Why did Cranky and Wrinkly stay together?

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Why did Cranky and Wrinkly stay together?

Postby Chibisai Kong » August 21st, 2011, 2:13 pm

I was listening to a Chipmunk (yes CHIPMUNK) rendition of the song Love The Way You Lie and suddenly it occured to me that somehow Cranky and Wrinkly, which are the only two I can think of right off hand whose relationship fit the song almost perfectly, had remained married until, of course, the latter died (and since she returns as a ghost maybe even after that) so how'd they do it? In the third and second DKC games Cranky talked smack about her though Wrinkly sometimes did the same and it was apparent that their marriage was in bad shape---yet they never divorced.

Anyone have any ideas as to why that is?
Last edited by Qyzbud on October 6th, 2012, 11:58 am, edited 1 time in total.
Reason: Renamed from "How's It Possible?"
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Re: How's It Possible?

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 22nd, 2012, 4:47 pm

Devorcing Isn't easy you know because of money and paperwork and stuff like that. And probolly because there old and you know how old people can be stubborn. ;)
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Re: How's It Possible?

Postby Chibisai Kong » August 23rd, 2012, 12:19 am

My parents are divorced, so yes I know how hard divorce is. Honestly, I was just curious. XD
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Re: How's It Possible?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 6th, 2012, 9:48 am

They loved each other, deep down.
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Re: How's It Possible?

Postby Chibisai Kong » October 6th, 2012, 10:02 am

That's actually exactly what I had thought Tiptup.
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