Level names in foreign languages

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Level names in foreign languages

Postby Stone » March 10th, 2008, 7:56 pm

Today: Donkey Kong Country in German.

World1: Tiefster Kongo
1-1 Dschungel-Fieber
1-2 Sturztal
1-3 Höhlenwahnsinn
1-4 Korallen Karambolage
1-5 Knaller Tal
Boss: Very Gnawtys Grotten

World2: Affen-Minen
2-1 Winkys Trampelpfad
2-2 Loren-Crash
2-3 Goldige Buckel
2-4 RuckZuck-Station
2-5 Bad Mühlstein
Boss: Neckys Knacker

World3: Traubental
3-1 Geier-Feier
3-2 Wipfel Kommune
3-3 Grüner Taumel
3-4 Bembel Tempel
3-5 Affenbande
3-6 Markt Austern
Boss: Bumble B Rumble

World4: Gorilla-Gletscher
4-1 Schneefaß-Gletscher
4-2 Schwarzwald Tour
4-3 Eiszeit-Allee
4-4 Croctopus Safari
4-5 Glühbirnen Drama
4-6 Selbstgestrickte Brücken
Boss: Really Gnawtys Raserei

World5: Krimskrams GmbH
5-1 Oelfaß Boulevard
5-2 Trick Track Treck
5-3 Fahrstuhl-Spiele
5-4 Reiher Weiher
5-5 Loren Leichtsinn
5-6 Koma Keller
Boss: Herr Dumpf-Backe

World6: Affenklein Höhle
6-1 Aufgetankter Aerger
6-2 Dyna-Grotten
6-3 Nebel-Mine
6-4 Altostratus
6-5 Aero-Chaos
Boss: Neckys Rache

World7/Boss: Gallionsplanken

Jungle-Fever in da house! :D
Last edited by Qyzbud on December 31st, 2012, 3:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Renamed topic from "Levelnames in strange languages"
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Kowbrainz » March 10th, 2008, 8:15 pm

Gallionsplanken sounds awesome... 8-)
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Qyzbud » March 10th, 2008, 8:26 pm

Yeah, can sombody please get me a gallionsplanken for my birthday? :D

Stone wrote:Jungle-Fever in da house!

Ha ha ha! Thank you for that, Stone. :)

I'm curious to know the literal translations for those, especially Sturztal (Ropey Rampage) and Krimskrams GmbH (Kremkroc Industries Inc.)

Trick Track Treck is pretty similar. Does 'treck' mean something like 'journey' in German?
Croctopus Safari? I wonder why... does safari have a unique meaning in German?

This information is really good to have. Thanks again!
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » March 10th, 2008, 11:40 pm

Oh, time for dictionary session...
So that's what i found out:

Gallion = ship (galleon?)
Planken = plank/board

Safari is safari, no unique meaning. Not quite the thing I think about when I hear Safari...

I first thought the Treck was just a wordplay (i always think about "Tick, Trick und Track" which are "Huey, Dewey, and Louie" in english when I hear that levelname), but it seems to be the same like trek. Search for "Great Trek" in wikipedia and then select german —> Großer Treck

Sturztal = fall valley — my dictionary says: fall, downfall/overthrow (in politic) and this example: "Der Sturz des Dollars"="the collapse of the dollar"

Krimskrams = bric-a-brac/knick-knacks/paraphernalia/odds and ends/bits and bobs
GmbH (Gesellschaft mit beschränkter Haftung = company with limited liability) = Inc.

So that's it ;)
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Qyzbud » March 11th, 2008, 11:03 am

Sounds like 'Krimskrams' was a very well chosen word. It sounds/looks very similar to Kremkroc and actually means something. Something relevant, too. Oh and "company with limited liability" hits the nail right on the head! ;)

Just curious: How did you get 'valley' for your 'Sturztal' translation? Fall valley sounds like an appropriate name, too.
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » March 11th, 2008, 8:52 pm

Qyzbud wrote:How did you get 'valley' for your 'Sturztal' translation?

Tal = valley (should be right ;) )
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Qyzbud » March 11th, 2008, 10:58 pm

Oh of course. I should have realised. :oops:

I guess it caught me out because it's one single word... Is it common in German for words to be brought together to make a single word?
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » March 12th, 2008, 4:38 am

Yes, I think it's safe to say that it is very common. "Höhlenwahnsinn" would be an other example 8-)
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Qyzbud » March 12th, 2008, 4:55 am

...Cave Madness?

