What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Talk about Donkey Kong Country 3: Dixie Kong's Double Trouble! for SNES and VC.
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What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Flurryxvivo » October 3rd, 2023, 9:20 pm

When you look at people discussing Donkey Kong Country 3 online, you mostly see negative remarks about the game. Some don't like the different designs, some have problems with the story and some simply dislike Kiddy Kong so much they can't enjoy the game :kiddysad: . I want to look at some of the amazing aspects of this game. DKC3 did a lot of things that helped it stand out and refine it's gameplay, yet those aspects are rarely ever talked about. Here are some examples:

    Bonus rooms: In DKC, the bonus rooms were too cryptic and finding them didn't reward you with anything in the end. DKC2 changed that and made it's bonus rooms a bit more logical to find, and rewarded the player with an extra world in the end. However, fully completing DKC2 is a very different experience from just playing through the game normally. You still have to check hidden walls, and some DK Coins are hidden in extremely strange places as well. DKC3 refined this system by having each level only contain 2 Bonus Barrels (except for those in Krematoa) and having one before and one after the Star Barrel. While I admit that a lot of DK Coins in DKC3 are too easy to find, I'd rather have them be too easy to find so a 103% playthrough can be done more casually. :parry:

    Atmosphere: DKC3 nails it's atmosphere, and I believe that's one of it's biggest strengths. A lot of people like to say that DKC3 doesn't have a theme, but it does: nature. I can understand why fans of the original DKC might be disappointed with that, since the first game also focuses on nature, but there's enough in DKC3 to differentiate it from the first game. Since it's the third game in the trilogy, by this point the devs knew how to make their games look GOOD, and I mean extremely good, on the SNES. Just look at the background in Lakeside Limbo! The music also helps a lot with the presentation. "DKC3 is way too childish! Where's the epic adventure like in DKC2?" → DKC3 never tried to be an epic adventure, so this criticism is like saying DKC2 sucks because of how different it is to the first game. The music might not be as catchy as Wise's tracks, but you can't deny that it perfectly fits. Plus, if you don't like the SNES soundtrack, just play the GBA version! By the way, there's one aspect of the atmosphere that I have yet to see anyone talking about. That would be:

    Water: DKC3 is the first game to implement water into non-water stages. Sure, DKC2 had dry sections in it's ship hold levels, but those were still water levels first and foremost. DKC3 has flooded caves, riverbank levels where you switch between running and swimming, the iconic lakeside levels, and pipelines flooded with whatever chemicals K. Roolenstein dumped in there :krool: . Waterfall levels are also themed around water, although you can't swim in it here. The GBA version also adds a tree level which takes place underwater! DKC3's huge focus on implementing water was an amazing choice, and one that is sadly overlooked by many people.

    Secret codes: While not game-changing, the secret codes you can enter are a sweet cherry on top. You can change the color of Dixie and Kiddy to purple and green, can make the game harder, access the sound test, make the game autosave after each level, be rewarded all Bonus Coins, and: make the bonus rooms Christmas-themed! "Jangle Bells" is really nice to listen to, and the altered collectibles and jingles make the "MERRY" code stand out as well. :gift:

    Saving anytime: Not much to say about this change, it's obviously an improvement over the last two games.

    Dynamic duo: Dixie and Kiddy are a better team than Diddy and Dixie, and I will die on that hill. Diddy and Dixie both already played different, with Diddy being for more experienced/faster players while Dixie allows for more control. In DKC3, Dixie is for control, while Kiddy is for power and speed. While Dixie and Kiddy have the same speed, Kiddy's roll is significantly better, he holds barrels in front of him and he can bounce on water. If I recall correctly, Dixie is only slightly faster when walking (not running, but walking) and on ropes, but most levels don't feature ropes anyway. You have to strategize more with who you use, because Dixie throwing Kiddy is a whole different story from Kiddy throwing Dixie. Kiddy can throw Dixie to reach out of reach places, while Dixie can make Kiddy smash through the floor, or throw him against the wall, jump on him and ride him like a steel barrel! While this move isn't that useful in many levels, it's still really fun to do nonetheless.

I could spend hours talking about why I love this game so much, and there are still so many aspects I haven't talked about, like the Brothers Bear or the Banana Birds! What are your favorite aspects of DKC3? :ellieturn:
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 3rd, 2023, 9:23 pm

Perfection. You have marketed DKC3 perfectly! My only problem with DKC3 is that I dislike Kiddy's weightiness. He's clunky to move around. I love DKC3 almost as much as the original two, and possibly better than the original. And don't forget :parry:!
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Flurryxvivo » October 3rd, 2023, 9:41 pm

I'm surprised you find Kiddy clunky to control because I like how "heavy" he controls, but preferring Dixie is totally understandable too, so I can't complain. Also I'm glad you feel the same way about Parry. He really doesn't deserve all of the hate! :parry:
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Super Luigi! » October 4th, 2023, 11:05 am

I enjoyed reading your post, Flurryxvivo, although I'm not sure what else I can add. The title screen/intro and HARDR/TUFST codes also add more challenge and replayability to the game, and I always pick TUFST when returning. While I do appreciate DKC2's atmosphere, I also enjoy DKC3's silliness, and both games have great soundtracks.

