Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

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Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Markster » December 24th, 2011, 1:52 am

iCarly... (TV Show)
A good show about a couple of girls making there own web-show, and there technical producer recording the action, the main characters are Carly, Sam, Freddy, and Spencer, all of these characters has there funny ways, Carly is just the average main character, Sam is the one who is lazy and eats too much fried chicken, Freddy is the one who controls all the electronics, like the computer, the cameras, etc. in there web-show, and Spencer is the crazy sculptor, there are many funny scenes in the show, like the time that Sam and Freddy where fighting over a computer and then knocks it off the desk, :lol: , and the time that Miss Brigs or whatever is unaware of the green screen behind her, :lol: again, it was so good, it got a bad video game on the DS and Wii. (Just like all TV Shows getting there own game.)
It is very underrated, most people who hate it only watched it for like 5 minutes.
Tuff E Nuff... (Game SNES)
A very very good Street Fighter 2 clone, Tuff E Nuff has great game-play, great music, great stages, some decent characters, a password system, etc. which makes it the best Steet Fighter 2 clone ever! Very underrated too.
HP (Computer Brand)
Many people say HP sucks butt, and it only last 8 months, well I have had my HP computer for 10 months and it still works, so all those predictions are mostly bogus, HP works really really really good for me, all though I prefer Compaq, HP is very good computer brand, at least for desktops.
Well that concludes today's Underrated Things, toon in another time for more things I think that are underrated, bye.
And did I mention this is MY OPINION!
UPDATE! 12/26/11
This is for my opinions and other peoples opinions now.
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Re: Markster Opinions (Underrated Things)

Postby Simion32 » December 24th, 2011, 7:26 am

Markster wrote:HP works really really really good for me, all though I prefer Compaq, HP is very good computer brand, at least for desktops.
But try their printers - good lord, what a piece of **** that was... :roll:

Kodak's stuff sucks too because they don't even program their own damn software. It's all third-party BS that always crashes or has problems. One of the crashes I got was on a NULL pointer access (wtf!! how can you NOT find that?!).
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Re: Markster Opinions (Underrated Things)

Postby Markster » December 24th, 2011, 11:14 am

I got more for you all...
Windows Movie Maker (PC Program)
WMM is the best free video editor I have ever used, in fact, it was my first video editing software I ever used, I figured out about it in 2006 when I was only 9, and it was breeze to use for me, it may crash sometimes, but that's only with the XP version, the Vista version doesn't crash hardly at all, and it has more features, WMM has a lot of transitions, and effects that are very useful, overall, from my experience, WMM doesn't suck, it is really good in fact, overall I do prefer professinal paid video editing softwares because it has 100x more features than WMM, but if you are broke and you want a free video editing software, then go out and get WMM, if you have XP/Vista, it already includes it, but if you have 7, then you will have to download it (I recommend you download the Vista version), WLMM sucks.
Speedy Eggbert (Game PC)
A egg on a egg-citing egg-venture, collect chest, get to the goal, do puzzles, etc., it is a great computer game developed by Epsitec and eGames, it is my first computer game, I have been playing it since I was only 4, and Serj Tankian from SOAD came up with the game, but he did not create it, overall, give this game a try, it is the best PC platformer I have ever played, and also try the squeal, it is even better.
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Re: Markster Opinions (Underrated Things)

Postby Aaendi » December 25th, 2011, 3:00 pm

Hitachi 6309 CPU.

It came out in the late 80s and was one of the fastest 16-bit CPUs around but what was it used for? A stupid 8-bit computer (Tandy CoCo3) that doesn't even support hardware sprites. What is even stupider is that Tandy's next computer system had 16-bit graphics and audio hardware, but ditched the fast 6309 and jumped onto the Intel x86 bandwagon.
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Re: Markster Opinions (Underrated Things)

Postby Markster » December 26th, 2011, 6:09 am

I got more for you all, and I opened my Christmas presents, I got...
Sonic And The Secret Rings
Wario Land Shake It!
My brother got Offroad Extreme! Special Edition for the wii, and Ultimate Mortal Kombat for the DS.
Offroad Extreme! Special Edition (Game Wii)
It is a decent racing game for the Wii, but everyone gives it 1.0, come on, it ain't that bad, my brother just got brain-washed to hating the game by those stupid reviews, and he thought it was pretty decent before he looked at those reviews.

Spy Games Elevator Mission (Game Wii)
I don't like it that much, I would probably give the game a 5.5, but it doesn't deserve a 1.0 out of 10, it is pretty underrated.

The Mr. Men Show (Cartoon)
Underrated, and very good, I loved this show when I was 12, and I first watched it when I was 10, it is pretty good, and it has a big cast of characters based off the Mr. Men books from the 70s, It may be canceled as of 11/01/09, but it was always good to me.