Also, the German name for Slip Slide Ride is Schwarzwald Tour, which translates to Black Forest Tour, right? Any idea why that's relevant to the level?
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » March 12th, 2008, 5:36 am

I don't have any idea why Nintendo called it Schwarzwald Tour, would fit perfectly to those forest levels. (or there are ice-caves in the Schwarzwald, who knows?)
And also, your translations are correct, so here's your prize:

Donkey Kong Country 2 in german!

World1: Gallionsplanken
1-1 Piraten Panik
1-2 Schlotter Mast
1-3 Schiff Ahoi
1-4 Sinkender Holländer
1-5 Segel Trauma
Boss: Krows Nest

World2: Krokodil Kessel
2-1 Lava-Samba
2-2 Böllergrube
2-3 Lava Laguna
2-4 Heißer Ritt
2-5 Squawks Schacht
Boss: Kleevers Feuerschwert

World3: Krem Kai
3-1 Sumpf der Fässer
3-2 Glimmers Galeone
3-3 Sumpf des Wahnsinns
3-4 Klapper Misere
3-5 Kletterschleim
3-6 Affen Action
Boss: Kudgels Herausforderung

World4: Tiefes Kremland
4-1 Wespen Falle
4-2 Volltreffer
4-3 Brombeer Gedrängel
4-4 Alptraum Fahrt
4-5 Moor des Schreckens
4-6 Rambis Donnergetöse
Boss: Stacheldrama

World5: Düster-Schlucht
5-1 Geister Grube
5-2 Spuk-Halle
5-3 Sturmwald
5-4 Papageien Absturz
5-5 Wald des Grauens
Boss: Krows Rache

World6: K. Rools Reich
6-1 Eisiger Abgrund
6-2 Windhöhle
6-3 Quetsch-Schloß
6-4 Clappers Höhle
6-5 Ketten-Kletten
6-6 Gift Gemäuer
Boss: Power Show

World7: Fliegendes Krokodil
7-1 Dornenlauf
Boss: K. Rool Duell

World8: Verlorene Welt
8-1 Dschungelzauber
8-2 Schwarze Eisebene
8-3 Klobber Chaos
8-4 Glutofen
8-5 Tierische Show
Boss: Krokodil Hit

Maybe I should open another topic for this, because you are the only one replying here at the moment, Qyzbud :?
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Tompa » March 12th, 2008, 7:02 am

Well :P , I don't what to say... I guess I could translate the levels into Swedish and write down... Lol. That would probably look awful though :lol: .
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » March 12th, 2008, 8:46 am

nice idea! Teach us some sweet swedish. :roll:
There are only english versions in sweden, or do some get translated? Games without a german translation are not very common in germany (either we are too dumb or we are too lazy to read english :D ). Same goes for france, too.. Ok, Super Mario World wasn't translated into german, but i think this game was pretty self explanatory.
A propos translation...
The PAL version of DKC contains English, French and German. The PAL version of DKC2 contains English and German only. DKC2 also doesn't save the language you have chosen, DKC does. Funny, isn't it? ;)
But there is a french speedrun in DKC2 at SDA - do they have their own frenchie version?
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby BlueTronic » March 13th, 2008, 8:00 am

Tompa wrote:Well :P , I don't what to say... I guess I could translate the levels into Swedish and write down... Lol. That would probably look awful though :lol: .

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1 :P
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby nickp17 » March 13th, 2008, 8:19 am

Kong-Fu wrote:Swiss Cheese: Normal people cheese

1 :P

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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Kiddy14 » April 4th, 2008, 3:25 pm

I don't know if somebody is interested in this anymore, but I know some levels name in Spanish, in DKC3 only... and for the GBA version only, but kinda applies =P Anyway:

1.- Lago Orangatanga (Lake Orangatanga)
1-1.- Entre dos aguas (Lakeside Limbo)
1-2.- Carrera entre puertas (Doorstop Dash)
1-3.- Contracorriente (Tidal Trouble)
1-4.- Ruta nevada (Skidda's Row)
1-5.- El molino oscuro (Murky Mill)
1-6.- Granero de Belcha (Belcha's Barn)

2.- Bosque Kremwood (Kremwood Forest)
2-1.- Arañas saltarinas (Springin' Spiders)
2-2.- Carrera en la orilla (Riverside Race)
2-3.- Ratas sobre ruedas (Squeals on Wheels)
2-4.- Escudos de barriles (Barrel Shield Bust-Up)
2-5.- Carrera de obstáculos (Bobbing Barrel Brawl)
2-6.- La emboscada de Arich (Arich's Ambush)

