CountryFan wrote:Last I checked, Flapper was the one who could barely carry the Kongs, and Quawks is the one who picks up barrels.
Correction: Both of them are Quawks
CountryFan wrote:Last I checked, Flapper was the one who could barely carry the Kongs, and Quawks is the one who picks up barrels.
CatLoverMolly wrote:Six? Only ones I can think of are the smaller (baby?) Squawks with the lantern, regular Squawks, Quawks who can barely carry the Kongs, and Flapper who picks up barrels.
I did have one idea of an orange Squawks that was the exact opposite of Quawks; he'd be constantly rising while carrying the Kongs. I thought he'd probably be good for a Bramble level.
CatLoverMolly wrote:So what do you guys have for the other two?
Tonberry2000 wrote:Maybe he can't stop shooting bombs, so you're constantly having to space yourself?
Phyreburnz wrote:I suggest that the black one spits the bombs that kuchucka throws.
Simion32 wrote:The black squawks can be used in a Castle or Fortress level where you have to spit bombs and/or cannonballs at the walls to break open entrances. Maybe even with some terrain physics (if you break sections in the wrong order you change the path or even get squashed!).
Fowlfire Fortress
Crumbling Cannons
Bomb-Blast Blockhouse - This particular level focuses on enemies rather than terrain blasting.
How are those ideas?
Phyreburnz wrote:Hey, Cat, would there be any way to maybe add a saddle on him? That might be a good way to get around the awkwardness of a Kong riding him.
Simion32 wrote:Sand Stage demo Re-Upload: ... _Stage.mp3
You'll probably have to contact him somehow if you want the pre-compiled audio (sequencing etc).
CatLoverMolly wrote:Whichever you prefer, although I wouldn't say the alternative to 3D is always pixel by pixel; most things can be either made by taking a render off Google and crunching (indexing) it's colors down to 16 for SNES-accuracy, editing existing sprites from the original three games, or both. Of course some things can indeed be made to look pretty good with pixel by pixel editing, but I find that to be a pain so I stick to editing.
By the way, here's a quick edit I did of Kongalahari; I indexed the whole image (it's not even close to SNES accuracy but it's still better than RGB mode) and added an entrance to the Necky Sphinx.Spoiler!
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