America's rape statistics are complete bullsh-t!

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America's rape statistics are complete bullsh-t!

Postby Aaendi » August 22nd, 2011, 1:23 am

The FBI defines rape as "Any unwanted physical contact from a man." This includes unwanted kissing, hugging or touching as a form of rape. This same definition has been used in hundreds of anti-rape speeches, yet I seem to be the only one who catches it.
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Re: America's rape statistics are complete bullsh-t!

Postby Aaendi » August 22nd, 2011, 7:00 pm

Tomarrow is my first day back to school, and the one thing I hate the most is being harrassed by women. Just because I have stutering speech problems does not mean I must be "desperate" and therefore a "rapist."
Trainee Trekker
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