levels, and attempts to convince everybody that enjoyment of these levels is what all this complaining is about"!

Stormy Seas - The level isn't that bad, but the Krackas hidden behind those window things and the water being stuffed with Lurchins were annoying.

Sunken Spruce, and Cliffside Blast - Both of these levels suffer from a distinct lack of DK Barrels. And Cliffside Blast has an Automatic Barrel Cannon that shoots you into a normal Barrel Cannon, with two Buzzes circling around it, which means that if you aren't fast enough, there is a 50% chance you will get hit, which is annoying considering that you can't see it coming due to the GBA's shorter screen (you'd think the SNES levels would have this problem, but nope! Mostly the levels MADE FOR THE GBA VERSION DO :nicework: )

Ripcurl Reef - Nice wind gimmick you got there. Too bad it keeps blowing me into Lurchins (which, like Stormy Seas, there are quite a lot of them), which usually results in Kiddy being murdered (I always put him up front, so that there is an even smaller chance of me hearing that terrible scream they gave him when he dies in the GBA version) :kiddysad:

Actually, there's also a few complaints I have with the GBA versions of the SNES levels, although these aren't really "Most Hated", just "Mildly Irritating".

Springin' Spiders - The new method of obtaining the DK Coin is frustrating. I kept circling around that one area for HOURS :headache:

Every level with Ellie - What? They say that the GBA team tried to improve Ellie's controls. It don't seem like that. Being unable to suck up water is dumb, especially once you realize you need to hold R (the shoot water button) AND down, and even then, she doesn't do a thing until you release the B button, which I happen to keep firmly pressed down in every platform game.

Every level with a toboggan - See that bit up there about Ellie. Those new, floaty jumps threw off my timing in all the levels with the toboggan in them. Which sucks, because they were my favourite levels too!

Barrel Drop Bounce - Can barely see those barrels coming.

Krack-Shot Kroc - Oddly, it seemed EASIER on GBA, although holy crap Krosshair, CALM DOWN! We know you absolutely love the sight of spider guts everywhere, but jeez CALM DOWN!

Lemguin Luge - Is it me, or are their hitboxes for being jumped on smaller, and their hitboxes for killing you larger?

Bleak House - god damit, they ruined his laugh. Also, the snowballs you throw appear to be smaller, and unlike SNES, you have to hit EXACTLY where his target is to get him. Oddly, he didn't seem to ever go into the background...

Haven't got much further than Buzzer Barrage, but I can already tell that the issue of Kopters flying out of nowhere is only amplified by the GBA's screen.

But hey, I still enjoy these levels! Between the slightly off controls, and terrible new SFX, the port is the second best version of DKC3 ever made- wait a sec... :gnawty-lol:
also frosty frolics gba is terrible
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Re: Most hated level

Postby spaceman2028 » August 30th, 2014, 9:21 am


Oh yeah, F Fish food frenzy, Low G Labyrinth, Rocket barrel rush, and Squirt's Showdown.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby Prism » November 2nd, 2014, 4:19 pm

I have several levels that get under my skin

Fish Food Frenzy
This level didn't bother me much in the SNES version but in the GBA remake it took me so many times to beat it. I felt like Nibbla went for the lurchins more in the GBA version

Squirt's Showdown
Once again, easy in the SNES version, but super hard in the GBA version. in my opinion it was the hardest boss in the GBA version. The last phase when two streams of water come out and they move at different speeds killed me at least 20 times.

Ripcurl Reef
Grr stupid currents...

Creepy Caverns
Not so bad in the SNES version, but I had so much trouble getting to the first bonus barrel in the GBA version.

Tyrant Twin Tussle
Not a terrible level, but the bonus barrels are so annoying to get to.

Swoopy Salvo
Same situation as Tyrant Twin Tussle except on this one the bonus rooms also are hard.

Rocket Rush
I suck at controlling that rocket...

Note: Surprisingly enough, I've never had that much of an issue with Lightning Lookout.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby KAOSKarnage » December 24th, 2016, 9:01 pm

gamer_boy997 wrote:I'm not exactly sure which level was the worst, but when I was little, I was stuck on the boss that you fight as Enguarde.

She's called Barbos. :bleak:
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Re: Most hated level

Postby KAOSKarnage » January 14th, 2017, 9:37 pm

Ripsaw rage for definite. Ab-so-lute-ly HATE that saw.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby OneOf99 » January 15th, 2017, 12:13 am

Yeah, Ripsaw is very annoying. I don't know why they couldn't have done the toxic tower concept again, where the moving death is independent from the camera.
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Re: Most hated level

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 21st, 2022, 4:06 pm

It's hard to say but I particularly hated the physics of Low-G Labyrinth. :parry:
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