DKCLB Custom Level Ideas

The dream tool of any hardcore DKC player, the DKCLB aims to make editable in unison all elements from the original DKC Trilogy, and allow customization of it all, too! Powered by the Delta Suite.

Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » January 14th, 2012, 2:17 pm

Wait, Reppalc is a helper. Wow im dumb XD. Sounds like an interesting combonation. What would under the ice hold, and what about if it freezes.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » January 14th, 2012, 2:25 pm

Reppalc is the opposite of Clapper. He spits fire. FalsePower suggested him as a buddy. He thought that when the ice freezes again, one Kong dies and the water unfreezes again so the other could get out. About under the ice, I don't know... maybe bonus barrels or DK coins?
I love your level ideas, Banana Bird! Those combos sound neat!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » January 14th, 2012, 2:57 pm

Combustible Cave

You must use TNT Barrels to blast away walls, like you do to the trees in DKC3. The background would be the DKC1 cave with its tiles and possibly its music. The level could involve you grabbing a TNT and then avoiding a bunch of Zingers to get to the breakable wall.

What do you think of this idea?
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » January 15th, 2012, 4:24 am

Sounds like a nice idea! I am low on ideas so I will just come up with archetypes here and there.
Crystal Cave= A nice looking archetype with many clear different colored crystals
Outside of valcano= A cool sick looking archetype that would have lava flowing and molten rocks. A glowing red effect for some rocks.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » January 15th, 2012, 8:09 am

Boomy Barrels

The whole level involves shooting yourself out of barrel cannons. Some you control, lke the D-Pad Barrel, others not so much, as in the Instant Shooting Barrel with an action sign on it or the Arrow Barrel. DK Coins and bonuses would be in secret alternate paths away from the main one. An example would be, when you need to shoot down, shoot up. For added fun (or despair), things could be exploding and a giant object could be rolling after you.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » January 21st, 2012, 3:13 am

I've had this idea for a while. I don't have a good name for the level, though.
Archetype: DKC1 cave (dark)
Music: either DKC1 cave or DKC3 cliff
Gimmick: There is a rope from Kong-fused Kliff that is horizontal instead of vertical. The fuse is a light source. The fuse should have two different colours, probably red and green. The colours should indicate how fast the fuse moves, so in certain parts of the level, the fuse burns faster and you have to run to keep up. There is a giant TNT barrel (or a pile of TNT barrels) at the end of the level. You have to make it out of the cave before the TNT blows up... or maybe turn into Ellie at the end and squirt water on the fuse at the end to put it out (of course, there would have to be an underground water source, either a waterfall or lake).
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » January 29th, 2012, 11:26 am

Phyreburnz wrote: of course, there would have to be an underground water source, either a waterfall or lake).

If it is a cliff, a waterfall sounds good, but if it is a cave it should be a lake. Here we go again guys.
Name:Treetop Drop
Music: Jungle Jitter
Special Effects: Fall colored leaves and dark brown colored tree bark on trees.
Gimmicks: In this level, you must descend from the tree with Flapper for a good amount of the level avoiding Zingers and Swoopys. After you get to the half point of the level, it turns to night time and you have to get to the bottom of the tree with light so you can see. There is a box for Flapper, in a light holding form. You slowly creep down the treetop with Flapper and fight off more Zingers, Gnawtys, Klobbers, Krushas, Kritters, Kobbles and Cat O 9 Tails. These enemies can be killed easier if you obtain a hidden Rambi. I really just came up with this in like, 2 minutes so it isin't well planned out.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » February 3rd, 2012, 10:02 am

Name: Ellis Escape
Archetype: DKC3 Factory
Music: GBA Nuts and Bolts and Baron K. Roolenstein while being chased.
Special Effects: Little peices of the ceiling falling down.
Gimmicks: In this level, you must run through a factory that is falling apart. Very shortly into the level, a giant Buzz chases you down. The falling peices cannot hurt you and the giant Buzz is red and cannot be killed. Enemies include Bazuka, Buzz, Karbine, Red Klap Trap, Krumple, Phyreburnzs Mecha Neckys and Robotic Kritters. Phyreburnz Mecha Neckys were made by Phryeburnz here. They are robotic and sometimes green. They throw bomb or fireballs to. Robotic Kritters are Kritters that cannot die at all, avoid them! You charge down a huge maze filled with these robots while being chased by a HUGE BUZZ! Toward the end, to make it more challenging has Krosshair come into play to shoot at you. This level will be very fast paced and long too.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » April 9th, 2012, 1:54 am