Lastly, welcome to the forums, and your Blunder avatar fits your long essay perfectly.
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 4th, 2023, 1:20 pm

Well, I speedrun the trilogy quite often, so that might play into it. What should we refer to you as? Flurry? Flurryxvivo?
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Flurryxvivo » October 4th, 2023, 5:57 pm

WesternTanager794 wrote:What should we refer to you as? Flurry? Flurryxvivo?

Flurry is just fine :thumbs:
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby TimberTheTiger » October 6th, 2023, 6:32 pm

Kiddy Kong is great. He's not too heavy. And isn't it cool that you can ride him? :dixiehappy:
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Super Luigi! » October 7th, 2023, 3:11 am

It is, although I don't think there's much of a point in doing so. If DKC had team action, I'm sure Diddy could use DK as a steel keg as well.
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Flurryxvivo » October 7th, 2023, 9:42 pm

TimberTheTiger wrote:Kiddy Kong is great. He's not too heavy. And isn't it cool that you can ride him?

I think small things like this add so much to the experience. They didn't have to implement that feature but they did it anyway because it's fun! Also, there are so many lore details that are only revealed in the official guide, for example that the Rocket Barrel found in the last level of Krematoa actually fell from K. Roolenstein's trash pile, and that's how it landed there. Isn't really significant in any way, but it adds to the immersion, even if just a little!
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Super Luigi! » October 8th, 2023, 3:12 pm

My grandparents used to own the guide, but one day, it suddenly disappeared. I remember never making it past Lightning Look-Out and wanting to see Koindozer Klamber, and all of the other maps were neat to look at too.
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby WesternTanager794 » October 9th, 2023, 5:37 am

The detail and lore of DKC3. Incredible! Reminds me of DP in that way.
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Re: What did DKC3 do better than it's predecessors?

Postby Termingamer2-JD » February 11th, 2025, 8:08 am

When you look at people discussing Donkey Kong Country 3 online, you mostly see negative remarks about the game. Some don't like the different designs, some have problems with the story and some simply dislike Kiddy Kong so much they can't enjoy the game :kiddysad: . I want to look at some of the amazing aspects of this game. DKC3 did a lot of things that helped it stand out and refine it's gameplay, yet those aspects are rarely ever talked about. Here are some examples:

[green]>caring about story in a reasonably straightforward 2d platformer[/green]
are people this stupid?

[list]Bonus rooms: In DKC, the bonus rooms were too cryptic and finding them didn't reward you with anything in the end. DKC2 changed that and made it's bonus rooms a bit more logical to find, and rewarded the player with an extra world in the end. However, fully completing DKC2 is a very different experience from just playing through the game normally. You still have to check hidden walls, and some DK Coins are hidden in extremely strange places as well. DKC3 refined this system by having each level only contain 2 Bonus Barrels (except for those in Krematoa) and having one before and one after the Star Barrel. While I admit that a lot of DK Coins in DKC3 are too easy to find, I'd rather have them be too easy to find so a 103% playthrough can be done more casually. :parry:

how tf did you not mention my boi koin
some of those are cryptic as all hell and i love that they made that an additional challenge

while 'too many collectibles/unnecessary puzzles' is a staple of britshit platformers of the 80s and 90s, dkc series got it right because it was inspired by american and japanese stuff (rather than eurotrash), and ignored the whining of the low-iq british press calling them too "linear"*. dkc3 feels like a nice middle ground in between due to it being by the b-team who may have had more influence from the eurotrash side than the rest of rare, but less than other bong devs thankfully.

also. krackshot effing kroc my beloved

Atmosphere: DKC3 nails it's atmosphere, and I believe that's one of it's biggest strengths. A lot of people like to say that DKC3 doesn't have a theme, but it does: nature. I can understand why fans of the original DKC might be disappointed with that, since the first game also focuses on nature, but there's enough in DKC3 to differentiate it from the first game.

that is literally part of why I like the game.

and honestly i cannot stand the gba ost. frosty frolics and mill fever sound stupid on there. i was never keen on dkctf ost to be honest either
(come to think of it, i prefer dkc1 and 3 ost to dkc2... not knocking dave wise, especially since he taught her how to program music into the game anyways, i just think eveline was way better at complementing the gameplay than dave is, and i feel bad that people disliked her music for dkc3 snes because it just feels so at home with the environments)

oh yeah, dkc3 is also the only one that has the music restart at specific points when you exit a bonus room. that is a very neat detail. while it was probably done because the loops are shorter, it's honestly irritating in the first 2 games when you have the music almost never fully play in its entirety unless you ignore every bonus AND go really slowly. (cave dweller concert, i'm looking at you).

Dynamic duo: Dixie and Kiddy are a better team than Diddy and Dixie, and I will die on that hill. Diddy and Dixie both already played different, with Diddy being for more experienced/faster players while Dixie allows for more control. In DKC3, Dixie is for control, while Kiddy is for power and speed.

[green]>kiddy is faster
>everyone still hates him for 'being slow'[/green]

his hitbox can gtfo on some stages and i swear to god some levels are borderline impossible without dixie - koindozer klamber LOL
though he is not a bad character

also where the hell is bleak in your post
his boss fight is the best in the whole trilogy

* the only good Brits are the ones who don't assimilate into British cultural norms. Rare were more Japanese/American culturally.
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