Awesome Games Done Quick 2015

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Awesome Games Done Quick 2015

Postby Stone » January 4th, 2015, 1:48 pm

AGDQ starts this Sunday in a few hours! First game will be Tropical Freeze!

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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2015

Postby MatiZ » January 4th, 2015, 8:03 pm

I love watching AGDQ! Thanks for the information. I can't wait to see first speedruns.
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2015

Postby Stone » January 7th, 2015, 7:14 am

It looks like they have moved Donkey Kong Country 2, it will start in about 2 hours!
Looks like it will be a 4 way race! :thumbs:

Unfortunately, it will be the last DK game for this marathon. I recommend you to watch the Yoshi's Island run for compensation!
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Re: Awesome Games Done Quick 2015

Postby Qyzbud » January 7th, 2015, 12:14 pm

The 4-way DKC2 race just concluded, and wow, there were some neat tricks on show! DBJ's gameplay particularly impressed me. Claude played very well, too, but it was hard to keep an eye on everyone at once! I'll have to rewatch to see more of the other participants' play/techniques.

I completely missed the Tropical Freeze run, so I might check that out now.

Edit: Tropical Freeze run is amazing. Behold...

Thanks for announcing this fun event once more, Stone! :banana:
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