Ive had level ideas inside me over Lent just waiting to burst out!
Snowy Mainbrace Just like a mainbrace level from DKC covered in snow and has slippery mainbraces with creatures lurking atop to catch you off guard! This archetype would also have a snowfall effect, wind and a winter sky background!

Autumn Treetops Just normal treetops in with autumn colored leaves

Kremlantic Ocean A beautiful turquoise ocean with many bright, vibrant coral and small lion fish swimming back that cannot hurt you. A giant, beautiful mountain of coral can be seen in the background, my best archetype yet.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » April 10th, 2012, 4:23 am

Name: Pudding Panic
Archetype: DKC2 Hive
Music: Hornet Hole
Special Effects: Brown pudding moves in the background.
Gimmicks: It's a color variant of the hive levels in DKC2, the honey changed to brown, to look like chocolate pudding. Maybe some of those brown Zingers form DKC1 could be in the level, and instead of sticking to the walls, you would sort of slide down when you grabbed on and have to jump to scale the wall. The pudding on the floor could also act like ice and have a slippery quality.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Soniccuz » April 10th, 2012, 9:04 pm

The Banana Bird wrote: Ive had level ideas inside me over Lent just waiting to burst out!
Snowy Mainbrace Just like a mainbrace level from DKC covered in snow and has slippery mainbraces with creatures lurking atop to catch you off guard! This archetype would also have a snowfall effect, wind and a winter sky background!

I really like this idea, and now I can't stop picturing the Gangplank covered in sheets of ice... Interesting concept. I'd add a frozen deck level to complement it. Where the ship gently rocks adding a little extra to the challenge.

Frosty Freighter, perfect!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby DKCplayer » April 26th, 2012, 7:02 pm

I have no idea why a good boss idea came to me when I was trying to sleep. I put it in a spoiler because it's huge and in detail!

Name: Dumb Drum Drama
Boss: The Dumb Drum Duo
Setting: Factory

Phase 1:
Boss Idea part 1.png
Boss Idea part 1.png (35.44 KiB) Viewed 153178 times

Two Boss Dumb Drums land on the ground, trying to squash the Kongs like the first DKC. Instead of falling where the Kong was last, there are four different spots (indicated by the blue) they can land. They both fall at the same time and may fall next to each other or apart, which makes it more difficult to dodge than the original Boss Dumb Drum level. The pause before they fall down is a bit longer than the original to ensure that the player is able to dodge. After a set amount of dodges, the Dumb Drum Duo stop each stop at the top corners (indicated by the red) drop out one of the same enemy each, which the Kongs of course need to defeat. Eventually, a TNT barrel will fall from the sky which can be used to destroy one of the drums. The floor will then split up, causing the Kongs to fall down to the next floor. (Perhaps a DK barrel would be good if this turns out too hard)

1 - Dumb Drum Duo thuds ground once. They drop out two Kritters, Neeks or any other basic enemy.
2 - Dumb Drum Duo thuds ground 3 times. They drop out two Klampons or Klaptraps.
3 - Dumb Drum Duo thuds ground 5 times. They drop out two Spinys or Bristles.
4 - Dumb Drum Duo thuds ground twice, making a TNT barrel fall down. A brief pause occurs to allow the player to pick it up. If failed, the duo will thud the ground 3 times again, the third thud making a TNT barrel fall again. Throwing the TNT at a Dumb Drum will make it explode and fall offscreen. The Kongs then fall to the next floor down.

Phase 2:
Boss Idea part 2.png
Look out below!
Boss Idea part 2.png (25.79 KiB) Viewed 153178 times

After defeating the first Dumb Drum, the second will drop enemies (indicated by green) follow you from above while flashing red and making a beeping noise. The flash and beep speed will get faster until Dumb Drum pauses and then thuds the ground (like the Krack-Shot Kroc shooter before firing). To beat this final drum. you must get it to land in the middle three times to break the wooden plank and once more to make it land in the lava below.

