Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (BETA UPDATE RELEASED)

Postby Cyclone » November 15th, 2015, 5:18 am

Nice. Just one comment. Why is Dixie's head always pointed up?
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (BETA UPDATE RELEASED)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » November 16th, 2015, 4:11 pm

Well Cyclone she is probably looking up at the sky because she is asking God to please give the Project a chance. Unfortunately due to time constraints the game will not be finished in time for November 20. Just like my vacation the past 4 weeks has suffered the fate of cancleation, Diddys Kong Quest 3D is officially cancled. Im not happy about almost a year of work is now over But I am working too much and im affraid the Project is dead. :'( im sorry and very upset about all of this. Thank you for helping me. :(
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT CANCLED)

Postby sonosublime » November 16th, 2015, 5:14 pm

Cancelled just when things were starting to take shape? You don't have to cancel it just because you won't meet the deadline of the 20th birthday, you know.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT CANCLED)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » November 16th, 2015, 5:32 pm

I do realize that i dont technically HAVE to cancel, but the whole reason I started this project was for the 20th. Anniversary of DKC2. to finish it later would be like celebrating Christmas on January 15. Nobody wants to do that. Its very discouraging and its not even my fault I can't make the date. I have been working 6-7 days a week 70 hour work weeks and when I do get a day off I'm so tired I sleep the whole day.. and now I had one last chance to get the game finished and they cancelled my vacation again for the 4.th week in a row. I really wanted to hit that date it was important to me.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT CANCLLED)

Postby spaceman2028 » November 17th, 2015, 5:20 am

Well you can always shoot for the 21st. :D

But anyways, i'm sorry to hear that. It doesn't nessecarilly mean you have to cancel the game though, you can still release it even if it's not for the 20th anniversary for the game.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT CANCELLED

Postby Qyzbud » November 17th, 2015, 3:46 pm

I'm sad to hear you're feeling so discouraged. :(

I get that it might be feeling impossible to complete your project in time for the anniversary, and that must be really disappointing, but thankfully DKC2 is an evergreen title that will always be loved and appreciated here, so it's never a bad time to release a tribute to the game. Besides, there's something to be said about belated celebrations; often it's great to have an extra homage appear a bit later, when there's more time and opportunity to appreciate it without all the other anniversary distractions.

Just my two cents*. :)

*which are admittedly only worth around 1.4 US cents at the time of this reply
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED 11/26/2015

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » November 30th, 2015, 6:37 pm

I have decided to continue my project and the new release date will be sometime this December, although I can't give an exact date I can tell you that it will get done. Watch the video to see a nearly 95% complete Seaside Siege! There are a few secrets exposed in this video so pay attention! The only thing left to do for this stage is place a few hidden items such as DK coins and add my fabulous fireworks explosion that I have not created yet to the goal barrel when you break it! I will also rework Dixie's idle animation as it seems to bother a lot of people how she stares at the sky. :) it's a simple fix but thanks everyone who encouraged me to keep working on the project, your words meant a lot! stay tuned for more updates!
Image Image Image Image

Click the spoiler button to see how Krow's animations are coming along!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Cyclone » December 3rd, 2015, 5:50 am

Glad to see you are still working on it.

Ha nice, sqwawks farts...
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby MatiZ » December 15th, 2015, 9:34 pm

Vinny played your game at 1:34:34: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Jw9_T6T9hzk
He said that it's a good concept to see this game in 3D.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 16th, 2015, 4:48 pm

Yeah he said a lot of stuff. I didn't like his video too much. He was under the false impression he was playing a finished product, which ended up making fun of the game through most of the video.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 18th, 2015, 5:01 pm

Some "let's play videos of the beta. Interesting feedback.

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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 19th, 2015, 9:18 am

The blast from the past bonus level mock ups so far for the game! That's right the bonus levels will be classic 2D remakes! They will feature the "Bash the Baddies" "Find the Coin" and "Grab the Star" themes! the ones featured in this video are Pirate Panic, Burning Brambles and Lockjaw's Locker!

These will be the levels you play when entering a bonus barrel in the 3D levels to earn Kremkoins. They will also be available to play in consecutive order as an extra feature from the main menu
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby sonosublime » December 19th, 2015, 3:42 pm

Holy crap, I have to say that pirate panic looks amazing. The bramble and underwater levels have some serious clipping issues, but as a whole, it looks really good. Much better looking gameplay then the 3D levels at the moment, though I understand the 3D levels are still very early alpha?

