sonosublime wrote:How exactly does Diddy not look "round enough" and Cranky look "terrifying"? It's good that you're trying to provide constructive criticism, but you need to articulate better.
His snout looks a bit flat, and his hands are also flat. I think he should try modeling around the newer models at least, but its just my opinion. It feels his snout should look more like

And again, I think Cranky should be reworked. He just seems off to me, the beard mainly. Realism can be important, but his beard should be more attached to itself. As for the rest of him, I just can't put my finger on it. Again like Diddy, I think he should look more like

Aside from that, DK looks good enough to be considered looking like Nintendo made it, and I'll say it right now. King K. Rool?

Jesus Christ the guy looks perfect! So, I don't mean to sound rude, but I feel Diddy and Cranky should be reworked a bit. And also, I noticed an error during the DK seeing the bananas and entering the hoard. His right leg bends the wrong way. Aside from that, Animations pretty good! I'd just refine some rough bits here and there to make it all look more natural. Anyways, again, I don't mean to sound rude, but I'm a HUGE DK fan, and I'd love seeing it all go right, so I kinda nitpick when I see something like this! It's
very good, but I'd just refine the models, touch up on that animation mistake, and you'd be pretty good! Thanks for reading!