1 - Dumb Drum sends out a Kobble and a Klump. When defeated, Dumb Drum aims and thuds ground once. Plank cracks if hit. Repeats if plank isn't hit.
2 - Dumb Drum sends out a Kaboing and a Slippa. When defeated, Dumb Drum aims and thuds ground once. Plank cracks if hit. Repeats if plank isn't hit.
3 - Dumb Drum sends out a Klampon and a Spiny. When defeated, Dumb Drum aims and thuds ground once. Plank destroyed if hit! Repeats if plank isn't hit.
4 - Dumb Drum sends out a Krow and a jumping Kritter to go over the hole. When defeated, Dumb Drum aims and thuds ground once. Boss destroyed if it lands in the middle, otherwise it repeats.
I'm sorry if it's not the best way to explain the idea. :?
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » April 27th, 2012, 11:07 am

That is a very great idea, DKCPlayer! It sounds unique and challenging, which makes for a fun boss fight.
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Introduction to Morzeka's Hive

Postby Morzeka » May 12th, 2012, 8:03 pm

// Greetings,

My personal favorite level archetype is the Hive, and thus my thoughts will be bred there with new takes on how to navigate the swarm's home. I have not ready EVERY reply on this post, so I may have missed a Hive level suggestion and idea or two, but I hope what I may shortly devise may be of interest.

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The Hive - Honeycomb Havoc (#1)

Postby Morzeka » May 18th, 2012, 11:54 am

World: Morzeka's Hive
Level Name: Honeycomb Havoc
Archetype: Hive
Order: First level
Description: Honeycomb Havoc acts as the introductory level to Morzeka's Hive, greeting the Kongs with a couple new features that foundate the very hive's design. As inspired by Donkey Kong Country 2, the general appearance of the hive will remain the same, though how it is structured and organized may differ slightly. Honey will be introduced as one of the main features, though there are two types: passive background honey, and explorable liquid honey. There will be honey on the walls and floors, as in DKC2 that snares Kongs when stepped or jumped upon. There will also be one or two odd pools of liquid honey that Kongs are able to swim in, just like water - only at a slower movement speed, as honey is thicker. Now, to emphasize the very life of the hive and to give the zingers a bit of a more personal illustration, there will be working zingers that crawl across certain surfaces, or patrol particular areas to suggest that they all have roles. Another new feature will be the "honeyfalls". Some zingers may cling to a honey comb and activate it, causing honey to pour out like a water fall. When a kong attempts to pass through it, they will be caught in the fall and pulled down, and have their movement speed decreased significantly. Though it is passable, it will still greatly hinder a Kong's ability to "jump" through it, and more-so demand a more tactical dive. As a safer alternative, a Kong can simply wait for the working zinger to deactivate the honey flow.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » May 18th, 2012, 1:12 pm

That is a very creative level idea you have there Morzeka! Your vivid description makes me want to really see it in action!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » May 19th, 2012, 3:06 am

Super Luigi! wrote:That is a very creative level idea you have there Morzeka! Your vivid description makes me want to really see it in action!

Thank you, Super Luigi. I hope the world of the hive can be of much interest and appeal to you and the rest of the DKC Atlas users when I have finished articulating my DKC fantasy. When I can spare a bit of time away from work and away from Diablo III, I'll definitely look into a bit of sprite work for a screen shot or two.

King Morzeka.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 1st, 2012, 1:25 pm

I got this awesome idea that I would like to do some concept art for...

Name: Flooded Factory
Archetype and music: DKC1 factory

This is a factory that's flooded with oily water, very similar to the swamp water in DKC2, so if you touch it, you die. In some places, the water will rise and fall, sort of like toxic tower, but it will fall again. There will also be oil barrels and steel kegs bobbing in the water. You can jump on said barrels, but they begin to sink fast, so you've got to jump quickly! Another interesting catch could be the oily water catching on fire.

I really, really like this idea and I'd love to do some concept art for it! I have the picture in my head and I need to get it out!