New Spongebob (Cartoon)
I may of said that new spongebob sucked before on the forum, but it is not THAT bad, I know it is not half as good as the old ones, but hey, it is still good.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Ninni973 » December 28th, 2011, 5:07 am

The Legend of Zelda: The Wind Waker (GameCube)

It was underrated because of the graphics, but those graphics are the best! I love cel-shaded graphics! I can't believe people hate cel-shading! At least IGN gave it a 9.1. I gave the game a 9.8. It was an almost perfect game, and my most favorite.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Soniccuz » January 2nd, 2012, 12:58 pm

^^^ Agreed, Windwaker did have something of a bad rap when it came out. Now it's generally held up there with the best of them. A case of judging the book by it's cover.

The Gargoyle's Quest series, this brilliant Ghost and Goblins spin off for Game Boy, Nes, and Super Nes. It's a fun twist on typical platform games with limited flight/hovering and wall climbing abilities. If you're familar with Ultamate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 this is Firebrand's game. Yes he's more then just an iconic baddie they pulled from the main series.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Markster » February 2nd, 2012, 12:13 pm

I got more underrated things.
Sonic Heroes :
One of the best 3D sonic games I have ever played, it is like Sonic Adventure, except you play 3 characters at a time, no one likes it, come on, it is not as bad as games like Sonic 2006, it is really good, and best of all, CREAM IS ON THE GAME!!!

Hybrid Heaven :
A very good wrestling RPG game, very underrated.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Markster » March 8th, 2012, 12:30 am

I got another underrated things for you all.
Cream the Rabbit (Sonic Character) :
2/3 of the people who knows about the character hates her, but I don't, how could people hate her, come on, she is a great character and a great addition to the Sonic franchise, many videos just claim her as a stupid flying bunny, or a annoying little f***er that needs to die or something, hardly no one likes her at all, and it makes me mad, in fact, a lot of the female characters on Sonic get bashed, especially Amy Rose (Which I don't know what to think about.), you are all just sexist pigs, I bet half of you on DKC-Atlas are Cream haters, wupwup trolled me for being a Cream fan, I got banned of Blupi Paradise for having Cream in my avatar, it is time to stop it all, DEATH TO THE CREAM HATERS!!! DIE!!! DIE!!! DIE!!!!! (Now that was a mouth full.)

Dazzle DVC100 DVD Recorder (Capture Card) :
Many people just give this product 1 star, and on Amazon, it is rated 2 stars, but I tried it, it worked great for me, the quality was okay, and the reason I bought it was so I can digitize old family videos, and put them to DVD, which I also bought a 100 pack of Memorex DVD-Rs so I can burn the video I capture to DVD, which I also used those DVD-Rs for backing up my data off my dad's computer (Which if you read my Luck topic, the computer broke a week after doing all that.), Dazzle DVC100 DVD Recorder is great.

American Dad (TV Show) :
A very good cartoon made by the same makers of Family Guy, well close, it gets a lot of hate, but it doesn't really deserve it, great show, I watched a bunch of it on Netflix.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Markster » March 9th, 2012, 4:19 am

Here is more underrated things for you all.
Kiddy Kong (DK Character)
He can do a lot of cool things, and no one respects him, he is quite underrated.

C&C Renegade (Computer Game)
One of my favorite shooters of all time, hardly no one cares about it, most people are addicted to there COD and crap.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Markster » March 13th, 2012, 12:51 am

I got more underrated things for you today.
Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii Game)
This game is a really good new sonic game, it features some awesome epic gameplay, and a party mode.

Kentucky (USA State)
Most people just bash Kentucky, call it a worthless hillbilly land, but not all of Kentucky is like that, take a look at Lexington and Louisville, I know I live in the hillbilly part but you should not bash hillbillies, everyone is human, and I will take Appalachian Mountains and Daniel Boon National Forest over city's and factories any day.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Simion32 » March 13th, 2012, 9:08 am

Markster wrote:Sonic and the Secret Rings (Wii Game)
This game is a really good new sonic game, it features some awesome epic gameplay, and a party mode.
I concur. This game sucks. I bought it and know so.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Markster » March 15th, 2012, 11:08 am

I got a few more underrated things for you all.
GBA Donkey Kong Country Series (GBA Games) :
These are great ports, despite the graphics, come on, DKC while you go places, what more can you ask for, and DKC3 has a bonus world, they are awesome ports, most people just hate them and say stuff like (TOO BRIGHT!) or (CRAPPY GRAPHICS!) or something, I like the ports, but the SNES versions will always be the best.

Superman 64 (N64 Game) :
I don't like this game, but it is not as bad as everyone says it is, I would give it a 4.5 out of 10.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby MadcapTech » March 25th, 2012, 9:08 pm

I'm probably the only one who thinks this; That Duke Nukem Forever was a different, and fun game.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Super Luigi! » March 26th, 2012, 1:28 pm

Dirt. It holds all average plant life and the minerals in it help it grow, but nobody cares about it and people use it as an insult.
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Re: Underrated Things (Post Your Own!)

Postby Ribbedebie » March 29th, 2012, 1:13 am

Can I just say Donkey Kong Country the animated series? People just go hating on it and comparing it to the games, while it actually has some quite clever parts. (I love it as much as the games, hehe!)

I know people around here tolerate/like it, but some people just don't seem to agree with me...
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