Tree Top Town "hidden" barrel?

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Tree Top Town "hidden" barrel?

Postby TheUltimateKoopa » February 9th, 2011, 2:40 am

Does anyone know the purpose of that barrel under the platform immediately after the section of diagonal barrels, located at about 4545,465 (x,y)? It's under the platform with the mid-way barrel.
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Re: Tree Top Town "hidden" barrel?

Postby Simion32 » February 9th, 2011, 9:11 am

TreeTopTownSafetyReturnShot.png (70.75 KiB) Viewed 6125 times

This does NOT work reliably. Sometimes your Kong will miss the hidden barrel. It works better with DK, if I recall correctly.

Presumably the game occasionally doesn't load the hidden cannon into memory before the Kongs pass that point (going backwards can cause object loading glitches).

Also, I should note that the Barrel Cannon that fires you to the bonus/safety-return is one of the very few Barrel Cannons that fire left (the other three are used in Jungle Hijinxs, Poison Pond, and Croctopus Chase, respectively):

D227 = Barrel Cannon (AutoFire) [Shoots: LEFT, Distance: JUGGERNAUT]
D543 = Barrel Cannon (AutoFire) (NO PAL) [Shoots: LEFT]
D559 = Barrel Cannon (AutoFire) [Shoots: LEFT, Speed: BERSERK]
DC47 = Barrel Cannon (AutoFire) [Shoots: LEFT, Distance: ULTRA-WEAK]
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