*EDIT* Here is my concept art.
flooded factory copy.png
flooded factory copy.png (53.66 KiB) Viewed 153050 times
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 1st, 2012, 4:56 pm

Somebody already had a similar idea dubbed "Mack-Speed Machinery" where the level is flooded with oil and various cleaners and pollutants. I know because it was destined to be in my custom world, Driveline Drifts.

Of course, the mechanics aren't exactly the same, but close. :P
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » June 1st, 2012, 6:27 pm

That is an interesting level concept, Simion32. I love it, and it really just looks like it would be fun to explore the oily touch and taint.
I know that my hive would have major troubles if they're drenched in oil, their poor and anticipated tattered wings. I better begin to develop some new oil resistances!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » June 2nd, 2012, 11:40 am

Haven't you already, Morzeka? Just look at yourself. You seem to be immune to the oil, on account of your gray-ish look.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » June 3rd, 2012, 4:50 am

To entertain your observation, I'd like to share a story.

It was only a few weeks ago when I had visited Crocodile Cauldron. I was personally investigating what could only be descriped as a "flare" I had witnessed from the distant hive. The volcano was not erupting, nor was it even spitting - it just looked like... a red, resonating vine lashing out from the core. Now I have never personally explored the volcanic details of Crocodile Cauldron and could never imagine anything lived there until I had seen the already infesting Kremlings, and even Zingers from other hives. What could they possibly be doing in such a volatile environment? That's when I saw it again. That same, crimson flare screaming out from the upper reaches. I carefully flew onwards with my royal guards, intent to find out the cause of this phenomenon. Upon entering the core of the volcanic havoc, I came to observe countless skeletons in the smoldering ashes, piled and mended into the rocks and chunks. My observation did not last long, as the next thing I remember was a vicious heat blazing over my face. I shrieked in agony, and my royal guards buzzed immediately. I was blind, and my skin was heavily scarred. Beyond the ringing, I could detect the sound of metal clashes and an almost haunting cackle in the background. I was quickly escorted out by a remaining guard while the others were busy protecting me from the attacker, and I was taken back to the mitosis chamber for healing.

Now I have evolved a higher resistance to heat and most fires, but I will not regain my sight for some time, if ever at all. I did not know what attacked me that day, but if I ever return to that place, I will be prepared. As for oil, I have seen scarce sources of oil around these lands. It would draw a grave concern if I were to ever discover the use of oil anywhere near my hive.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » June 3rd, 2012, 3:29 pm

You know, I think we've just come up with another level idea. It might be hard to do, but it sounds like it could work.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 17th, 2012, 4:20 am

This is an idea similar to the dream I had the other day. This would involve a combination of aspects of all 3 games, and I'm not even sure how some of it could be accomplished... but I just have to write this idea here!

I'm not sure what level music would be the best... music from DKC1 water levels, any of the DKC2 pirate ship levels, or maybe the DKC3 boardwalk level. I'm thinking pirate ship music would probably be the most appropriate... but 'tis open for debate ;)

I also don't have a name, really... Sunken Ship Shanty, maybe...

This level would combine the element of half water, half land from DKC3, ocean from DKC1, and pirate ships from DKC2. The water would have the DKC1 coral and background. Sticking in and out of the water would be half-sunken pirate ships (which would bring the DKC2 style and DKC3 half water-half land type level). At certain places, *maybe* you should not be able to jump out of the water and into the parts of the pirate ships and have higher platforms that are out of reach for the Kongs and enemies like Kannon shoots downward in the water. The water could be full of various water enemies from all 3 DKC games (like croctopus, puftup, and I'd really like to see my custom jumping Bitey and Bitey Snr in this level). The land enemies should be pirate ones from DKC2.

Another possible gimmic could be that the level goes down and up, as well as side to side. You could swim down in the reef, well below the surface, and come up tot he surface to get items and such. So, maybe toward the surface, it could have the surface waters of DKC3 boardwalk levels, but when you go down, it's coral.