This was all made with Game Maker Pro? It's really improved since I was using it.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 20th, 2015, 3:55 am

Here is another bonus level idea for Kremland. If I go forward with this one it will have tons of debris flying through the level from the theme park that you will have to dodge such as burning Farris wheels and things like that. I don't really like the look of this one though so I may scrap the idea. Remember that these will only be bonus levels and not the meat and potatoes of the main game.

sonosublime, thanks for your feedback and no the 3D levels are near complete. Did you see the latest version of Crocodile Cauldron video I posted earlier? Also, for the most part everything was done in GM.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » December 24th, 2015, 5:58 pm

Here is a video playthrough of the first level of the game. The game crashes towards the end of the level but I figured out that this is only because the video recording software was hogging up all the video memory of my laptop at the time. (the video is pretty long) however when running the game without any recording software this issue doesn't occur. I just wanted folks to get a glimpse at what to expect from the games levels.

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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (PROJECT DELAYED DECEMBER 2015)

Postby Simion32 » December 25th, 2015, 7:22 pm

There's a trigger problem with the DK coin. You need it to only trigger the collection sound/counter one time.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby OneOf99 » January 3rd, 2016, 3:34 am

Ah... this will be a long process. According to Windows 8, you sir are a virus inducer :lol: The problem is that every time it tries to load the game, it either crashes or gets shut down automatically by my computer... :dixiecry:
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » January 3rd, 2016, 4:44 am

Try right clicking on the DKQ3D file and then run in compatibility mode for Windows 7. Let me know if this works for you.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » January 4th, 2016, 8:58 pm

This is DKQ3D Episode 1 with minor bugs fixed on Map screen . It has 6 main levels, 4 classic bonus levels and 2 bosses! Enjoy!
Arrow keys = Move
Spacebar = Jump
D key = Change into Diddy
X key = Change into Dixie
V key = Helicopter Spin
1 key = Zoom camera out
2 key = zoom camera in

The 6 main 3D levels are:

Seaside Siege (Remake of GBA DKC2 Beach intro scene and tutorial stage for the game)
Gangplank Galleon
Crocodile Cauldron
Kannon's Klaim
Mudhole Marsh
Hornet Hole

The 4 Blast From the Past bonus stages are:
Jungle Hijinx
Pirate Panic
Hot Head Hop
Fiery Forest

The 2 bosses are:
King Zing

Note to player: Remember to visit Cranky after every level to see what kind of help he can provide the Kongs (or not provide) He is the life of the game! DOWNLOAD HERE ------->
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby vege » January 5th, 2016, 6:40 am

I am downloading it. I can't wait !
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby spaceman2028 » January 5th, 2016, 10:30 am

I think that for the firey forest level, instead of having a fire effect coming up from the bottom of the screen, there should be an overlay of the sourrounding fire effect from the Coco space levels in Crash Bandicoot 2: N.Tranced. Just my opinion.

As for the game itself, that's very good news! But i'm concerned that the game is unfinished at this point in time and has no hazards/enemies to worry about and no way to take damage.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » January 5th, 2016, 10:53 am

spaceman2028 wrote:I think that for the firey forest level, instead of having a fire effect coming up from the bottom of the screen, there should be an overlay of the sourrounding fire effect from the Coco space levels in Crash Bandicoot 2: N.Tranced. Just my opinion.

As for the game itself, that's very good news! But i'm concerned that the game is unfinished at this point in time and has no hazards/enemies to worry about and no way to take damage.

Are you basing this concern on the videos? Did you download the game? These videos were made as I was making the game to show the ideas/concepts. For example: the fire effect in Fiery Forest was changed after that video was made. The current release has a fire effect that scrolls correctly with the level as in it's not just a screen overlay. Another example is the lava in the expresso bonus level is animated and flowing in the final game. All enemies have collisions and there are many hazards in the game. In other words you can die, game over ect... This is not the beta, this is the final release (there will be revisions to address bugs but this is FINAL)
You most likely WILL encounter bugs, but I'm counting on the players to address those so I can do proper revisions because not everyone will find the same bugs (different system specs, different bugs) so this is helpful. But the full Episode 1 game is here you can play from beginning to end. Anyway just download it and give it a try, I'm sure you will find something you like about it!
vege wrote:I am downloading it. I can't wait !

