Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

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Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Qyzbud » February 16th, 2008, 12:59 pm

My query here is pretty specific, but feel free to post anything here about the VC version of DKC that you have noticed differs from the SNES.

On DKC for Virtual Console, If I'm holding a barrel and jump on a baddie, the barrel shoots straight up, off-screen, at a very high speed. Obviously, this is not what's meant to happen (as it makes no sense), and it never happened on any of the SNES versions that I played. I even paid for the game a second time, re-downloaded it on to another Wii, and found that the same thing happens, so I can rule out the possibility of a download error. At least I think I can.

Has anyone else noticed this, or any other VC peculiarities?
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby BlueTronic » February 16th, 2008, 1:07 pm

Well that sucks, you paid for 2 downloads for nothing. :x This never happened to me. maybe it's something with the Virtual Console's network. Or maybe a glitch in the Wii that makes it happen every time.
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Qyzbud » February 16th, 2008, 1:22 pm

Well, I'll just use that 2nd DKC VC purchase to negate any trace of guilt I've ever had for using a non-purchased version of DKC via emulator. No biggy, I don't like to think I'm ripping off my favourite companies.

It's certainly not a Wii hardware/software glitch (I don't think so, anyway), because I've tried it on two separate Wii's, as mentioned. Perhaps the VC downloads are country or region specific, and because I downloaded both copies in South Australia, maybe it's some kind of localised network or server data error or something. Whatever it is, it's mighty peculiar. I haven't discovered any other discrepancies yet, but I don't get all that much gaming time whilst in site development mode. :roll:
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Arne_the_great » March 16th, 2008, 6:24 am

Qyzbud wrote:My query here is pretty specific, but feel free to post anything here about the VC version of DKC that you have noticed differs from the SNES.

On DKC for Virtual Console, If I'm holding a barrel and jump on a baddie, the barrel shoots straight up, off-screen, at a very high speed. Obviously, this is not what's meant to happen (as it makes no sense), and it never happened on any of the SNES versions that I played. I even paid for the game a second time, re-downloaded it on to another Wii, and found that the same thing happens, so I can rule out the possibility of a download error. At least I think I can.

Has anyone else noticed this, or any other VC peculiarities?

That exact same thing is in PAL 1.1 version for SNES. I think it's to prevent some glitches. Probably the one where you can kill Klumps and Krushas with Diddy by jumping on them if you hold a barrel. I don't think it works in 1.1. There are also a lot of weird stuff with the barrels so there's probably something else too.

// Arne
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Stone » March 16th, 2008, 6:42 am

Arne_the_great wrote:That exact same thing is in PAL 1.1 version for SNES

That should be right, I just noticed that on my PAL a few days ago...
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Qyzbud » March 16th, 2008, 1:51 pm

Funny, just last night I was meaning to post that I had discovered just what you mention here.

So I guess we know exactly which revision of DKC the PAL VC version is. ;)

Anyway, knocking Klump/Krusha out while holding a barrel made sense to me... Not only was Diddy a lot bulkier, but he's holding a lethal weapon! I never thought of this as a glitch or a bug- just a sensible choice of outcome by the programmers.
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Arne_the_great » March 17th, 2008, 12:30 am

Heh, yeah it would make sense but I'm pretty sure it's a glitch. Other examples that people mix up with tricks/secrets is the infamous mapwarp (Orang-utan-gang one) which I'm very sure is a glitch (Ship disappears). The barrel edge boost is probably a glitch too, holding a barrel changes the physics of diddy/donkey and it seems like iceslopes and edges that act like slopes makes you jump toward the slopes angle instead of upwards. Even though it just makes the game more interesting :)
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby Qyzbud » March 17th, 2008, 8:04 am

Well it never seemed like a glitch to me, but you are probably right. :)

The other things you mentioned are almost certainly glitches. Mapwarp definitely is, but I have the barrel edge boost down as a 'trick' on my site because its effect is moreso useful than 'glitchy', although I do believe it qualifies as a glitch/bug.

Heh, I'd better stop this off-topic chatter. :)
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby gamer_boy997 » March 3rd, 2009, 11:08 am

Sorry for bumping this topic, but I played the VC version a LOT, and as you know, I found my old SNES, and since I played the VC version so much, I can probably point out many differences, but first of all, I would like to let you know that the barrel shooting straight up on the VC version did NOT happen to me, so I don't know what's going on with your consoles. Anyways, here's a few differences I caught, (They could be V1-V1.2 however):

1. In Jungle Hijinx, you know those two blue balloons at the end of the level, right? Well, I played the VC version, got into the blast barrel, shot to the left, but I didn't get any extra lives, and I tried this several times. Then, I tried it on the actual SNES version, and I collected the two balloons on my first try. Something tells me they removed the blue balloons.

2. In Orang-utan Gang, there's this pit with 2 kremlings inside, I haven't confirmed this yet, but I could have sworn there were 3 there in the VC version, but maybe I'm just losing my head.

I'll post some more differences as I see them.
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Re: Strange things happening in DKC for Virtual Console...

Postby gamer_boy997 » March 23rd, 2009, 5:07 am

3. In Torchlight Trouble, if you turn around with Squawks in the VC, there isn't a completely white frame like in the original SNES version.

4. In Torchlight Trouble, in the SNES version, there is so much lag, that Squawks's flashlight turns off from time to time.
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