I was also thinking of another thing to add to my Flooded Factory level. Rather than immediately dying when you touch the oily water, you slowly sink, but you can still jump up. This would sort of be like water levels in certain Mario levels where you have to keep pressing jump, or you'll sink to your death. This could also be added to DKC2 swamp levels.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Super Luigi! » June 17th, 2012, 2:24 pm

You have a very artistic and unique idea here, Phyreburnz. I especially like how you combine elements from all 3 DKC games into one level.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 21st, 2012, 6:21 am

This might sound a little stupid, but I have an idea that was sparked by a band name. I really like the band Mudhoney, and that gave me a cool idea.

Level name: Mudhoney Marsh (or something with 'Mudhoney' in the title... "Mudhoney Marsh" sounds a little too close to "Mudhole Marsh," I think)
Archetype: DKC2 swamp
Music: It would be super, super cool if a Mudhoney song could be used for the level, but I doubt it would fit, unless someone made a DKC-esque version of a song... or maybe found an instrumental one. They're heavy and grungy, so I doubt it would work... but it would be sweet :D
Gimmick: there are honey splotches throughout the level, where there is no honey, the slime-covered logs are slippy. This level has floors that are either sticky or slippery, making it tough to navigate.

It would be super amazing if somebody could make DKC-style Donkey Kong Land levels, like the big ape city and cloud ones. I would love to be able to do it... but I have no idea how... I mean, I use Photoshop all the time and I can edit sprites... but I don't know how I'd be able to create a level... and I don't know where I'd start.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Morzeka » June 22nd, 2012, 4:15 pm

I love the idea of having such a massive level to explore, Phyreburnz - especially when it combines both water and land, as those were particularily a few of my favorites in Donkey Kong Country 3 (the caves). The underwater territories are definitely out of my hive's range; however, new mutagenic experimentations could grant access to new ways of accessing such places. I'll have to look into it.

I actually just had an idea for my hive.
"Acid Aspiration".
You can take a guess as to where I'm going with this. A particular hive of mine has taken a new idea into consideration and started to experiment. Pustulent sacs clinging to the walls and hanging from the ceilings, containing concentrated sulphuric acid, introducing a new evolution in the hive. If there is any contact with the sacs that do not transmit a particular Zinger pheromone, the acid sacs will disrupt and burst, disintegrating any organism nearby. I'm still working on developing a new exo-skeleton for a brood of my Zingers to protect them from the acid, so they are still vulnerable to the substance. It is in my hopes that no intruders are found disrupting the sacs, or things could get really messy - even leak through some of the honeycombs. Not a good thing.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 23rd, 2012, 12:45 pm

I'm gonna do some concept art for this one!

One of K. Rool's ships was navigating through a frozen cave, the ship smashed into some ice crystals. The semi-sunken ship remains frozen.
Name: Glimmering Galleon
Archetype: DKC2 mainbrace and DKC2 ship
Music: crystal cave DKC1 (Slipslide Ride)
Gimmick: all the ropes are the red and blue ropes from Slipslide Ride. The ship floor is covered in frost and the ship itself is a frozen bluish colour. The background is half mainbrace/ship and half crystal cave. There could even be some frozen water below the ship (another level for our friend, Reppalc!)
Enemies: somebody came up with this before, but I like the white Manky that throws barrels, it makes him seem yeti-ish. So, white Mankys, Klingers (probably a teal colour), white Neeks (or Sneeks), various water enemies that are only active in melted water, Lemguins, and Skiddas.

This one is actually feasible without making anything completely new, I think.

*EDIT* I'm actually gonna go all out for this one. I'm working on designing the level. I think you guys are gonna like it! I'm also thinking of making ship levels like DKL, where it's a combination of the DKC2 rigging and ship levels (which is pretty much what Glimmering Galleon will be!). I'm so excited to get this done and show you guys!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 24th, 2012, 8:36 am

Here is a sneak preview of Glimmering Galleon! I still have to work out how the water will fit in, and everything. I'm actually building this level in Photoshop.

glimmering galleon preview.png

Any suggestions, so far? I'm not 100% sure on the backgrounds, so if you like it, let me know, or if you think another background would work better, let me know and I'll try it out!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby HellFire » June 24th, 2012, 9:28 am

Hm, the level idea is pretty good, and the color you used for the ship is good as well. I liked the idea of mixing elements from both ship archetypes. As for the background, the one from the mines look out of place in my opinion, they're emeralds, not ice crystal. Try replacing that with the DKC 2 ice cavern background. You could also use some terrain from the ice cavern archetype later in the level (for example, the ship was cracked in 2, and in between there's a section with water and floating icebergs, which could be made using the ice cavern terrain... just throwing random ideas...)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 24th, 2012, 9:30 am

You might be better off with Paint.NET, what I used for my (more recent) level concept images.

