Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

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Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Kiddy14 » April 5th, 2008, 2:33 pm

Well, yeah... today I was playing DKC2 and got to Kannon's Klaim, ok, here I took dixie and threw her to the barrel at the first part, and noticed the sound effect didn't play, I didn't really care, so I switched to Dixie, but the sound effect didn't play, and I continued, there comes the Neeks and the sound effects played correctly, even the killing sound, so I went to the barrel and it played correctly, here, I went to the left and took the banana bunch, but here comes the weird sound, instead of playing the sound it does when getting a banana bunch, it played the sound of a barrel blasting! Then I went back and grab into the hook, and waited for the Kannon to throw the barrel to kill him, and... this one is funny, when he threw the barrel, the sound effect for the barrel blasting played, but it also played the switch Kong sound! XD And it continued like that until I reseted the console. It was really weird. I also went to Jungle Jinx and killed the Klampon, no sound then, I jumped in the tire and then Paused-Selected. then I entered it again, and grabbed the Banana Bunch, but instead of playing... blah blah blah, it played the sound of the Klampon getting killed! It was weird, has this ever happened to you? I remember Blaziken257 said it happened to him once...
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Qyzbud » April 5th, 2008, 3:43 pm

That is really weird. Sounds like something Simion might be able to answer, but my guess is that it's something to do with a sound effect 'buffer' error. Each time the game triggers a sound effect, the previously loaded (but not yet played) sample is triggered. It's quite interesting that the bug continued from level to level... I wonder what caused this. Was the silence when the barrel fired the first strange thing you noticed?

...I'm also wondering why you threw Dixie at the barrel in the first place, but that's beside the point. ;)
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Kiddy14 » April 5th, 2008, 3:52 pm

I just like throwing Kongs on barrels XD

It was the switching Kong sound effect what bugged me, then when it played way far from the time it should, weird thing is it doesn't happens with the sound the kongs make when they get over the other one...

Here's a video with a great example of this, it is actually a speed-run, but it has this bug in action =D

Also, seems reseting fix this, for the time I had this bug playing I completed Gloomy Gulch, and saved for like 2 times, then I reseted it because Windy Well was hard =P and it didn't happen again, it appears to be just random...
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby BlueTronic » April 6th, 2008, 1:24 am

This is what happens when you do the same thing over and over again (Most likely, advancing through a level). The game gets confused and screws up the sound. You have to, a. be doing something long enough before repeating it, and b. Do it enough times
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Qyzbud » April 6th, 2008, 2:19 am

...the game gets confused because you advance through levels? This theory seems ridiculous. Completing levels is the entire point of the game.

Erm, also... you may want to reword your second 'sentence' so that it makes sense, or is at least structured sensibly.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Simion32 » April 6th, 2008, 3:35 am

Qyzbud wrote:Sounds like something Simion might be able to answer, but my guess is that it's something to do with a sound effect 'buffer' error.

Evidently the game gets its buffer messed up; there are certain sound effects that cannot play at the same time, I think it just screws up and has no sound loaded at all. By the time it realizes that it has to play a sound, it loads the incorrect sound effect into the buffer since it still hasn't played the sound it was told to play earlier.

I'm not a sound buffer genius, but I'm very sure that's what happens.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Kiddy14 » April 6th, 2008, 8:27 am

I agree with you Simion, seems to be the best theory =) But there are times when the sound effect doesn't play even if it had time to play it, like in the video, when the Krook at the beginning died, or when grabbing bananas...

Kong-Fu wrote:...You have to, a. be doing something long enough before repeating it, and b. Do it enough times

I don't think so, I just plugged my SNES and I inmediatly played Kannon's Klaim, maybe the game screwed up with the barrel at the beginning and started to do a loop, it lost a sound effect, played it in the incorrect time which lead to another sound effect being delayed, and the same thing happening over and over.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby BlueTronic » April 6th, 2008, 9:48 am

Qyzbud wrote:...the game gets confused because you advance through levels? This theory seems ridiculous. Completing levels is the entire point of the game

No, because you keep doing that over and over again. I don't believe Rare intended you to go through the game and keep doing the exact same thing, lose the game at the exact same part, and keep doing that over and over again.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Qyzbud » April 6th, 2008, 3:57 pm

Hmm, so where was there any mention of such a thing happening? :P ...talaivaneizer didn't say anything of that sort, in fact the opposite was implied (and now, confirmed).

