My viewpoints: --Yeah, just don't try to argue your point about anything
unless you are backing it up with scientifically document-able facts (to
support (not prove - can't do that) your
opinion). I try not to call people out on this (unless they just spew straight BS) because people are afraid of being wrong.
--You cannot "win" an argument, as
all arguments are contests of opinion, and not about "finding who has the facts right". It's always construed as "I'm right, and you're wrong VS no you're wrong" mentality.
If you were strictly checking against facts there would be nothing to argue over in the first place.--When you are trying to prove something, don't forget that
all facts are ultimately derived from opinions about what's going on, and these are deemed "facts" but are never actually provable.
Make sure your argument doesn't fall apart when looking from outside the box (Bible circular logic is a great example).
--About the only thing you can 100% concretely prove is a mathematical equation (scientific assumptions/theories notwithstanding - those are still only proven via empirical
evidence, not actual concrete
proof). But even then, the rules of that math still come from our imagination, so we're still creating assumed facts
within a fairytale land of "mathematical rules".