Steel Keg Glitches

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Steel Keg Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » April 14th, 2008, 9:40 am

Teleport to Steel Keg Glitch
This one works this way:
1.- Go to a level with water and steel kegs, have both Kongs in Kong form.
2.-Put the Steel Keg in the water so it'll float.
3.- Stand on it and throw any Kong to the water.
4.- Now that the Kong went back to you, go to the water.
5.- Switch to the other Kong.

You would be teleported to the Steel Keg if you were swimming under it, but if you were swimming under nothing, you would appear there kinda jumping, and going back to the water.

Steel Keg into platform Glitch
You need to:
1.- Go to a level with a Sneak, a Steel Keg, and a platform over where the Sneak is.
2.- Jump in the platform and put down the Steel Keg where it would fall and roll really slow.
3.- Jump in it and wait for it to roll through the Sneak.

You would now be doing the waiting animation, and will be able to move in the Steel Keg freely, even Team-Up.
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Re: Steel Keg Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » April 14th, 2008, 2:54 pm

Interesting... seems like DKC2 and DKC3 both have some buggy reactions to switching Kongs as you move in/out of water.
It seems like this works for any bobbing barrels, though; not just steel kegs. Just thought I should mention that. ;)

I knew about the second one (sort of), but I didn't realise you could walk around on the keg, or team up. I just thought it was a change of animation! That's very cool.
Those who are wondering, Squeels On Wheels is a good level to try this out in.
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Re: Steel Keg Glitches

Postby Cody » April 16th, 2008, 10:05 am

If you gently throw Dixie as Kiddy onto a moving Steel Keg, you can stand on the keg with your idle animations playing and can use your team stand.
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Re: Steel Keg Glitches

Postby Qyzbud » April 16th, 2008, 1:24 pm

So exactly like what tal's trick allows, but with no need for a baddie?
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Re: Steel Keg Glitches

Postby Kiddy14 » April 16th, 2008, 1:30 pm

Most likely, it's a faster way of doing it. Weird thing is how Rareware didn't get rid of this bugs, which seem important since the Steel Keg and its riding is one of the most used functions of this game. Somehow the ability to throw Kongs with the ability to be on Steel Kegs were collapsing in this game.

What's also rare (hey pun again! =D) is that if you throw the barrel before the Midway Barrel in Squeals on Wheels and jump on it, you would bypass the Rekoil, but you would get hit by the Sneak.
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Re: Steel Keg Glitches

Postby Kowbrainz » April 19th, 2008, 12:19 am

If you look in the Glitch Video Compilation, there's a video I found a month or two back of some tricks in Squeals on Wheels you can try out. They look pretty fun to replicate.
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