It was a lot of work, I hope you like it!
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Simion32 » January 5th, 2016, 7:48 pm

1GB is a bit much for users to download; please consider improving on the download filesize for your next fangame.

Oh, and the RAR you uploaded it in was ***250MB larger*** than the extracted contents!! :shock: (Also pay attention to compression modes when RARing/ZIPing/7ZIPing!!)

Below 300MB is a good enough limit I'd say. :bleak:
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby vege » January 6th, 2016, 1:55 pm

Hi, Jeffrey. I am playing the game, and i like many things in dk Q3d.
First off, i will say my problems and suggestions about it.

1-This error message appears when i complete the first stage:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object goal_barrel:

Trying to get texture from non-existing background.

I am using windows 7. Then, after several attempts, i finish the first stage without error message but when i enter to the house of Cranky i cannot to exit from there (the escape key has another function), so i lost my progress in the game, i think the game needs a menu with the option "to go world map".

2-While i am using to dixie into of the first bonus, the previous "stage" (the beach) continues with music, maybe that is causing problems.

3-Usually, when Diddy uses his boombox, it appears this:
action number 1
of Draw Event
for object diddy_outro:

Error in code at line 8:
at position 18: Unknown variable import

-> The game crashes.


I like the colors of the beach, it looks nice (photo 3), i am curious about Donkey Kong on the beach.

The first level is not dangerous, it is very easy! Maybe if the kremlings walk on the bananas could be better. To use higher density of enemies could work.
It needs "invisible walls" because it looks a bit rare when the kongs/animals are close to walls/limits (to see photo 2).

In my opinion, the main menu would look better with golden letters a la "dkq 3d world map".
Your backgrounds are fantastic, i like a lot the pictures. I admire your work on them.

You choose good music, this help to create a right ambience for each stage.

I like the spin of Dixie, Diddy needs work.

It is a good game, you need to polish it and then, it will be a fantastic game. :thumbs:
DKQ3D 2016-01-05 23-50-48-59.jpg
DKQ3D 2016-01-05 23-50-48-59.jpg (71.18 KiB) Viewed 119941 times
W1 2016-01-05 23-52-31-48.jpg
W1 2016-01-05 23-52-31-48.jpg (39.33 KiB) Viewed 119941 times
W1 2016-01-05 23-51-48-27.jpg
W1 2016-01-05 23-51-48-27.jpg (46.32 KiB) Viewed 119941 times
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » January 6th, 2016, 6:53 pm

Wow I never thought about the exiting Crankys area confusing people. You are supposed to click on the door to go back to the main map. Maybe I should place an icon there? (thank you)
As for the difficulty of the first world, it's kind of supposed to be just a training area for you to get a feel for the controls.
As for the import object error, this is game related and I am looking into what may be causing the issue. Once I find the glitch I will upload a patch/fix for the issue.
Thank you for your feedback!

PS: If I include an icon on Crankys door what should it be? just an Exit sign maybe?
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby PigmaskColonel » January 10th, 2016, 5:12 am

So, are you going to work on both Diddy's Kong Quest 3D and DKC2 Arrangement at the same time...?
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » January 10th, 2016, 6:50 am

no. I will start Episode 2 in Unity after I finish DKC2A
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby vege » January 14th, 2016, 7:39 am

Yes, i think an icon in that place would be great.
I hope for that patch/fix because to play without errors is a better experience to enjoy the game. :)

It is a good new! I believe that Unity will show the full potential of your game because the engine apparently is designed for 3d, and your animations look fluid, so it will work perfect.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby LittleBuddy » January 23rd, 2016, 11:31 am

Yeah there are quite a number of bugs, some of which are pretty funny. Had you given the player more access to lives it'd be great.
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Re: Diddy's Kong Quest 3D (GAME RELEASED!!!!!!!)

Postby Jeffrey_Bones » January 26th, 2016, 11:37 am

I don't mean to nitpick but his PC is a slower system and many of the bugs and crashes he encountered were due to poor PC performance not the game. That being said there are still a ton of other bugs in the game so it really doesn't matter
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