3.- Valle de algodón (Cotton Top-Cove)
3-1.- Bloqueo de Bazza (Bazza's Blockade)
3-2.- Barriles-proyectiles (Rocket Barrel Ride)
3-3.- Klasps trepadores (Kreeping Klasps)
3-4.- Barriles de rastreo (Tracker Barrel Trek)
3-5.-Comida para peces (Fish Food Frenzy)
3-6.- Lucha de chorros (Squirt's Showdown)

4.- Mekanos
4-1.- Frenesí de bolas de fuego (Fire-Ball Frenzy)
4-2.- Demolición de cañerías (Demolition Drain-Pipe)
4-3.- La sierra furiosa (Ripsaw Rage)
4-4.- Bazooka en llamas (Blazing Bazukas)
4-5.- Laberinto ingrávido (Low-G Labyrinth)
4-6.- Masacre de KAOS (KAOS Carnage)

5.- K3
5-1.- Bichos de grietas (Krevice Kreepers)
5-2.- Tobogán alboroto (Tearaway Tobbogan)
5-3.- Saltos y barriles (Barrel Drop Bounce)
5-4.- Krack, golpe y kroc (Krack Shot Kroc)
5-5.- Embestida lemguin (Lemguin's Lunge)
5-6.- La casa de Bleak (Bleak's House)

6.- Cumbre afilada (Razor Ridge)
6-1.- Cortina de fuego (Buzzer Barrage)
6-2.- Kolinas Kong (Kong-Fused Cliffs)
6-3.- Pez iluminado (Floodlit Fish)
6-4.- Pánico en la gruta (Pot Hole Panic)
6-5.- Tímido jaleo (Ropey Rumpus)
6-6.- Tritura Croctopus (Kroctopus Krush)

7.-Pacífica (Pacifica)
7-1.- Cañerías sucias (Dingy Drain-Pipe)
7-2.- Mares bravos (Stormy Seas)
7-3.- Pulcritud hundida (Sunken Spruce)
7-4.- Explosión en la colina (Cliffside Blast)
7-5.- Arrecife para surf (Ripcurl Reef)
7-6.- Viva el surf (Surf's Up)
7-7.- La barrera de Barbos (Barbos' Barrier)

8.- Núkleo Kaos (Kaos Kore)
8-1.- Choque de cuerdas (Konveyor Rope-Klash)
8-2.- Cuevas del terror (Creepy Caverns)
8-3.- Alerta de rayos (Lightning Look-out)
8-4.- Subida de monedas (Koindozer Klamber)
8-5.- Tubería venenosa (Poisonous Pipeline)
8-6.- Kastillo de Kaos (Kastle Kaos)

9.- Krematoa
9-1.- Carrera estampida (Stampede Sprint)
9.2.- Colinas zigzag (Criss Cross Cliffs)
9-3.- Pelea doble de tiranos (Tyrant Twin Tussle)
9-4.- Proyectiles Swoopy (Swoopy Salvo)
9-5.- Alboroto de cohetes (Rocket Rush)
9-6.- Nautilus (Knautilus)

That's all I remember, I'll get it updated sometime, it's just Spanish translations were sooooo bad! They kinda lost the DKC touch in the names =(

EDIT: Finished! =D
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Qyzbud » April 4th, 2008, 7:08 pm

Thanks for those. I think I like Spanish more than English... All the words look/sound that much more awesome en Español! I'm not much of a Spaniard myself, so I can only translate bits and pieces of it in my head, so I really don't know how much of the spirit is lost in translation. You have a good memory, it seems!
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Kiddy14 » April 5th, 2008, 1:46 pm

Thanks! Hehe, funny, I think the same thing of English! XD
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Kiddy14 » July 8th, 2008, 2:56 pm

Time for an update, so here comes DKC2 in spanish! D=

1.- Galeón plancha (Gangplank Galleon)
1-1.- Pánico pirata (Pirate Panic)
1-2.- Braza de mayor (Mainbrace Mayhem)
1-3.- Galera plancha (Gangplank Galley)
1-4.- Sala del trismo (Lockjaw's Locker)
1-5.- Problema de gavia (Tidal Trouble)
1-6.- Nido de Krow (Krow's Nest)

2.- Caldera cocodrilo (Crocodile Cauldron)
2-1.- Salto impulsivo (Hot-Head Hop)
2-2.- Terreno de Kannon (Kannon's Klaims)
2-3.- Charco de lava (Lava Lagoon)
2-4.- Viaje picante (Red Hot Ride)
2-5.- Turno de Squawks (Squawks' Shaft)
2-6.- El horno de Kleever (Kleever's Kiln)

