Dude... Really, Ribbedebie? Holy crap! Your English is better than some Americans! And that's not a joke! And that's super awesome that you're self-taught! I totally thought that you were either from an English-speaking country or you learned it in school or something! :D And sorry for all the exclamation points!
Aw, thanks. Yeah, I spoke on English language forums by the age of 9 (even though back then I was barely understandable, heh.) I dunno how I picked up the language that quickly, as nobody in my family actually uses the English language... Well, I did learn a lot of other things from school, but the basics were thanks to Banjo-Tooie and later issues of the Animals of Farthing Wood.
Here recently it seems some people at school have been calling me Cat as a reference to Cat Valentine from VICTORiOUS because I always talk about strange things my brother does.
Well, it started out when I made movies in Movie Maker, where my avatar was Paper Luigi. Then, when I started making SMB Levels I named them "Luigi's Lost Levels", but then thought a different name would be better. So, when I made another Mario game with a better editor, I named the game "Super Luigi Brothers", put myself into the game, and called him Super Luigi! And the name has stuck ever since.
Well, my little sister like to play 1 to 100 at dinner, where you have to guess a number between 1 and 100 One night I decided to to play 1 to 12000, and I chose my number as 8946.
For some unknown reason, I never, ever forgot that number. And my real name is Lennon, after John Lennon.
Your actual name is Lennon, len? That's epic hopefully you like The Beatles (though that's not hard given gems like Abbey Road, Revolver, Sgt. Pepper's & Rubber Soul)!
My real name is Andrew, but everyone just calls me Drew. I thought of my user name randomly when I got bored, but it's not as good as anybody else. You know what's cool about my initials? they spell AMS or perferebly DMS because I like it to be DS.
Anyway, I got this username because after I got Conker's Pocket Tales and heard about Twelve Tails: Conker 64 a few years later, I was so excited about the sequel. Though, it had been converted to Conker's Bad Fur Day which I never got, due to the ratings ;(. I can in May 2013 (finally!), my seventeenth birthday.
My username is comprised of two words mainly. Axis is very self-explanatory and straightforward describing a center and transhumant in summary describes the seasonal movement of lamb and cattle in pasture, mainly the goal of a shepherd.
I got to play Mortal Kombat games when I was a little kid, and those games where rated M, my parents never thought it was that bad, and I got to play a ton of T for Teen games as well, I am officially old enough for T for Teen games now, because I'm 15, but still not old enough for M and AO games.
7s7ui3 is TStuie in l33tspeech. T is the first letter in my first name and Stuie is a nickname for my last name My username is bad, and I should feel bad
Wait, so all this time you wanted to be called Qyz? Wow, if only I knew. Can I still call you the Almighty Qyzbud though? It seems fitting. And Mrs. Qyzbud, what should we call you, Goddess Phoebe?
My name is Shane M. My Indian nickname is Aduel (pronounced AH-DUEL), but I prefer ShaneM. I am a programmer and ROM hacker. I also own my own forum. I will add it to my signature some time. I enjoy Mario, Pokemon, Donkey Kong, Kirby, Zelda, etc. I'm sort of weird and very pedantic. I don't really beat around the bush much, either. I enjoy weight training, too. Before I started ASM, my interests were linguistics and philosophy, which I went to college for.
It all makes sense now! You're the famous Amazing Aduel that I've heard about on my trips across the Internet and radio! How else could you be so flexible in your numerous talents?
Well, I can't believe I hadn't posted here yet. Although I'm not saying my real name here, as that isn't the original aim of the topic, I will explain the story behind my name.
IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NITE.... Storms lashed the rugged terrain of Donkey Kong Island, home of the- wait a sec...
Oops, wrong story. REAL STORY/STORIES
One day, I stumbled upon a Super Mario fansite which I thought was cool. It was named MFGG, where one could submit various Mario-related fangame material, as well as sprite rips. Since I was playing Super Mario RPG at the time, and I was in a rush for a name, I selected 'geno'. I soon regretted not using the SHIFT key.
Anyway, after a long while of having my stuff declined due to "Oh, this is stolen", or "This is a recolour of something else" (by the way, both of which were NOT true), I got fed up and left (more like faded away). I found 2 more sites to invade rather quickly, one of which was named Cutstuff (mainly Mega Man themed), and the other one is so obscure, I do not think you will know what it is, but it is called "DKC Atlas". After some vast improvements in my custom spriting skills, I decided to test my sprite EDITING skills. Now, let me tell you a little something about Cutstuff: The "Official Cutstuff game", Mega Man 8-bit Deathmatch, has a bucketload of custom skins which are edits of the character Roll. So I edited Roll a lot, as I thought it wouldn't look too out of place. I was wrong, but the thing was, one of the characters I chose to edit Roll into resembling, was (you guessed it,) Geno. This prompted me to change my appearance, as it was originally just the regular ol' Geno from SMRPG. Then, it became Roll, dressed as Geno. Although I continued to go by the original name, but with the new appearance, when I was putting my MM8BDM player profile on the Cutstuff, I noticed a problem. "Geno" was already used. So, I used GenoRoll, which is now my alternate name, as well as my character's name.
