Swoopy's horrible hit detection

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Swoopy's horrible hit detection

Postby Blaziken257 » June 8th, 2009, 3:48 am

Does anybody else have problems hitting Swoopies in Swoopy Salvo? I certainly do. I can very rarely defeat one with an egg. About 95% of the time, the egg just phases the Swoopy, and I get hit because of it. I have to hit right on the beak to defeat it. That means I have to aim from high up, and of course this is annoying because you have to go back down to go into the crevices of trees that the Swoopies are guarding. This is especially annoying in the first bonus, as I've never been able to get to that bonus without taking a hit. Here's a slow motion animated GIF for your pleasure:


I don't have this problem in the GBA version, though. And if this means anything, I'm using the North American SNES version here.
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Re: Swoopy's horrible hit detection

Postby The Kirby » June 8th, 2009, 6:06 am

I always found those suckers to be a pain too, although I never really thought much of poor hit detection until you brought it up. That first bonus barrel was so darn hard to get to safely, I'd just grit my teeth and run into them just to get through. What gave me the most difficulty was the awkward camera repositioning once you actually entered the hole, and how it was hard to shoot through it without hitting a seemingly invisible wall.

I think the Swoopy's odd hit detection is in all SNES versions of DKC3, so you can't escape the irritation if you want to play the good ol' original. It seems that the Swoopy's 'hitbox' is positioned higher than it should be, which makes attacks from lower angles less likely to hit and conversely makes shots from higher up more likely to hit.

So the best advice I have is to visualize the Swoopy slightly higher that you see him rendered in game, try to enter the hole as soon as a Swoopy flies out, then fly to the upper part of the hole and shoot an egg to hit the next Swoopy. The extra height should facilitate for the hitbox's unusual positiion.
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Re: Swoopy's horrible hit detection

Postby diddykong » June 9th, 2009, 6:16 pm

Nice gif. How come his hit box is so high though? I'm going to check this out right now.
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Re: Swoopy's horrible hit detection

Postby doom1killer123 » July 10th, 2009, 8:26 am

iv heard weremore horrable hit detection on mickey mania you hit a bat dead center, and it doesnt do anything.
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