3.- M. de tripulaciones* (Krem Quay)
3-1.- Pantanos barril (Barrel Bayou)
3-2.- Galeón de Glimmer (Glimmer's Galleon)
3-3.- Subida de Krock (Krockhead Klamber)
3-4.- Batalla cascabel (Rattle Battle)
3-5.- Escalada fangosa (Slime Climb)
3-6.- Rompezarzas (Bramble Blast)
3-7.- Concurso de porras (Kudgel's Contest)

4.- Krazy Kremland**
4-1.- Nido de avispas (Hornet Hole)
4-2.- Horror de dianas (Target Terror)
4-3.- Destrozazarsas (Bramble Scramble)
4-4.- Carrera maltrecha (Rickety Race)
4-5.- Pantano cenagoso (Mudhole Marsh)
4-6.- Fragor de Rambi (Rambi Rumble)
4-7.- Aguijón picante (King Zing Sting)

5.- Barranco tenebroso (Gloomy Gulch)
5-1.- Bosque fantasmal (Ghostly Groove)
5-2.- Sala encantada (Haunted Hall)
5-3.- Claro borrascoso (Ghostly Glade)
5-4.- Pánico lorito (Parrot Chute Panic)
5-5.- Bosques redecilla (Web Woods)
5-6.- Kreepy Krow**

6.- Guarida de K. Rool (K. Rool's Keep)
6-1.- Abismo ártico (Arctic Abyss)
6-2.- Castillo abajo (Castle Crush)
6-3.- Caverna Clapper (Clapper's Cavern)
6-4.- Pozo ventoso (Windy Well)
6-5.- Cámara cadena (Chain Link Chamber)
6-6.- Torre tóxica (Toxic Tower)
6-7.- Prueba de fuerza (Stronghold Showdown)

7.- Krock volador (The Flying Krock)
7-1.- Carrera histérica (Schreech's Sprint)
7-2.- Duelo con K. Rool (K. Rool Duel)

8.- Mundo perdido (Lost World)
8-1.- Maldición de selva (Jungle Jinx)
8-2.- Pelea en el hielo (Black Ice Battle)
8-3.- Masacre de Klobber (Klobber Karnage)
8-4.- Horno fogoso (Fiery Furnace)
8-5.- Cabriolas animales (Animal Antics)
8-6.- Centro cocodrilo (Krocodile Kore)

*Don't know what the M. means :S
**I have no idea why these weren't translated. They are... spanglish? :roll:

And that's it XD I also have DKC's, but I'll post those in another reply, that if anybody replies, then I'll wait 2 days to put it in.
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Kiddy14 » July 10th, 2008, 12:32 pm

I wasn't expecting a reply anyway, so here are the DKC level names =P

1.- Jungla Kongo (Kongo Jungle)
1-1.- Jungla Hijinxs (Jungle Hijinxs)
1-2.- Lío de lianas (Ropey Rampage)
1-3.- Estruendo reptil (Reptile Rumble)
1-4.- Travesuras de coral (Coral Capers)
1-5.- Cañón barril cañón (Barrel Cannon Canyon)
1-6.- Guarida de Gnawty (Very Gnawty's Lair)

2.- Minas mono (Monkey Mines)
2-1.- Camino de Winky (Winky's Walkway)
2-2.- Estragos en la mina (Mine Cart Carnage)
2-3.- Rebote bonanza (Bouncy Bonanza)
2-4.- Barriles semáforo (Stop & Go Station)
2-5.- Peligro de piedras (Millstone Mayhem)
2-6.- Locura de Necky (Necky's Nuts)

3.- Valle liana (Vine Valley)
3-1.- Cultura buitre (Vulture Culture)
3-2.- Pueblo árbol (Tree Top Town)
3-3.- Bosque frenético (Forest Frenzy)
3-4.- Banda orangután (Orang-utan Gang)
3-5.- Ciudad almeja (Clam City)
3-6.- Templo tempestad (Temple Tempest)
3-7.- Estruendo de Queen B (Bumble B Rumble)

4.- Glaciar gorila (Gorilla Glacier)
4-1.- Barriles explosivos (Snow Barrel Blast)
4-2.- Paseo deslizante (Slipslide Ride)
4-3.- Croctopus te sigue... (Croctopus Chase)
4-4.- Callejón de hielo (Ice Age Alley)
4-5.- Puente de cuerda (Rope Bridge Rumble)
4-6.- Dilema de antorchas (Torchlight Trouble)
4-7.- Destrozo de Gnawty (Really Gnawty's Rampage)