All that aside I like the idea, but the graphics just don't seem to get it quite right. There has to be more of a feeling of you actually being in an ice cave rather than a continuous, never-ending wall of crystals. :P
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 24th, 2012, 9:35 am

So, maybe throw in some ice crystals in the foreground, maybe?

I did try the more blue looking crystals from DKC2, but I liked the green ones a little bit better, to add more colour, rather than just blue. I can post a shot of that, if you'd like to see it. I just thought it was just toooooo blue.

I'm also attempting to add some water in the level, but I'm not sure how that will work out. The DKC2 ship water levels are just boxes, barrels and chests, which won't work for under the ship. I was maybe going to try to do ocean bits from croctopus chase.

I wanted to have a pretty complex level, where you have to go forward, and then back, and then forward again. I could post a shot of what I'm attempting so far in regards to the actual level design.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 24th, 2012, 11:28 am

Sorry for the double post, but here's my newest previews. I really think the water works well, actually. I just have to figure out something better for the surface. It doesn't work well with the water layer in front of the coral, but maybe just the wavy parts in front with the rest of the water behind.

glimmering galleon preview 2.png

glimmering galleon preview 3.png

Here is the link to the image to the level design: ... design.png

It still needs red and blue ropes, enemies, and other such things, but the actual level, I think is complete. What do you think?
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 24th, 2012, 1:52 pm

Your PNG was resized again. :x

Also, level needs to be longer than that, maybe twice the size, to make up a decent level. Else wise it will become another Winky's Walkway.

The ice walls make it look much better, but the background(s) are very bright and distracting.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 24th, 2012, 1:56 pm

Well, they're just previews. Everything is still in layers, I just wanted everyone to see what the level will look like. I can upload the zipped PSD in the animation submission post, if you want.

I just wanted to get some feedback first. What do you guys think about the triple combo of levels? Does it work? I was thinking of leaving it this small, because of all the running around, going up far, and swimming down.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 24th, 2012, 2:00 pm

Both technically (as in DELTA can do this) and visually. ;)

I'd like a layered graphic PSD to take a crack at getting the look right, but I'll be converting it to .PDN in the process because that's what I use. Go ahead and upload it in that topic (should keep things tidy). Just include all the layers you have, it'll make editing a bit "easier".
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 25th, 2012, 3:40 am

I'm really excited to see what you do with my level, Simion!

I also came up with another level idea.

It's nothing really complex, and it should be easy to do.

Name: ?
Archetype and music: DKC3 cave with water
Gimmick: it's dark, and you have to use Squawks to navigate through the land, and glimmer through the water.

See, nothing special, but it could make for an interesting level, maybe.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 25th, 2012, 12:28 pm

Phyreburnz wrote:For my Glimmering Galleon level, I wanted to have a white Manky (which somebody came up with before), but I'd like to see if we could make it throw those freeze barrels that Simion designed.

Gave a preliminary edit to a few barrel sprites, and...

Dixie and Diddy look on as the insane Eddie
The Yeti throws his deadly freeze barrels.
GlimmeringGalleon_Phyreburns_Simion32Edit.png (170.71 KiB) Viewed 152831 times

Of course this image has wayyyy too many layers for DELTA, but that's because I overdid it. :P

How's it look Phyre?
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 25th, 2012, 12:42 pm

I LOVE the foreground, but the background seems lacking to me... but I originally wanted it to be friggin' ice crystal city back there. I really liked all the ice in the back, but if there's too many layers as it is... Or, maybe just use the DKC2 mine background. By the way, how many layers can Delta have?