On a side note... I said; "Completing levels is the entire point of the game." ...why did you edit it to say "Completing levels is the entire point of the level"?
Could you please stop editing my wording in your quotes? It's no longer a quote if you do that.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Cody » April 6th, 2008, 4:07 pm

Kong-Fu was banned on the DKU for such behavior, so it's not surprising to see him constantly bother people.

About the glitch on hand, I experienced something of the sort in Donkey Kong Country 3's Fish Food Frenzy. I navigated through the level and collect a Bear Coin just as Nibbla ate a nearby Lurchin (ouch!) only played the sound effect of the Lurchin being eaten. Nibbla soon ate one of the Kocos, and as a result, it played the Bear Coin sound instead.

That happened last week.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Qyzbud » April 6th, 2008, 4:50 pm

I've noticed that sometimes in DKC, sound effects will override instrument samples in the music, but I haven't noticed any delayed playback due to this. Seems as though the poor sample just gets skipped entirely. I guess this is because of limitations in the SNES's SPC700 audio hardware. There are only so many 'voices' available, so some have to be shared due to Rare's compulsion to use everything at their disposal... and then a little more.

Rare use practically everything the hardware can do to get their amazing results... and sometimes I guess they push the poor SNES beyond what it was designed for.

God I love(d) Rareware.
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby BlueTronic » April 7th, 2008, 12:24 am

On a side note... I said; "Completing levels is the entire point of the game." ...why did you edit it to say "Completing levels is the entire point of the level"?
Could you please stop editing my wording in your quotes? It's no longer a quote if you do that.

Err... Sorry about that. I didn't do it on purpose. I didn't even notice, I swear it. Please don't be mad. :cry:
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Kowbrainz » April 7th, 2008, 7:56 pm

Qyzbud wrote:God I love(d) Rareware.

Heeeey! Kameo and Viva Pinata were great games!
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Kiddy14 » April 13th, 2008, 6:37 am

Hey guess what?
It happened to me today again -_-. But it happened a long time ago after I turned on my SNES, I got the bonuses from Web Woods and went to Jungle Jinx to test the other glitch... blah blah blah, then I went again to Crocodile Cauldron and entere Hot-Head Hop, I only had Dixie and I grabbed the treasure, killed the Neak and waited for the Klobber to jump on him and grab the other treasure. Ok, did that, but then both exploded and only 1 sound appeared, then I killed the Klampon, Diddy went out from a DK Barrel and the sound effect played, and it continued like that. Ok, but the last sound effect that didn't play in Hot-Head Bop was the Balloon grabbed one. I entered Lava LAgoon and I killed the Neak, then the sound effect of the balloon played and it went back to normal! Yay! Guess if the game finishes with the sound effect it goes back to normal =)
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Mr.Diddy » August 4th, 2012, 12:18 pm

Speaking of sound effects, once I put Kaptain K Rool in Krow's Nest using sdk2 editor and whenever Kaptain K Rool would do his vacum attack, it would make a noise like Kirby was sucking something up. Weird huh?
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby TheUltimateKoopa » August 4th, 2012, 12:35 pm

Wow, you ARE aware that you bumped a topic that was well over 4 years old, right?
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Re: Delayed Sound Effects Bug?

Postby Blaziken257 » March 3rd, 2015, 5:28 am

I realize that this thread is almost seven years old, but I have things to mention that haven't been mentioned yet.
  • First, I've heard this glitch (which I find VERY annoying, by the way) occur on my SNES cartridge, which is American v1.0. I know it's v1.0 based on things listed here (plus the sticker on the back of the cartridge doesn't have an engraved "A" on it, just two digits).
  • In addition, I have played American v1.1 on an emulator, and have not ever heard it across multiple playthroughs. Considering I always hear the bug at least once on my cartridge per playthrough, I am certain that it was fixed here.
  • Also, I recently downloaded DKC2 on the Wii U Virtual Console, and again, I have not heard it once throughout the entire game. I know that this is v1.1, again due to things mentioned in the thread covering version differences.

Due to all of this, I am certain that as far as American revisions are concerned, it only works in v1.0, and was fixed in v1.1. I have no idea what the situation is for European or Japanese versions, however. I faintly don't recall hearing the glitch in Japanese v1.1, but it's been a while since I played that.
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