5.- Industrias Kremkroc (Kremkroc Industries Inc.)
5-1.- Pasadizo aceitoso (Oil Drum Alley)
5-2.- Viaje con truco (Trick Track Treck)
5-3.- Charca venenosa (Poison Pond)
5-4.- Ascensores alocados (Elevator Antics)
5-5.- Sótano oscuro (Blackout Basement)
5-6.- Locura en la mina (Mine Cart Madness)
5-7.- Jefe Dumb Drum (Boss Dumb Drum)

6.- Cavernas chimpancé (Chimp Caverns)
6-1.- Problema de tanques (Tanked Up Trouble)
6-2.- Picadora maníaca (Manic Mincers)
6-3.- Niebla en la mina (Misty Mine)
6-4.- Luces turulatas (Loopy Lights)
6-5.- Plataforma peligrosa (Platform Perils)
6-6.- Venganza de Necky (Necky's Revenge)

7.- Galeón del Gang-plank (Gang-plank Galleon)

I find it weird the Gang-plank Galleon is called Galeón del Gang-plank in DKC but Galeón plancha in DKC2 :S
May be because the translators are different.

Oh, and Stone, it would be cool if you post DKC3's =) unless there aren't any :S

EDIT: Corrected some incorrect level names.
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » July 10th, 2008, 5:00 pm

Of course, there are official translations. But:
1. I've never had a DKC3 cartridge. :shock:
2. In emu, I never played the whole game (at least I got up to the snow levels and boss)
3. In the short time I've tested the game on emulator, I've forgotten to switch to German. And somehow, unlike in DKC and DKC2, you can't change the language on a save already started in English. :mrgreen:

But maybe I'll start again just to provide some names.
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby nackhe » July 11th, 2008, 2:18 am

Even though there's never been a Dutch translation for the DKC games, I could still try and translate them to Dutch if any of you are interested? :)
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » April 16th, 2009, 2:30 am

It's about time to finally post the names from DKC3!

World1: Orangatanga-See
1-1 Lago Limbo
1-2 Türen Allüren
1-3 Gezeiten-Pleiten
1-4 Skiddas Skandal
1-5 Moder-Mühle
Boss: Belchas Scheune

World2: Kremwood Forest
2-1 Feine Fässer-Fiesta
2-2 Flotte Fluss-Flitzerei
2-3 Allerlei Geschrei
2-4 Springende Spinnen
2-5 Fässer-Fiasko
Boss: Arichs Hinterhalt

World3: Baboon-Bucht
3-1 Bazzas Blockade
3-2 Fässer-Feuerwerk
3-3 Kriechende Klasps
3-4 Fässer-Gewässer
3-5 Fisch-Fillepitz
Boss: Squirts Showdown

World4: Mekanos
4-1 Feuerball-Knall
4-2 Kanalrohr-Terror
4-3 Rege Säge
4-4 Furioses Flinten-Feuer
4-5 Laues Labyrinth
Boss: Kaos' Karamba

World5: K3
5-1 Felsen-Fest
5-2 Jodel-Rodel
5-3 Freiflug-Fässer
5-4 Alligator-Attentat
5-5 Lemguins Frost-Flitzer
Boss: Bleaks Hütte

World6: Gipfelgrat
6-1 Summendes Sperrfeuer
6-2 Lunten-Lupf
6-3 Flutlicht-Fische
6-4 Höhlen-Humbug
6-5 Ropey Rumpus
Boss: Barbos Barriere

World7: Kaos
7-1 Strick-Trick
7-2 Höhlen-Holerö
7-3 Hitzeblitzwitz
7-4 Koindozer-Kollision
7-5 Pillepalle-Pipeline
Boss: Schloss Kaos

World8: Krematoa
8-1 Strampel-Getrampel
8-2 Klippen-Klamotte
8-3 Zwillings-Zerwürfnis
8-4 Swoopy-Doopie
8-5 Raketen-Rausch
Boss: Knautilus

I've gotten them from another source, so its possible that there are mistakes.
I may correct them soon (if there are any), because I'm going to beat 3 for the first time in my life! :)
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Re: Levelnames in strange languages

Postby Stone » May 3rd, 2009, 8:53 pm

I've now edited DKC3's levelnames. There were just minor mistakes (Swoopie, Rambus) and some missing " - ".
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