Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Talk about Donkey Kong 64 for the Nintendo 64.

Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Master clyde super » August 9th, 2012, 10:31 am

Title says it all. I LOVE DK64, and I love the DKC series. Infact, the later is my favorite 2D platformer series, and DK64 is one of my fav 3D platformers (behind SM64 and the Banjo-Kazooie series). So, I'm wondering :scratch:, am I the only one here that likes DK634?
- The MCS :funky:
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Master clyde super » August 9th, 2012, 10:51 am

Well, I just meant that most DKC lovers don't really like DK64 too well.
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Geno » August 9th, 2012, 9:10 pm

I like both DKC AND DK64. Image Image
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Katastrophe Kong » August 11th, 2012, 11:31 am

I love Donkey Kong 64. I like how it brought stuff back from the Donkey Kong Country series as well as adding in new, unique features. While I did miss the other two Kongs (Kiddy and Dixie would've been awesome), there's always room for expanding the Kong Family.

The only thing that bugged me was that it didn't seem to have it's own central theme.
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Ribbedebie » August 18th, 2012, 9:22 pm

I love DK64 as much as the previous games! But then, I'm easy when it comes to DK - I love anything and everything DK. Arcade, Country, 64, cartoon, Returns, etc.

And hate towards any of these games makes me facepalm a bit. :facepalm: Actually, I just wanted to use one of these awesome new smilies. Heh.
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 24th, 2012, 2:54 am

DK64 is deffinetly better than any DK game after it, but I dont think it meets DKC's standards.
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Tiptup Jr. » September 4th, 2012, 5:06 am

It's no secret on here that I'm a big fan of Donkey Kong 64, I will never understand why there's so much animosity towards it. It's probably not as good as either of the Banjo games but it was still a fantastic experience and shaped much of my childhood. People complain about it not being a "3D version of Donkey Kong Country" but honestly, what the f--- does that even mean?

Also jarringly absent from Virtual Console, which still bugs me.
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby Super Luigi! » September 10th, 2012, 2:29 pm

I agree, this game was and still is amazing, and I still learn new features by playing it again, like the time I figured out how to play multiplayer!
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby the_kong_br » June 28th, 2014, 5:27 am

I do not have much appreciation for DK64. I think I misread the Country series. In the second half of the 90s, there was this urge to transform all the 2D series into 3D.
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Re: Am I the only one that likes DK64?

Postby spaceman2028 » September 3rd, 2014, 7:34 am

Really like this game unlike The Kong Br. Wish someone would at least make Tiny, Chunky and Lanky some sprites, though i might just go ask the owner of the animations topic...
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