Also, LOVE the snowy Manky! :D

Did you do anything to the actual level design, or leave it the same? I wasn't sure how big it should be, since it goes so far up and down.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 25th, 2012, 1:04 pm

It's not a problem of too many layers, it's a problem of getting it to actually look good in a way that doesn't distract the gamer from playing the level. I couldn't easily do that with the various crystal backgrounds so I chose the waterfalls one and edited that a bit.

Check the nearby layering development topic for a preliminary layer layout (you can have up to 4 BGs, MGs, and FGs; each having two priority levels (priority 1 pixels are drawn further up the stack than priority 0 pixels)).

I sort of just took part of the level and edited from there.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 25th, 2012, 1:06 pm

I dunno... I think all those layers are neat! :D
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Simion32 » June 25th, 2012, 1:44 pm

Also, it's important to note that image layers in a PSD or PDN file may not exactly equate to DELTA layers (here, it definitely does not). This level has 3 MGs, 2 BGs, and only one FG layer. The ship being in front of corals is a priority effect. Water is a special effect spread across several zones in the rendering stack.

Special effects, as you can see, have their own special areas in the drawing stack so that special effects do not limit the number of other real layers.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 25th, 2012, 1:56 pm

That's so cool. I'm really excited about this! Thanks so much for helping with all your amazing abilities, Simion! I can't wait to see this level in action!

I'm also thinking about making something like ice blocks to put bananas and K-O-N-G letters in... should be easy with all those ice effects in the games!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby leo_core » June 26th, 2012, 5:57 am

Wow, great concepts here! I had not seen this topic.
I really enjoyed the Glimmering Galleon Phyreburnz! You could make it available to our project?

I want to take and extend the invitation to all who want create custom levels. We are accepting contributions: Donkey Kong Country 4: The Kongs Return

Like to create custom levels? Contribute to our fan game and see his creation in action with the right to have credits in the game! Thanks in advance :)
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 26th, 2012, 6:29 am

Sure, you can use it, leocore!

Simion is helping me out a little bit with making the level work out. I did upload my PSD of it in the DKLB Sprite/Animation submission page. You can download that, if you want, but I suggest waiting to see what Simion does to it!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby leo_core » June 26th, 2012, 7:58 am

Phyreburnz wrote:Sure, you can use it, leocore!

Simion is helping me out a little bit with making the level work out. I did upload my PSD of it in the DKLB Sprite/Animation submission page. You can download that, if you want, but I suggest waiting to see what Simion does to it!

Thanks! I really liked the idea, it would be like a ship trapped inside an ice cave. Sensational!
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » June 26th, 2012, 10:21 am

I'm thinking of making normal combinations of the rigging and ship levels of DKC2.

Also, I just notice this... but in your screenshot, Simion, you misspelled my name :P You have the last letter as an "s" instead of a "z." No biggie, though! :lol:
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby Phyreburnz » July 1st, 2012, 4:35 am

I think I just got the worst level idea, ever.

Level name: Greased Lightning
Music... probably if somebody could do an instrumental version of Greased Lightning from the movie grease... If not, probably DKC or DKC3 factory.
Archetype, somewhat new. Mix between DKC3 outdoors (like lightning lookout) background with DKC3 factory floors. So, like, the factory is somewhat in ruins, and the roof is off and just the floors remain.
Gimmick: there is lightning strikes from the cracked ceiling above and there are grease-covered floors that make you slip and slide 'errwhere (probably just DKC2 honey that's a nasty tan/brown colour). So, you have to avoid the lightning while sliding around on greasy floors.

Okay, so the level itself might be a good idea, but the name is terrible! :lol:
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » July 1st, 2012, 8:16 am

Great idea Phrye, and heres some more archetypes I have came up with.
Dungeon- A dark stone building with moss growing all over the walls and iron bars that must be switched on to open. In these levels there could be falling columns in some parts to make it trickier and to be used as bridges when barrels are thrown at them.
Haunted Hive- Like the hives of DKC2 except that it is very dark featured and has fly larvae in the backround. The combs are all black and fly coccoons hang from the ceilings to climb at points.
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Re: DKC Custom Level Ideas

Postby The Banana Bird » July 3rd, 2012, 2:39 am

Morzeka, what exactly are you because whatever type of zinger you are would make a VERY interesting baddie by the looks of your profile picture.
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