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Postby Jomingo » May 4th, 2008, 2:18 pm

Well, today I got a dog. She is a vanilla Lab, and her name is Sunshine. I also have a Leopard Spotted Gecko named Gex, and a cat named Max.

So what pets do you guys have? I don't have a camera ready right now, but if you guys want to post any pictures of your pets, that would be awesome.
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Re: Pets!

Postby BlueTronic » May 4th, 2008, 2:39 pm

Jomingo wrote:Well, today I got a dog. She is a vanilla Lab

Lab?... Not ice cream? :cry:

I have the goofiest little chihuahua in the world named Cato. I took a picture of him with a tiny santa clause hat, and one of him in the bath tub where he was literally wearing a tiny shower cap.
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Re: Pets!

Postby nackhe » May 4th, 2008, 10:55 pm

What a coincidence! I have a cat named Max too! :D

besides that I have:
- another cat named Hera
- 2 chickens (named Dotty and Do) and 2 hen (named Igor and...well the other one has no name yet)
- a nameless bird (don't know what kind of bird he is)

Oh and, next week Hera is going to give birth to a bunch of (hopefully) healthy kittens. :D
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Re: Pets!

Postby nickp17 » May 4th, 2008, 11:49 pm

I have a cat named Chaz :D
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Re: Pets!

Postby Kiddy14 » May 5th, 2008, 4:30 am

I've had:

-1 parrot
-2 turtles named Raúl and Eloy
-5 dogs called Oro, Perri, Negra, Perro and Manchas
-7 cats, 2 adults called Gati and I don't remember the other ones name, and 5 kittens my family found alone in a road
-1 Beta fish called Beto

And that's all... all of them are death or lost though D=

-The parrot died for eating tomato
-The turtles died because of an infection in their eyes
-Oro died from negligence in a vet, Perri ran away, Negra ran away from a truck O_o, Perro was given to other people, and Manchas died from eating bad chicken.
-The name-lost cat died from having her column broken, Gati got lost. The 5 kittens were given away, but the families we gave them lost them D=
-Beto the Fish died from coldness.

Sad... I know... :(
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Re: Pets!

Postby Jomingo » May 5th, 2008, 11:00 am

I once got a kitten, because my dog died. So my mom gets me this kitten, and it is the most adorable kitten I had ever seen. I immediately stop being so sad about the dog. We have it for one day, then we take it to the vet. Turns out, it had Felion Leukemia! We had to put it down after one day.
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Re: Pets!

Postby Qyzbud » May 6th, 2008, 2:15 pm

Jomingo, that's too sad... :cry:

nickp17 wrote:I have a cat named Chaz :D

Welcome back, stranger! I've always wanted to have a cat, but my dad's not exactly a cat person, so I've never had the chance. That's one reason I'm looking forward to having a place of my own. I don't know what I'd call a cat though... Chaz is a good name. Felix is too predictable, but I'd probably consider it.

Kiddy14 wrote:The parrot died for eating tomato

That's sad, but for some reason I nearly laughed when I read it... Sorry! :oops:
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Re: Pets!

Postby BlueTronic » May 6th, 2008, 11:04 pm

My dog will eat almost anything: as a matter of fact, if you pretend to be holding something in your hands, but don't have anything, and you call "NOTHING!" he'll literally run up to you and start nipping at your hand.
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Re: Pets!

Postby Jomingo » May 7th, 2008, 7:17 am

Qyz, when and if that cat ever comes into existence, you should name it Cat O 9 tails, or 9 tails for short. Either that or Bubsy.
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Re: Pets!

Postby Qyzbud » May 7th, 2008, 10:20 am

What could possibly go wrong?


Or the nickname could be 'Tails', which would no longer be heresy.
Well, not as much. ;)
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Re: Pets!

Postby Jomingo » May 7th, 2008, 11:26 am

Ha ha, indeed. A little off topic but somehow related to what we were just saying, I am currently offering $100 to anyone who names there first child Shovel. Yes, Shovel.

A little on topic, I think my new dog hates me. Everytime I enter the room, she goes crazy, barking up a storm. She does this to no one else, not even my cat.
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Re: Pets!

Postby BlueTronic » May 7th, 2008, 12:58 pm

She just needs to warm up to you. It might take a few weeks, but she'll adjust.
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Re: Pets!

Postby Kiddy14 » August 9th, 2008, 4:06 am

Ok guys I now have a cute little black doggy as a pet.
It's a she so you know =)

We found her in a gas station. The employee said she kind of "jumped" out of a pick-up and her owners didn't notice it. So she took her away from the road. Then we went to gas the car and she was there, sitting. We asked her the employee about her and told us her story, we took her home :D

She's hyperactive xD
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Re: Pets!

Postby CaptainEddie » August 9th, 2008, 4:34 am

I have a crazy dog. XD She. Is. Lazy. But she is just older that a puppy, so...she gets excited. She will pick up a toy and run around with it until you throw it, and then she retrives it and lays down in the shade. She is also a coward. XD

I had another dog, but she died of old age.

I had a fish, but it dies due to me not feeding it.

My brother had a parakeet that flew away.

My brother had a cockateil that we gave away. (That thing was ANNOYING!)
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Re: Pets!

Postby DKCplayer » August 9th, 2008, 10:51 am

We have 2 dogs. Both girls and both black. One night about a month ago, a cat was on our veranda which was right near my room. I didn't know it was there. I was on the computer when I was startled by a thud. Next thing, I heard the screech of a cat and then I heard the dogs barking. The cat didn't get killed, I know that, but I checked outside and it was gone. :lol:
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Re: Pets!

Postby Gnawzooka » August 9th, 2008, 11:45 am

We don't have any pets anymore. We used to have fish...lots of fish. The guy kept telling us that certain fish weren't warm water fish...but they actually were.
Jomingo wrote:I am currently offering $100 to anyone who names there first child Shovel. Yes, Shovel.

It's not worth it. :P
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