Since the DK games generally use level names with alliteration, the Spanish translation also uses alliteration in many of the level names. So, while some level names were not literally translated, they are still creative and it feels as though it could have been official. Of course, some level names were translated directly, and there are a few levels (not many) that borrowed names from DKC3 GBA, but the latter doesn't occur nearly as often as it does in the Japanese version, where it occurs a little too much. But overall, alliteration was the main priority, and I'm sure you'll all love it.
Also worth noting: Enemy names in this translation are based on the DKC3 names, not the DKL3 names (from the GB version), so here, they're known as Re-Koil, Minkey, Knik-Knak, and Knocka, not Rekoil, Minky, Niknak, or Krusha. A few characters (such as Bear) also received translated names, but most of them stayed the same, as they're proper nouns.
Finally, a couple of features that were inexplicably removed in the Japanese version have been restored in this Spanish translation. This includes the world map animations and the "Last time" text (in Spanish: "Último Tiempo") on the Time Attack screen. This was difficult for me to do (and took me many hours), especially restoring the world map animations (I had to find the code in the GB version, find the surrounding code, find that same surrounding code in the GBC version, insert the missing code by hand, and test/debug it, if you want an idea), but in the end, it works perfectly! I also plan to add these back in the English patch eventually. Bear's animation was not restored, though, due to low priority (the first time I played the Japanese version, I didn't even notice the lack of animation until I saw him in the cast list, whereas I noticed the missing map animations right away, to put it into perspective), but it can likely be done in the future.
Certain graphical-based text was not translated (namely, the "Teleport" sign in Sheepy Shop Tienda Tarlatana, the "Start" sign when beating K. Rool for the final time, and the "Time Attack" sign on the Time Attack screen), because these graphics are all compressed, they all use fancy font styles, and my artistic skills are poor to change the text and preserve the general style. I hope nobody minds. I noticed that even official translations of games don't translate everything, either, so I don't feel that bad.
Well, anyway... without further ado, here's the Spanish patch!! Download it here: (Apply to an unmodified Japanese ROM.)
¡Gracias por jugarlo! ¡Disfruta de la traducción española!

And here are screenshots:
And some screenshots that are further into the game (spoiler warning!):
(Finally... apart from updating the English patch eventually, it's unlikely that I will be working on other translations for a long time (nothing short of 6 months), because both these hacks took me quite a long time, and I've been burned out here. In addition, I don't even know any other languages (I only know English, and Spanish somewhat), so I can't even check for accuracy. However, I will document my notes eventually, once I have them organized, in case people want to work off one of these two translations.)