The great debate: SNES vs. GBA

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The great debate: SNES vs. GBA

Postby m64m » September 30th, 2012, 9:27 am

I grew up in the N64 era. As a kid, I rarely saw a SNES (like at a cousin's house). I didn't know about the DKC series until I had GBA.

This brings us to my main question. Where do you think the series work best? Are the SNES versions truly superior to GBA, even though there's a lack of Time Attack and Picturebooks? I know they were ported over with a significant amount of quality loss, but is it worth it to go back and play the series on SNES?
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Re: The great debate: SNES vs. GBA

Postby Qyzbud » September 30th, 2012, 1:33 pm

It's so worth it. The SNES versions are just that beautiful in sound, graphics and gameplay... the GBA ports are a reasonably good attempt at capturing the majesty of the originals, but even with the bonus features, they just don't quite reach the brilliance of the SNES DKCs.

The DKC3 port is by far the best of the GBA's DKC offerings, but you should definitely play the SNES version of this game, too - even if just to experience the original soundtrack, which is completely different from the GBA port. You don't get to explore Pacifica on the SNES, but I have to say the quality of the experience makes the adventure entirely worthwhile.

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Re: The great debate: SNES vs. GBA

Postby Super Luigi! » September 30th, 2012, 2:07 pm

Yep, I'm agree with Qyzbud. The SNES versions have everything that you would need: great gameplay, magnificent music, colorful characters, and other such alliterations! The GBA ports do have some interesting sound effects and bonuc features, but they don't outweigh the gloriouSNES!
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Re: The great debate: SNES vs. GBA

Postby m64m » October 1st, 2012, 5:12 am

Haha. I've been long overdue on replaying the series. Looks like it's SNES all the way.
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Re: The great debate: SNES vs. GBA

Postby Tiptup Jr. » October 3rd, 2012, 5:47 am

Just get a Wii (I know, I know) and they have all three DKCs on there. If you have an HDTV and a composite cable, Virtual Console games look really crisp and clean... the GBA ports were all AMAZING, but obviously you should play the originals first. The port of 2 is cool except for the nonsense of having to pay coins evey time you re-fight a boss, and the 3 port has a whole new world with some great levels. The ports of 1 and 2 also have these cameras you can collect to fill up an in-game scrapbook, and 2 has feathers you can pick up for Expresso racing. So in a way the 3 port is closest to the original (even with the new levels.)
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