Refusing to give Björn his No. 6 Wrench

Years ago, when I was a kid, I could swear that I had to pay to use Björn's Chairlift,
but I could never figure out how that happened, and I couldn't find any information about this on the internet.
Well, as it turns out, if you enter Björn's Chairlift with his wrench and refuse to give it to him at first,
he'll actually make you pay two coins to use the lift!
He'll also made snide remarks towards the kongs if you refuse to pay.
I don't know how well-known this is, but I figured I might as well post it here for documentation's sake.
but I could never figure out how that happened, and I couldn't find any information about this on the internet.
Well, as it turns out, if you enter Björn's Chairlift with his wrench and refuse to give it to him at first,
he'll actually make you pay two coins to use the lift!
He'll also made snide remarks towards the kongs if you refuse to pay.
I don't know how well-known this is, but I figured I might as well post it here for documentation's sake.