And there you have it!
Actually, have a bonus story about my new current appearance. It's another Cutstuff based thingy, so beware. COMMENCING STORY ABOUT 'OLDER' CHARACTER APPEARANCE
So, all was fine and dandy, I was mucking about with my acquaintances at both Cutstuff, and DKCAtlas, and having a wonderful time. However, one day, on a Mega Man 8-Bit Deathmatch server, I got REALLY annoyed at someone, so I said:
I have reached maximun pissed-offness!
Now, the response immediately after was
Aw, aren't you cute!
That made me more angry, and I started to think it was about how I looked.
Much later, I was digging around Cutstuff, when I found the topic of an individual, who had the novel idea to age his own character(s) to correspond with stuff going on with their own fan-fiction thing. Now, I thought "Hey, that's cool, let me try something like that!" So I got to work. Since I haven't really wrote any sort of stories about myself, I aged the character based on my own appearance and age, so I had to look tall, and look like an adult, even though I'm not quite there yet. I also modified the costume a bit, due to problems with arm movements, and not wanting to look TOO indecent. IT was described as (I'm paraphrasing here)"An OC made out of two existing ones, and it managed to not look like a ripoff", so I succeeded, and here we are! And for anyone who cares, all 3 of me.
Holy crap, I wrote so much. I doubt anybody's gonna read it at all though...
Oops, and by the way, I almost forgot that I also go by "Geno2925" on sites that require numbers in the username, or that "Geno" is not available. The numbers being something school related, that will be burned into my mind forever.
I always liked the name Eduardo, but i have never meet anyone named like that, witch is strange, since according to some people, Eduardo is a common name in the city where i live. I'm Mexican, so Arnold is NOT my real name... my real name is Armando, and i don't like it at all, i think is way too long and when i was in elementary school my classmates made fun of me because my name sounded silly, it reminds me how i didn't have any friend in my childhood.
Geno wrote:...it was originally just the regular ol' Geno from SMRPG. Then, it became Roll, dressed as Geno. Although I continued to go by the original name, but with the new appearance, when I was putting my MM8BDM player profile on the Cutstuff, I noticed a problem. "Geno" was already used. So, I used GenoRoll, which is now my alternate name, as well as my character's name.
So YOU are that person i keep hearing about on custuff...i had no idea!
IT WAS A DARK AND STORMY NITE.... Storms lashed the rugged terrain of Donkey Kong Island, home of the- wait a sec...
Oops, wrong story.
LOL that sounds like something DKCplayer would like to make, or possibly Eddie as a part of her comic, which has it's own topic(hey that rhymes). We might want to check that out some time later! by the way DK Isles is referred to as Kongo Bongo Island in the cartoon.
I've used the name RC Spriter on forums and stuff for as long as I can remember. It's based on RC Shroober, an enemy from Mario & Luigi Partners in Time. "Spriter" is because I like to make custom sprites. I think MFGG (Mario Fan Games Galaxy) was the first website I used it on, but I haven't been there for quite a long time.
Also, unrelated to that, I have a nickname that everybody from my high school called me: "JP Swag." My initials are JP, and "swag" came from one day in 10th grade math class when I answered a question using some new method I made up that was way faster than the method they were teaching us. The teacher said "Wow, I guess we'll use that from now on," and someone shouted "Yeah, JP Swag!" And it stuck forever... In the following years, everyone continued to add to the running theme that I had the most swag on the planet, and there was even a "swag index" measured in "percent JP" that somebody invented. What can I say, maybe they're right.
Terribly sorry for the sudden bump, but I wanted to take this opportunity to explain my username:
The name, 'Rapidkirby3k', came around the time I had an enjoyment playing the original Super Smash Bros. for Nintendo 64 as my favorite character, Kirby. As I needed a brand new alias at the time SSB was rather new, I managed to come up with that from out of nowhere and the random name stuck with me for so many years.
My name is fairly simple! I am a birder and my favorite bird is a Western Tanager. I am a professional chess player, a grandmaster in fact, (not really, I’m only a International Master, but close enough though) and the Dewey decimal number for chess books is 794! Every time I check out a chess book from the library, and to look for new ones, I look in 794. I really just wanted an original name for the forum and nothing DKC related. So birds and chess will do.
Named myself after the Peter Gabriel song Sledgehammer. Was thinking of good usernames for myself here and that just happened to be the first thing that popped into my head. The 44 part has no significance though, it was just a random number that I chose to add to my handle. My profile picture is also an image captured by the Voyager 2 spacecraft of Uranus' moon Umbriel in 1986, just because I thought it looked cool. This is also why I have my location set to Umbriel in my profile; it was just a silly joke I found amusing.